Hidden in a tree

Rules Discussion

Hello, is it possible for a character to hide (obtain the hidden condition) in a (awakened) tree / arboreal after climbing on it ?

Woodland Elf :


You're adapted to life in the forest or the deep jungle, and you know how to climb trees and use foliage to your advantage. When Climbing trees, vines, and other foliage, you move at half your Speed on a success and at full Speed on a critical success (and you move at full Speed on a success if you have Quick Climb). This doesn't affect you if you're using a climb Speed.

You can always use the Take Cover action when you are within forest terrain to gain cover, even if you're not next to an obstacle you can Take Cover behind.

Take Cover :

You press yourself against a wall or duck behind an obstacle to take better advantage of cover. If you would have standard cover, you instead gain greater cover, which provides a +4 circumstance bonus to AC; to Reflex saves against area effects; and to Stealth checks to Hide, Sneak, or otherwise avoid detection. Otherwise, you gain the benefits of standard cover (a +2 circumstance bonus instead). This lasts until you move from your current space, use an attack action, become unconscious, or end this effect as a free action.

Is it a standard cover ?

Forest Stealth (5) (Expert in Stealth)

You are skilled at quickly hiding behind bits of underbrush or foliage. You Take Cover and then use that cover to Hide.

Does it mean that a character takes cover and hide in a single action ?

A leshy familiar can have a plant form ability and changes in a tiny tree. Is it possible to enlarge a leshy familiar changed in a tree ?

Is it possible to become hidden with a bush/tree from a feather token ?

With summon plant or fungus, the creatures has often a fire weakness. Is it possible something to protect against fire ?
Drenching mist ?

Worwitch :

You don't take circumstance penalties to ranged spell attacks or Perception checks caused by foliage, and your targeted attacks don't require a flat check to succeed against a target concealed only by such vegetation.

What are the penalties caused by such vegetation ?

Smokesoul :

Smoke Blending (sylph) Trigger A creature attempts a flat check to target you because you're concealed or hidden due to fog, haze, mist, or smoke; Effect You shroud yourself in smoke, making it harder for your foe to hit you. If you're concealed, the DC of the flat check increases from 5 to 7; if you're hidden, it increases from 11 to 13.

An ennemy that targets a character hidden in a tree surrounded by fog use a DC of the flat check equal to 13 ?

Thanks for your future answer.

Horizon Hunters

2 people marked this as a favorite.

1. You can't typically share a space with another creature, but it's is all up to the GM on how much cover you get from foilage.

2. If you use Enlarge on something that is already under a Polymorph effect, it will attempt to counteract it. Basically you can't stack Polymorph effects.

3. Yes, the bush provides Cover, and that's one of the qualifications to the Hide action.

4. Summoned creatures can be affected by spells like any normal creature, so you could cast Resist Energy if you want. Drenching Mist only attempts to counteract an ongoing spell when you cast Obscuring Mist (For example, a Wall of Fire is an ongoing Fire spell).

5. Those penalties are up to the GM, but you get to ignore them.

6. Yes, if you have to make a roll that is affected by multiple flat checks, you use the highest. So the fact you're concealed by foliage is irrelevant since there's fog around.

I would also like to point out that Obscuring Mist does not move, so if your plan is to ride a treant covered in mist while shooting spells at people, it's not a good plan. Just cast Obscuring Mist on the ground and take the whole minion aspect out of it the picture. Having a Holly Bush + Mist is good enough to Hide and Take Cover in.

Otherwise you have to rely on:
Awakening a Treant
Hoping that Awakened Treant will allow you to ride it
Hoping they will go into battle with you
Hoping the GM will be cool with you riding a non-mount non-minion creature
Casting a spell that obscures the Treant's vision and asking said melee based creature to just stand there while you cast more spells.

Hello, is it possible for a character to hide (obtain the hidden condition) in a (awakened) tree / arboreal after climbing on it ?

If you have cover, you can take cover to increase it.

For Woodland Elf, I wouldn't consider their Arboreal creature by itself to be forest terrain. So if they were in a plains, taking cover wouldn't work. But if they were already in a forest, I wouldn't make being mounted on their Arboreal prevent it either.

Forest Stealth

Yes, For any complex action that lists an action cost - such as Forest Stealth - you spend the action cost and then do everything that the complex action says that you can. In this case, take cover and hide.

A leshy familiar can have a plant form ability and changes in a tiny tree. Is it possible to enlarge a leshy familiar changed in a tree ?

I don't see why not.

Is it possible to become hidden with a bush/tree from a feather token ?

As long as it provides cover or concealment, then you can hide in it.

With summon plant or fungus, the creatures has often a fire weakness. Is it possible something to protect against fire ?

