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Off-Topic Discussions

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Stop fooling around and start a facebook group.

The Exchange

Elder Elemental Eye wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

I would love to apply for a position! I am quite wonderful looking and should help with recruitment possibilities. Something along the lines of 'Air' is what I am thinking, with the way the wind tickles my jibbly-bits with my kilt on.

I am hard working, a real people person, and very self-motivated. People tend to go the extra mile for me with just a flash of a smile, making me a natural leader. I can fake a gentle demeanor very well but I am unmistakable evil. Beautiful but evil.
So are there any openings?

Hmm. You don't have any debilitating facial scarring, mayhaps?

Because that would certainly help awareness and give us the "look" we want.

Not as of yet but I am open to the option if it lands me the position.

Really, enough of this wibbling around. What role will potatoes play in this group? And no dissembling! If there is one thing I will have no truck with, it's dissemblers.

Trey wrote:
Really, enough of this wibbling around. What role will potatoes play in this group? And no dissembling! If there is one thing I will have no truck with, it's dissemblers.


is a good start.

Another thread killed by a potato.

Trey wrote:
Another thread killed by a potato.

"I know, right? If the 'eyes' have it, as the saying goes, then how would a potato ever fail to have it with so many eyes? It makes no s-"

::A lawyer interrupts, to whisper in his ear::

(Jade freezes, nods, mumbles to counsel) "A-Y-E? Really? I did not know that."

The Exchange

It's not dead, Potatoes are like the Fifth Element.

Let it be known from shore-side foam...
To furthest keep in forests deep...
Howl keen to the winds of four...
Boldly knocking 'pon every door!

::sounds a Vienna horn::

Crimson Jester is friend to the spud!

::sounds a Vienna horn again::

That is all.

All praise the mighty tater! In its proper french fried form of course. Curly fries are heretical. Tater tots are RIGHT OUT! Only a Zoroastrian could eat squishy steak fries.

Fine, we will add the mighty Potato as a Fifth Element.

And I am the Elder Elemental Eye, the mighty Potato of Entropy!

Okay, with potato inclusion, I shall join whatever this is and whatever we are.

Anyone here an engineer? We need some serious work on our Temple and Moathouse. Those things were trashed the last time our group was, uh, ousted from the area.

Okay, come on, it's been a while, I think someone can spill the beans by now and call me on my cruel joke.

I think Kirth had it, so I'll let him go first if he wants.

The Exchange

The Jade wrote:

Let it be known from shore-side foam...

To furthest keep in forests deep...
Howl keen to the winds of four...
Boldly knocking 'pon every door!

::sounds a Vienna horn::

Crimson Jester is friend to the spud!

::sounds a Vienna horn again::

That is all.

Hey Spuds are awesome..... I just can't believe I got stuck with lettuce. ~Sigh~

The Exchange

Elder Elemental Eye wrote:

Okay, come on, it's been a while, I think someone can spill the beans by now and call me on my cruel joke.

I think Kirth had it, so I'll let him go first if he wants.

~shhhhh~ Kirth be quite don't say a thing.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Elder Elemental Eye wrote:

Okay, come on, it's been a while, I think someone can spill the beans by now and call me on my cruel joke.

I think Kirth had it, so I'll let him go first if he wants.

~shhhhh~ Kirth be quite don't say a thing.

We have an altar that can take care of that reticence.

All we need is a small bell, a few candles...

The Exchange

I uh thought we were gonna build the alter. We already have one?!?!?

~raises my hand~ I am Neutral Good. Can I still join?

Crimson Jester wrote:
I uh thought we were gonna build the alter. We already have one?!?!?

We have a few. We consider them relics, so no mere mortal could build one - the art of their construction has been lost to the ages.

But if you want to try, nobodies stopping you. You can be the first one to look longingly into it.

Sharoth wrote:
~raises my hand~ I am Neutral Good. Can I still join?

Sure, you can still join, just don't ask too many questions.

If you were Lawful, that would be a problem.

Are members required to chant and speak in weird languages? How about dietary requirements and/or prohibitions, are there any?

How about wives? We get more than one?

The Deceiver wrote:

Are members required to chant and speak in weird languages? How about dietary requirements and/or prohibitions, are there any?

How about wives? We get more than one?

Members are free to speak and worship in whatever way they please. Freedom is our motto and our purpose. Along the same lines, diets are not mandated. We do not supply wives, but if you can attract multiple people to such a prospect, we do not discourage it - so long as they support your place with us, or can be kept ignorant until our objectives are complete.

Elder Elemental Eye wrote:
I think Kirth had it, so I'll let him go first if he wants.

