Wrath of the Righteous what are the rules for discarding cards form the entire card pool?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

I can not seem to find any info in the rule book or on any of the Adventure Paths that describe the rules for removing cards completely from the game to "clean" the card pool of lower value cards.

In my other Set on Adventure 3 and 5 there is a rules block on the Adventure card that says you should discard from the game entirely any cards banished with the basic and / pr (if you are on adv5) the elite trait. This rules block is not in Wrath at all on any of the Adventure Cards or Scenario Cards. I also can not find anything about it in the Rule Book, apart fomr the deck building rules and the dying rules.. but those are about constructing legal decks.

What are the official rules for Wrath of the Righteous that tell me how to permanently discard cards from the entire card pool. Or dose this set not do that at all?

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Тhe rules are exactly the same and they *should* be on the Adventure PATH card (which serves no other purpose, but to list the order of the 6 Adventures, so it's often forgotten/overlooked.

WotR ALSO has on additional rule on that card: on any location with the Abyssal trait - ignore the Outsider trait on cards.

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