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No such rule. You can take levels in any class you qualify for.
Not sure why you would want to take that particular combination, but there are plenty of builds (theorycrafted and ones that I have actually seen) where a player dips a level or two of one Prestige Class, then takes another Prestige Class for multiple levels.

JDawg75 |

No such rule. You can take levels in any class you qualify for.
Not sure why you would want to take that particular combination, but there are plenty of builds (theorycrafted and ones that I have actually seen) where a player dips a level or two of one Prestige Class, then takes another Prestige Class for multiple levels.
The only reason I can think of why you can't would be because they grant different HP's on level up. Maybe you average them? Otherwise take the most beneficial BAB/Save combination?

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Oh, you want to get the benefits of both classes each time you level?
No, you can’t do that.
Each time you gain a level you choose ONE class (base or prestige) to level up. Get all the benefits a new level of that class grants (HP, skill ranks; etc.) You get nothing from any other classes you have.

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Heather 540 wrote:All classes get different exps when leveling up. Why would a PrC be any different? Are you talking about gestalt?In case of gestalt, yes you can get two prestige classes.
I vaguely recall a rule on gestalt that you can't take two prestige classes when leveling up, essentially they take both slots.

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Temperans wrote:I vaguely recall a rule on gestalt that you can't take two prestige classes when leveling up, essentially they take both slots.Heather 540 wrote:All classes get different exps when leveling up. Why would a PrC be any different? Are you talking about gestalt?In case of gestalt, yes you can get two prestige classes.
Gestalt rules were an optional system for 3.5 that never made it directly into Pathfinder, so this is really a homebrew/ask your GM tangent. Especially since the 3.5 Unearthed Arcana gestalt prestige class description was basically "GM should make up prestige classes and decide if they are so powerful they count as one or both gestalt slots."
First, you can create narrowly specialized prestige classes, and they’ll still be compelling choices for PCs because the characters can simultaneously advance in a regular class while taking levels in the prestige class...Second, you can create truly outrageous prestige classes-but add the additional cost that such classes take up both class choices for gestalt characters.
That's probably what you're remembering, Senko.
The closest Pathfinder had to Paizo-published Gestalt rules was Variant Multiclassing rules in Unchained. There were no rules for VMC prestige classes.

Mysterious Stranger |

A gestalt character can’t combine two prestige classes at any level, although it’s okay to combine a prestige class and a regular class. Prestige classes that are essentially class combinations-such as the arcane trickster, mystic theurge, and eldritch knight-should be prohibited if you’re using gestalt classes, because they unduly complicate the game balance of what’s already a high-powered variant. Because it’s possible for gestalt characters to qualify for prestige classes earlier than normal, the game master is entirely justified in toughening the prerequisites of a prestige class so it’s available only after 5th level, even for gestalt characters.
According to the link @Belafon provided you cannot combine two prestige classes at any level, and prestige classes that are essentially class combinations are also prohibited.

Dragonchess Player |

No such rule. You can take levels in any class you qualify for.
Not sure why you would want to take that particular combination, but there are plenty of builds (theorycrafted and ones that I have actually seen) where a player dips a level or two of one Prestige Class, then takes another Prestige Class for multiple levels.
Correct. There is no RAW restriction on the number of prestige classes a character can take levels in or a requirement to "finish" progression in one prestige class before starting another. GMs may impose house-rules, however.
There are several combinations where a "dip" in a prestige class may be desirable from a character concept or mechanics perspective: arcane archer and arcane trickster, arcane archer and eldritch knight, or dragon disciple and eldritch knight, etc. Arcane archer is a bit of a dip magnet, IMO, because after Imbue Arrow at 2nd there isn't much that's worth taking many more levels. Dragon disciple is a bit better, but after the first four levels starts hitting diminishing returns in both combat and spellcasting effectiveness. Some examples:
1) Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/wizard (either Evocation/Admixture or Air/Smoke school)* 4/arcane trickster 6/arcane archer 2/arcane trickster +4/arcane archer +1/wizard +2; Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot are useful for a ranged touch blaster, so the only real "feat tax" for arcane archer is proficiency (which might be provided by a racial trait) and Weapon Focus in longbow or shortbow; BAB +12, Sneak Attack +7d6 (or higher), and spells as a wizard 18
2) Two good to very effective archer/caster switch hitters are ganzi (Weaponplay oddity) arcanist (blood arcanist; probably Orc bloodline for the +1 per die on any damaging spell and the School Understanding exploit with Evocation/Admixture) 6/eldritch knight 3/arcane archer 3/eldritch knight +7/arcane archer +1 (BAB +17 and spells as an arcanist 18) or [cavalier, fighter, or ranger]** 1/wizard (archetype and/or school as desired) 6/eldritch knight 2/arcane archer 3/eldritch knight +8 (BAB +17 and spells as a wizard 17)
3) A melee-combatant/caster switch hitter could go several routes, but one possibility (focusing on Str) is barbarian 2***/skald (spell warrior) 1/wizard (Transmutation/Shapechange is a thematic choice) 2/dragon disciple (advance wizard spellcasting) 4/eldritch knight 10/wizard +1; start with 13 Cha and take Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal) and, after gaining a +2 Cha item, Improved Eldritch Heritage (Strength of the Abyss) to add scaling inherent Str bonuses (up to +6) on top of the +4 Str from dragon disciple and the +4 from rage; BAB +16, spells as a wizard 15 (and skald 1), and the Enhance Weapons weapon song
*- Evocation/Admixture to switch energy types of Reach shocking grasp, scorching ray, etc. or Air/Smoke to see through obscuring mist (one of the most consistent ways to gain sneak attacks at range before greater invisibility is to hide within obscuring mist while targeting opponents outside it; a sylph with Cloud Gazer or any character wearing a goz mask can also work); take the Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat at 3rd or 5th character level
**- depending on whether the character wants to emphasize mounted archery (emissary cavalier), a bonus feat, or have some extra skills/Favored Enemy (or Ranger's Focus from the guide archetype)/ability to use wands or ranger spells without UMD
***- to pick up a rage power and qualify for the Extra Rage Power feat; at some point, the Moment of Clarity rage power will likely be useful to cast a spell without ending a rage