Anything that provides resistance to fire should take effect. It won't remove the fire weakness, but it will reduce the final amount of fire damage taken. So Resist Energy should work.


I don't think we actually know. I vaguely remember that being one of the complaints about this feat.


Flat Checks: If you would be subject to making two or more flat checks for doing the same thing, you only do the highest one. So yes, you would use the higher check DC for the fog increased by Smokesoul.

Horizon Hunters

breithauptclan wrote:

A leshy familiar can have a plant form ability and changes in a tiny tree. Is it possible to enlarge a leshy familiar changed in a tree ?

I don't see why not.

plant form wrote:
Your plant familiar can change shape as a single action, transforming into a Tiny plant of a type roughly similar to the familiar's nature. This otherwise uses the effects of tree shape. You must have a familiar with the plant trait, such as a leshy, to select this ability.

Tree Shape has the Polymorph trait.

Polymorph Trait wrote:
If it comes under the effect of a second polymorph effect, the second polymorph effect attempts to counteract the first. If it succeeds, it takes effect, and if it fails, the spell has no effect on that target.

So no, it can not be Enlarged and under the effects of Plant Form at the same time. Unless you are somehow suggesting that Plant Form is a non-magical non-polymorph effect?

Cordell Kintner wrote:
Unless you are somehow suggesting that Plant Form is a non-magical non-polymorph effect?

Nope. Just didn't catch that detail.

worwitch -> wortwitch

1. You can't typically share a space with another creature, but it's is all up to the GM on how much cover you get from foilage.
4. Summoned creatures can be affected by spells like any normal creature, so you could cast Resist Energy if you want. Drenching Mist only attempts to counteract an ongoing spell when you cast Obscuring Mist (For example, a Wall of Fire is an ongoing Fire spell).

If the arboreal comes from a summon plant or fungus spell, it's a minion.

Does the Ride feat need to be on an arboreal ?

If a character is on a tree, and summon a regent arboreal, and the regent arboreal awaken the three which climbed the character, what happens ? Does he/she have Ride feat to be still on the awakened treee ?

Quench :


Choose one magical fire, fire spell, or fire item in the area and attempt to counteract it. If you succeed against an item, the item loses its fire properties for 10 minutes (for instance, a +1 flaming longsword would become a +1 longsword). If the target is an artifact or similarly powerful item, you automatically fail to counteract it.

The first time each round you Sustain this Spell, you can move the area of vapor anywhere within range, but the only effect when you do so is to automatically extinguish non-magical fires.

If you have the Counterspell reaction, you can use quench to counter any spell with the fire trait instead of needing to have the triggering fire spell prepared or in your repertoire.

A character that casts a quench spell, can he counteract magical fire, fire spell or fire item each that he sustained the spell ?

Wand of choking mist :

Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day, plus overcharge; Effect You cast the wand's spell, but the mist prevents creatures from being able to breathe in its area. They must hold their breath or start suffocating.

Can an arboreal suffocate ?

A familiar leshy can have the purify air ability.

Purify Air Your familiar recycles air, providing enough oxygen for a Medium creature in areas with stale air, such as a sealed chamber or extradimensional space.

So a Medium character and its familiar doesn't suffocate, is it right ?

Riding Animal Companions, the Mount action, and Mounted Combat rules in the gamemastery guide all indicate that the Mount ability is not needed in order to mount and ride another creature.

If the creature that you are riding is also sentient, then you should follow the rule about both mount and rider spending an action keeping the mount relationship going.

If the creature that you are riding is a minion, then that is probably not necessary.

Quench wrote:
The first time each round you Sustain this Spell, you can move the area of vapor anywhere within range, but the only effect when you do so is to automatically extinguish non-magical fires.

I would interpret this to mean that you only get the counteract effect when you first cast the spell - not every time that it is sustained.

Can an arboreal suffocate ?

It doesn't say that they can't. So I would normally rule that they can.

Leshy Purify Air ability

That is a tough call to make. I think each GM and party should make an individual ruling on that one.

It seems very powerful for a familiar ability to be able to completely negate the effects of magic. But that familiar ability is almost useless without some interactions like this - suffocating from stale air is not something that commonly comes up.

So I would probably allow it personally, and if it seems like it is too powerful when it works automatically, have the ability make a counteract check against the wand effect.

can the Summon plant or fungus innate spell heighten from fey influence feat ?

Waldham wrote:
can the Summon plant or fungus innate spell heighten from fey influence feat ?



Innate Spells

You also can't heighten innate spells, but some abilities that grant innate spells might give you the spell at a higher level than its base level or change the level at which you cast the spell.

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