Organized Play perks

Pathfinder Society

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Pathfinder Society (second edition)
"In the Pathfinder Society (second edition) program, the following benefits are offered for each accessory category. A player may not benefit from more than one of these per session, with the exception of the Campaign Coin benefit.

Vestments: When you use a Hero Point to reroll a check, add a +1 circumstance bonus to the reroll.

Worn Accessory: Once per session, when rolling a check as a part of a victory points system, if you roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead.

Rules Reference: Once per session, when you use Treat Wounds or another character uses Treat Wounds on you, the result of the check is one degree of success better than the result that was rolled.

Other Item: Once per session, a character can gain the benefits of a two-action heal spell, heightened to the maximum spell level available to a cleric of the character’s level. This benefit can only be used in exploration mode.

Campaign Service Coin: Volunteers who make exceptional contributions to Organized Play can earn campaign coins or membership in the Order of the Wayfinder as a recognition of their hard work. When you use this benefit, you gain a bonus Hero Point at the beginning of the adventure. In addition to the normal powers of a Hero Point, you can spend this special Hero Point to allow another player to reroll a check."

What are each of these items? I assume "Worn Accessory" means the new faction pins? Thank you.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Grand Lodge 4/5 **

Interesting. What do they mean by "Rules Reference"?

If I need to look something up in the CRB or on Archives of Nethys during the game, do I get the Treat Wounds benefit?

Lantern Lodge

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roll4initiative wrote:

Interesting. What do they mean by "Rules Reference"?

If I need to look something up in the CRB or on Archives of Nethys during the game, do I get the Treat Wounds benefit?

PERKS wrote:
Character folio, reference or condition card deck, or similar published item with game reference material. Excludes published rulebooks or Adventures.

Sounds like only things you spent money on.

4/5 5/5 ****

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An example of a Rules Reference item would be a GM Screen or the Character Folios that come with class-specific character sheets.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

If you scroll up that page a bit, they define what each of the categories is:


Accessories are divided into five categories, as described below. Any qualifying accessory must be either a) produced by Paizo, Inc and sold on its webstore, or b) produced by a licensed partner of Paizo, Inc and visibly promote Paizo, Pathfinder, Starfinder or any associated games or Paizo intellectual property.

Event organizers are permitted and encouraged to expand the definition to include merchandise that directly promotes particular conventions at said events; e.g. permitting a Gen Con t-shirt or pin to count for their respective categories while at Gen Con. Merchandise that exclusively promotes other companies or intellectual properties (e.g. a Roll20 t-shirt with no Paizo branding) never qualifies for these benefits.

Vestments: T-shirts, messenger bags/backpacks, jackets or hoodies, or similar apparel; permanent tattoos of Paizo-related iconography; or cosplay of a Paizo-related character, such as an iconic character, NPC or similar.

Worn Accessory: Lapel pin or button, hat or ballcap, lanyard, or similar small worn accessory.

Rules Reference: Character folio, reference or condition card deck, or similar published item with game reference material. Excludes published rulebooks or Adventures.

Other Item: Any other qualifying item such as officially produced dice, keychains, plush characters, or other merchandise brought to the table.

Campaign Service Coin: an award given out to exemplary volunteers; a Campaign Service Coin cannot qualify for any other category and instead offers its own benefits.


Now if you will excuse me, I need to go squeeze a condition card deck into my Skittermander Plush, and attach my Pathfinder 2e Lanyard I got at PaizoCon... Must have all the things!


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