Tarquin Cox |
So I've been looking into the Item Mastery feats some, and after I noticed the Con casting aspect my immediate thought was: Barbarian. Or bloodrager, of course. However, even though going from 3.5 to Pathfinder did strip some important phrasing out of rage in regards to using magic item command words (aka they are legal to use during rage in Pathfinder), there's still the matter of rage/bloodrage forbidding "any ability that requires patience or concentration" while in use.
Given that the Item Mastery feats say that activation is "similar to activating a command word item, though you do not need to speak" and doesn't provoke an AoO, yet also says that using one "requires you to assault the existing magic of the item through your force of will and channel the item’s inherent magic through your own body", it felt unclear if you can use them during a rage. "Force of will" suggests concentration or patience...yet it's also a standard action and is equivalent to activating a command word item. I got a bit lost in RAI vs RAW here, so I was hoping for some clarification.

Derklord |

Nothing in the text is a clear indication to me that rage prevents the use of these feats.... However, UMD is a pq for them, and UMD is verboten by rage, so I would not be surprised if a GM ruled they cannot be used.
If anything, I'd expect GMs to ban it based on the "All effects created by item mastery feats act as spell-like abilities" line. However, the rules also say "Using an item mastery feat is a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, similar to activating a command word item, though you do not need to speak to use the feat." Since you can activate command word items while raging, using Item Mastery feats, which is easier, is surely possible!