Dragonchess Player |

For gestalt, the 3.x rules prohibit taking two prestige classes at a given level advancement. However, you can alternate or sequence which prestige class is taken on particular level advancements as long as it's combined with a base class. Examples of gestalt combinations, in particular:
Alchemist (clone master) 14/master chymist 6//bloodrager (primalist) 16/dragon disciple 4 - stacking Str and a dragon theme, plus "I'll be back..."
Alc 1//Bld 1- Bloodline (Draconic/[any]); Power Attack; FCB +1 round bloodrage
Alc 2//Bld 2- Discovery (Feral Mutagen); FCB +1 round bloodrage
Alc 3//Bld 3- Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal); FCB +1 round bloodrage
Alc 4//Bld 4- Discovery (? [probably bomb-related]); FCB +1 formula
Alc 5//Bld 5- Martial Focus (? [probably Heavy Blades]); FCB +1 formula
Alc 6//DD 1- Discovery (Wings); FCB +1 formula
Alc 7//DD 2- Bloodline Feat (Toughness); Cut from the Air; FCB +1 formula
Alc 8//DD 3- Discovery (Alchemical Simulacrum); FCB +1 formula
Alc 9//DD 4- Extra Discovery (Fast Bombs); FCB +1 formula
Alc 10//Bld 6- Discovery (Doppelganger Simulacrum), Bloodline Feat (Skill Focus [Fly]); FCB +1 formula
MC 1//Bld 7- Improved Eldritch Heritage (Strength of the Abyss); FCB +1 round bloodrage
MC 2//Bld 8- Advanced Mutagen (Greater Mutagen), Primal Choices (? [possibly Energy Resistance and Lesser Elemental Rage or Intimidating Glare and Terrifying Howl]); FCB +1 round bloodrage
Alc 11//Bld 9- Bloodline Feat (Cleave); Furious Focus; FCB +1 formula
Alc 12//Bld 10- Discovery (?); FCB +1 formula
MC 3//Bld 11- Smash from the Air; FCB +1 round bloodrage
MC 4//Bld 12- Advanced Mutagen (Draconic Mutagen), Bloodline Feat (Improved Initiative), Primal Choices (?); FCB +1 round bloodrage
MC 5//Bld 13- Dreadful Carnage; FCB +1 round bloodrage
MC 6//Bld 14- Advanced Mutagen (Growth Mutagen); FCB +1 round bloodrage
Alc 13//Bld 15- Bloodline Feat (Blind-Fight); Combat Reflexes; +1 formula
Alc 14//Bld 16- Discovery (?); +1 formula

Azothath |
yes, when you level up you choose 1 class to gain a level in. There is no going up (gaining a level) in multiple classes at once.
Gestalt is optional and comes with its own rules.
aside from that as mentioned some classes grant some abilities from previous classes (like getting more spell levels).
The problem with Prestige levels is (not) advancing class abilities from older classes, like a bonded object or familiar.

Temperans |
Those are the 3.5 rules that also had much weaker classes as a general rule.
In PF1 that rule doesn't really make sense because of how strong the normal classes are. Not to mention that the basic rule for gestalt is: take 1 level in two classes and use the stats of the strongest class. Which is why Martial/Caster gestalt ends up being the best. So why would prestige classes be more restricted when you can grab Witch and Vigilante and end up with a much stronger character than say Ritualist and Dragon Disciple?

AwesomenessDog |

For all the fun that gestalt is, I think the OP may have actually been misinterpreting how PRC's were supposed to work without understanding how standard multiclassing works: i.e. when you "unlock a PRC, every level advances your original class and the PRC at the same time, sort of like an unlocked gestalt."
Obviously this is not the case, but since the OP's original comment seems to have been deleted, I can't think of any other interpretation that would exist for that much of a misunderstanding that wouldn't involve gestalt at least in mention.

Temperans |
Hmm PRC unlocking gestalt sounds like an awesome idea for a campaign.
You do a couple of levels using NPC classes. Then 6 levels using player classes. Finally end it with everyone taking a prestige class and going full gestalt. That would make it a lot like RPGs were characters unlock their "2nd class".

OmniMage |
Kinda hard to answer the questions when the original post was deleted.
Gestalt rules dictate that you may only take a level in 1 prestige class at a time, so, for instance, you couldn't take a level in arcane archer and arcane trickster at the same time. However, the gestalt rules did mention you could take a prestige class that used both level slots, and gain powers and abilities to match. Unfortunately, the rules never gave examples for dual slot prestige classes, so this would be home brew territory.
An alternative is to ask the GM to make a house rule that allows you to take 2 prestige classes per level.

JDawg75 |

For all the fun that gestalt is, I think the OP may have actually been misinterpreting how PRC's were supposed to work without understanding how standard multiclassing works: i.e. when you "unlock a PRC, every level advances your original class and the PRC at the same time, sort of like an unlocked gestalt."
Obviously this is not the case, but since the OP's original comment seems to have been deleted, I can't think of any other interpretation that would exist for that much of a misunderstanding that wouldn't involve gestalt at least in mention.
Sorry about the deleted post, that was a mistake. My intent was to see if I could advance two PrC's simultaneously each level (similar to taking two or more archetypes for a particular class), which you guys addressed, and which was the conclusion I came to as well.