Nyrissa's relation to the fey creatures of the Stolen Lands


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I have decided to have Nyrissa appear early on (inspiration from the CRPG) where she comes to them as an ally seeking help to get rid of the Stag Lord.

Without really thinking about her relation to the animals, plants and fey creatures of the Narlmarches I let her introduce herself as "Guardian of the bloom", a protector of the Narlmarches.

I am seeking some help/inspiration about how the different creatures of the Narlmarches might perceive her, if they even know about her - especially fey creatures who are in the adventure path e.g.Tyg-TitterTut and Perlivash and later the Dryad and Satyr (don't remember their names).

Silver Crusade

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Tiressia and Falchos (dryad, satyr).

In my campaign, she's as close to an Eldest as there could be, and no ordinary fey wants anything to do with that. Just saying her name, invoking a thought of her, could bring really bad things to them. That's why all my fey refer to her in descriptive terms (e.g. the Bride of Autumn). And generally at first they're fine with just letting her do her thing. After all, existence is pretty big and this is just a tiny part of the Second World.

However, fey are complicated. Even the seemingly benign ones don't exist on the same world as the PCs. In my game, these so-called harmless fey killed Breeg for hunting and trapping a few of them by seeing how he liked being crushed in one of his own traps. Because fey are somewhat eternal in the sense they can lose their body but not their essence, they see death differently (they don't want it, but it's just something different). They don't quite get how Second World creatures like humans don't work that way.

With all that in mind, Nyrissa killed their unicorn friend, who doesn't get a new body. That's a problem for some fey as the unicorn didn't make any deals (Contracts) or do anything to justify messing with his body. Nyrissa has done something taboo. They just don't know what to do about it because normally that's something the Eldest would handle. So at first, once they trust the "bigguns" aren't like the rest, they might let slip a few things that bother them, very indirectly (e.g. there's a dead champion of the forest you should see). They want to know how Second World creatures react.

Late campaign, friendly ones who don't want their Second World friends to lose who they are (aka die) might get more direct, and this might end up costing one of them their existence (e.g. introducing Zuddinger's Picnic book before Book 6, or relating there's bad things coming and the PCs are better off moving, or a hint not to trust so and so).

I figure since Nyrissa sees the Stolen Lands as hers, she considers herself the ruler over all Fey living there. Of course, not all Fey will agree with that, so some will do as they please and in doing so, cross Nyrissa.

And Nyrissa just loves using mortal to do her dirty work. In the game I run, I decided to swap out one of the standard Quests, so I added one that secretly came from Nyrissa: an anonymous request to kill an evil Fey in the Kamelands. The PCs, always up to kill something evil for gold, did so without questioning.

Now the Fey living in the Stolen Lands can view her in a lot of different ways: some, like the evil Fey my PCs killed, will consider her a tyrant trying to keep them from following their nature. Others may see her as a stern but fair leader: obey her and you may live in peace, cross her and you die. Others again might even think her a protector as she uses her mortal agents to keep other Fey from preying on each other.

All will probably agree it’s better not to mess with her.

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