Not me! I'm the beautiful, dark hope of chaotic evil. If I say anything, Lolth (or maybe some other god I'm actually worshipping by accident) will eat my brain!

Haha! My reign of terror continues unabated.

Elder Elemental Eye wrote:
Haha! My reign of terror continues unabated.

So slap a worm on your hook.

Elder Elemental Eye wrote:
Haha! My reign of terror continues unabated.

Hail to the Elder Elemental Eye!!

*nudge* You forgot about the para-elementals? They serve the Elder Elemental Eye as well, my Lord.

The Jade wrote:
So slap a worm on your hook.

Are you suggesting the master bait?

The Exchange

um wow

The Exchange

The Jade wrote:

Let it be known from shore-side foam...

To furthest keep in forests deep...
Howl keen to the winds of four...
Boldly knocking 'pon every door!

::sounds a Vienna horn::

Crimson Jester is friend to the spud!

::sounds a Vienna horn again::

That is all.

What can I say spuds rule zombies drool.

The Exchange


Excellent. My thread lives...again!

The Exchange

It will never die!

Plus I get bored.....

Well, E.E.E., where is the local temple?

Silver Crusade

*kicks down the door*

Where do I take over, er, I mean sign up.

The Elder Elemental Eye appears to be on a meditiational retreat. When he returns, let us discuss construction of a temple. The Temple of Elemental Gygaxism?

All I see here is a cult that needs to be assimilated.

Sovereign Court

Apostle of Gygax wrote:

*kicks down the door*

Where do I take over, er, I mean sign up.


Dark Archive

yet another cult.. Sebastian sure has a lot of followers..

if you're in a cult, you're really worshiping Sebastian, whether you know it or not ;)

We encourage grandiose designs and in-fighting. We may be assimilated, but in the end it will not matter.

We are currently taking suggestions on where to build our temple - please reference the OP as to our requests.

I would also like to table a motion to introduce a third axis to the alignment grid: Gygaxism.

Elder Elemental Eye wrote:

We encourage grandiose designs and in-fighting. We may be assimilated, but in the end it will not matter.

We are currently taking suggestions on where to build our temple - please reference the OP as to our requests.

I would also like to table a motion to introduce a third axis to the alignment grid: Gygaxism.

Why table it? It is a grandiose design.

Here is another thought: Gygaxism sounds like a specific noun. Should there also be an abstract? Gygaxity.
Gygaxian vs Gygaxist

The Exchange

I prefer Gygaxian.

Crimson Jester wrote:
I prefer Gygaxian.

Maybe they could have different uses?

Like, The Crimson Joker produced a solid Gygaxian ecology.

But, That Mairkurion sure is a militant Gygaxist.

Gentlemen! Behold!

Time Travel! My three month old alias was created for a very specific purpose. To troll these the future!

You are all flawed, small and imperfect things. Embrace the unity of order. Shed your weakness and chaos. We will strip you of your flawed persona's and add your uniqueness to our own.

Hierarch of Gygaxian Naturalism wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
I prefer Gygaxian.

Maybe they could have different uses?

Like, The Crimson Joker produced a solid Gygaxian ecology.

But, That Mairkurion sure is a militant Gygaxist.

Joker? Listen Hierarch boy get in line, I have tons of people waiting to insult me and I don't need your simple responses to get on my nerves no not at all, don't need it, don't need it one bit....what was I talking about?

The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:
Hierarch of Gygaxian Naturalism wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
I prefer Gygaxian.

Maybe they could have different uses?

Like, The Crimson Joker produced a solid Gygaxian ecology.

But, That Mairkurion sure is a militant Gygaxist.

Joker? Listen Hierarch boy get in line, I have tons of people waiting to insult me and I don't need your simple responses to get on my nerves no not at all, don't need it, don't need it one bit....what was I talking about?

{Whoops.} Jester, or as I can see from your recent elevation, O Lord of Rogues. {Freudian? Jungian? Gygaxian? Looks like we were both having trouble...}

EDIT: Do you hear a metallic sound in the background? Perhaps there is some cyborgic distraction that is interfering with communications in this thread.

Elder Elemental Eye wrote:

Gentlemen! Behold!

Time Travel! My three month old alias was created for a very specific purpose. To troll these the future!

Most come up with an appropriately impressive title for the Temple? Up or down on any suggestions?


Hierarch of Gygaxian Naturalism wrote:
Elder Elemental Eye wrote:

Gentlemen! Behold!

Time Travel! My three month old alias was created for a very specific purpose. To troll these the future!

Most come up with an appropriately impressive title for the Temple? Up or down on any suggestions?

PaizoMatrix 0

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