Product Wish List: 3d Printing Support

Paizo General Discussion

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So, I know this may be outside of the scope of what Paizo is planning and probably runs afoul of their agreement with Wizkids, so what I'm suggesting may not be possible. I'm not even sure if the demand is out there, given the relatively small portion of people currently 3d printing.

With that being said....dear God, I would pay through the nose for quality stl files of monsters from the various bestiaries, alien archives, and adventure paths. I must admit, I've gotten spoiled by my Patreon membership to MZ4250, but there are some monsters that Pathfinder has where there is no good D&D equivalent. Starfinder is even deeper in the weeds. Especially with the cancellation of the pawns line, it feels like the only options left are to use poorly matching proxies for miniatures, especially for Starfinder, or play roulette with painted minis.

Resin 3d printing is getting cheaper and cheaper. Basic 2k resin printers are under $150, well within the reach of most GMs. For Paizo, the beautiful thing is the files are strictly a digital good. No need to worry about shipping or distribution, no production related kerfuffles, and the marginal cost of the product gets ever lower for everyone that buys them.

So, Paizo, if you're listening, please consider adding digital file support. I pay about $40/month for patreons, trying to proxy Pathfinder and Starfinder, and I'd be happy to pay that to Paizo instead if it would be possible to get exact models instead of proxies.

Anybody else in the same boat?

Director of Marketing

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NerdOver9000 wrote:

So, I know this may be outside of the scope of what Paizo is planning and probably runs afoul of their agreement with Wizkids, so what I'm suggesting may not be possible. I'm not even sure if the demand is out there, given the relatively small portion of people currently 3d printing.

With that being said....dear God, I would pay through the nose for quality stl files of monsters from the various bestiaries, alien archives, and adventure paths. I must admit, I've gotten spoiled by my Patreon membership to MZ4250, but there are some monsters that Pathfinder has where there is no good D&D equivalent. Starfinder is even deeper in the weeds. Especially with the cancellation of the pawns line, it feels like the only options left are to use poorly matching proxies for miniatures, especially for Starfinder, or play roulette with painted minis.

Resin 3d printing is getting cheaper and cheaper. Basic 2k resin printers are under $150, well within the reach of most GMs. For Paizo, the beautiful thing is the files are strictly a digital good. No need to worry about shipping or distribution, no production related kerfuffles, and the marginal cost of the product gets ever lower for everyone that buys them.

So, Paizo, if you're listening, please consider adding digital file support. I pay about $40/month for patreons, trying to proxy Pathfinder and Starfinder, and I'd be happy to pay that to Paizo instead if it would be possible to get exact models instead of proxies.

Anybody else in the same boat?

Thanks for your input.

We tend to take a narrow focus here, making sure we make high quality ttrpg products. We rely on partners to do other things well, like online tools, apps, translations, and minis.

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I'd love to get some official miniature stls.

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How about Hero Forge?

Could Paizo partner with them? Or a third party to partnership between the two?

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I would be glad to have some kind of patreon/subscription model for official STLs models for both Starfinder and Pathfinder.

Imagine the "welcome box" full of iconics characters!! And a well represented species/ancestries for the games, instead of all day with proxies.

Shadow Lodge

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Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

How about Hero Forge?

Could Paizo partner with them? Or a third party to partnership between the two?

Hero Forge is too chunky and low-resolution for the quality stls we'd want from a project like this.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Vanvakaris wrote:

I would be glad to have some kind of patreon/subscription model for official STLs models for both Starfinder and Pathfinder.

Imagine the "welcome box" full of iconics characters!! And a well represented species/ancestries for the games, instead of all day with proxies.

Or having the NPCs for adventure paths released the same month the AP subscriptions come out...

Again, I know it's a pipe dream, but if we have any aspiring 3d artists looking for ideas to start up a subscription, please consider it!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've brought it up before and know there are complications I may not be privvy too - but I would love to be able to buy and sell STLs on Pathfinder Infinite too. I'm okay with making them under the Fan Content Policy and sticking them on Thingiverse/Cults3D for free.. but it would bring in a lot of more talent artists than I if there was an avenue on Infinite.

FallenDabus wrote:
I would love to be able to buy and sell STLs on Pathfinder Infinite too.

Let me second this with a big "Oh yeah!", particularly in the "buy" column.

I would love to be able to buy STLs for my Pathfinder characters.

Shadow Lodge

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Dancing Wind wrote:
FallenDabus wrote:
I would love to be able to buy and sell STLs on Pathfinder Infinite too.

Let me second this with a big "Oh yeah!", particularly in the "buy" column.

I would love to be able to buy STLs for my Pathfinder characters.

I can't help with iconics, but I do take commissions. Portraits, printed minis, or stl files. Here's some screenshots of the stls.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
FallenDabus wrote:
I've brought it up before and know there are complications I may not be privvy too - but I would love to be able to buy and sell STLs on Pathfinder Infinite too. I'm okay with making them under the Fan Content Policy and sticking them on Thingiverse/Cults3D for free.. but it would bring in a lot of more talent artists than I if there was an avenue on Infinite.

I'd buy them. Not sure if you have the time to consider doing it as a patreon, but I'd certainly subscribe if you did. Mz4250 has done really well for himself being a patreon creator where he technically releases things for free, but most people join his patreon to support him and get better organization of the files. If you start, please let us know!

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There might be contractual limitations, Paizo might have a contract with Wizkids (for example) that gives them the exclusive rights to produce miniatures. You could argue that 3D files would fall under this.

But... Using the art from the bestiary and the iconic PCs/NPCs to create high quality 3D models for 3D printing, would be an evergreen product imho, that isn't edition depended. It would only take a small bit of digital storage and no physical production effort (like physical miniatures). Sourcing that out to a 3rd party is imho throwing away money.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
NerdOver9000 wrote:
FallenDabus wrote:
I've brought it up before and know there are complications I may not be privvy too - but I would love to be able to buy and sell STLs on Pathfinder Infinite too. I'm okay with making them under the Fan Content Policy and sticking them on Thingiverse/Cults3D for free.. but it would bring in a lot of more talent artists than I if there was an avenue on Infinite.
I'd buy them. Not sure if you have the time to consider doing it as a patreon, but I'd certainly subscribe if you did. Mz4250 has done really well for himself being a patreon creator where he technically releases things for free, but most people join his patreon to support him and get better organization of the files. If you start, please let us know!

I really appreciate the sentiment! I'm nowhere near as good as Mz is, so I doubt I'd be able to sustain it, it takes me a lot longer to create quality print if I'm not kitbashing. I do have a patreon, but these days its mostly writing these days. I have a decent number of Pathfinder based models on Thingiverse and Cults3D though! And if you want someone who does do Mz quality prints for Pathfinder, Maps & Monsters does a fantastic job!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Cergorach wrote:
There might be contractual limitations, Paizo might have a contract with Wizkids (for example) that gives them the exclusive rights to produce miniatures. You could argue that 3D files would fall under this.

Yeah, I suspect you are correct about that and I expect no argument needs to be made - I wouldn't be surprised if Wizkid has a specific provision about it. Hopefully one day things can be worked out so STLs all under Pathfinder Infinite's Aegis as well. It's definitely possible, Canis Minor and the Storypath Nexus allow it and DTRRPG has the digital infrastructure required.

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