The Obituaries

Abomination Vaults

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Today we had our first death in Abomination Vaults. The Paladin Tizoc fell to the appallingly awful Mister Beaky and his deadly Vampiric Beak!

Sadly this death was followed by two virtual TPK's, one to a very grabby scorpion and the other to a highly poison crab/spider abomination.

Liberty's Edge

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andreww wrote:
Today we had our first death in Abomination Vaults. The Paladin Tizoc fell to the appallingly awful Mister Beaky and his deadly Vampiric Beak!

Mister Beak is monstrous for a Lvl 1 party - and the poison on the Giant Scorp is horribad.

It's a tough 1st level!

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Our first death yesterday... the frog-instinct barbarian Frogmella died to the corpselights and a case of fatally underestimating the danger posed by two 'skeletons'.
Frogmella rose again after one of the 'lights occupied her body after being expelled from the skeleton, and this time she had to be cut down by the party.

In fact it would have been a TPK but for Wrin appearing just as the final party member dropped. She cast a 3-action heal.
We stopped at that point. To continue next week. Hopefully they should be able to win the day despite both corpselights still animating corpses.

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The Dhampir cleric of Nethys Kiefer died in the second floor after a ambush.
The party run in corridor after a loudly morlock and enter disprepared in the corridor where two Morlock Engineer strike with crit hits. In midle of fight the dhampir died with not healing options at disposal for him.

Nhakarazin took the life of Raven and Atropos and would have replaced the ones of Detricus, Dikoros and Lorie with unlife if it wasn't for the rescue party that freed them.

Definitely, the ghouls are very dangerous. As soon as you start playing them with the intelligence they're supposed to have, you have a great chance of snowballing the party to TPK.

If I ever GM this part again, I'll change the layout by removing the ghouls in the hall so the players can have a little bit of mobility and as such an easier time containing them.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Ultark, Champion of Sarenrae
Sona, Sorcerer

Another 2 notches on the engineers belt.
Swarming stance + crits with Warhammer = bad news.

Although I do have to say, this was a case of dice rolls. Ultark went rounds without rolling above a 10. Meanwhile, I was rolling fire.

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Are there anymore deaths? Really interested in that!

We are in level 2 right now and the Graulgust Fight turned into a massively challenging fight, as a former captured morlock scavenger joined the fight and the PCs attack attacked Graulgust on Round 1. Ended with the monk and cleric being the last heroes standing finishing off the abberation pet!

Tonight we are going to fight the weblurker and I sense danger, will report how it goes :)

My group were vert close to it against the Voidglutton but they succeeded. We start Book 2 today. I kept them 1 level above expected for Book 1. I am sticking to expected levels for Book 2. We will see if that sees us having a similar experience as in Book 1.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
andreww wrote:
My group were vert close to it against the Voidglutton but they succeeded. We start Book 2 today. I kept them 1 level above expected for Book 1. I am sticking to expected levels for Book 2. We will see if that sees us having a similar experience as in Book 1.

Out of curiosity, why did you decide to stop keeping them a level ahead?

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Lower level characters are much squishier. At this point it is far less likely that people will go down to a nasty crit or be one shotted from massive damage or death effects.

Full TPK in 4 floor.
The party try chit-chat with a certain girl in tedius. One way battle with chains hitting critical every round and taking the lives of: Salistra (Pharasm cloister cleric), Brisa (Monk of crane), Aeltheric (Fighter Mauler) and Passo Livre (Rogue Thief Medic). All lvl 4.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

We lost our Goblin Barbarian on the first floor vs one of the Corpselights. I hit with two Crit Successes in a row... gave the rest of the party enough of a scare to run away. They were all damaged and out of prepared spells/heals before going into there. I gave them ample opportunity to rest of head back to town, but they were feeling a bit tooooo adventerous. RIP Kraact the Bridgebreaker.

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TPK on the second game... the PCs went basically straight into room A12, found the secret door to the second level, and faced off with 4 morlock scavengers that killed them.

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Third game: as the new party enters Gauntlight ruins, one PC falls through the drawbrige, for some reason he decides to go exploring alone (!?) following the shore to the west, he ends up finding the dead giant frog and the two giant larvae kill him.

Fourth game: after returning to Otari with the corpse of their fallen comrade and burying him, the party finds another adventurer willing to accompany them to Gauntlight.
On the morning of the next day they arrive at the ruins, after some exploration, the party goes to A14 and face the giant scorpion, which results in another TPK.

This AP is proving to be extremely deadly...

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Third session: Mister Beak claims the life of Bardam, the halfling alchemist.

Lekgolo wrote:
This AP is proving to be extremely deadly...

It certainly can be, my group are learning the art of running away a fair bit and we are in the middle of Book 2.

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14th Session: The 3rd level rogue Zog Silvereye fell to an angry Aller Rosk in the third level after the party found the elevator and went straight north to disturb him.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Today our sorcerer awoke the trash chute poltergeist, critically failed her save against being frightened, and fled down the garbage chute, and then head-first into Otari and the three wisps.

She's not the one we memorialize today. She went down in one round and would have died but for a hero point. Then the party found her and healed her and defeated the wisps.

While that was happening, however, the chaotic neutral cleric Marcus Aurelia opened the door to Volluk Azrinae's chamber and offered to be a double agent. Azrinae agreed. As a cover, Marcus asked to have a spell cast on him so he could tell the others he ran from a losing fight.

Volluk instead hit him with a tendril, giving him persistent leech damage as he fled. In a panic and unable to find the rest of the group, Marcus failed ten straight rolls to remove the leeches and was consumed.

He might be back as Volluk's new Worm that Walks bodyguard.

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After a series of misadventures the group of 5 level adventurers ends up being taken to the quarters of a certain negotiator demon that proposes a deal: the soul of a criminal for group freedom and city lives.

Unconvinced and instigated by the cleric and the champion the party set out to confront. Extremely disadvantageous battle for a group being almost without resources, the demon negotiator only see the combat with his soldiers who are quickly eliminated by the heroes. However, even cornered and with serious injuries the heroes insist on refusing the countless demonic offers that would save their lives.

Overcomed by resistance the demon puts an end in the adventurers.

Group: A human rogue/medic, A dwarf warpriest of Torag, A human champion/barbarian of Sarenrae, a globin ranger, and a Fetchling rogue.

TPK wins!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Name: Jangle, the Goblin Sorcerer
Level: 8
Location: The farm
Catalyst: Sometimes the dice be like that

The Gory Details: The party pulled the caligni and some of the children of Belcorra into a fight at the same time. They were able to funnel them down but the cleric had to step back to heal. When they set off the first caligni a chain reaction tore through the group, of caligni setting off the next. This knocked the sorcerer down, but he was brought back up by the druid with battle medicine then casts dancing lights to blind the caligni.

So, now at wounded 1, the sorcerer decides to stay in the fight given that the things they are fighting are pretty weak, blind, and funneled down into a line. He drops another caligni with an electric arc, the caligni's explosion takes out one of the children of Belcorra and hits the party. The last two caligni are all that's left and they are in rough shape and blind. One swings blindly into the square Jangle is in, rolling a 17 and 20 on the flat checks, then rolls double slice: 20, 20.

The first critical hit dropped Jangle to dying 3 and the second finished him off. The party finished the fight and scurried home, they debated how to bring him back and settled on the only true answer for the chaotic goblin: reincarnation.

So anyways Jangle's a shoony now.

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First death in our party yesterday. Ottho, halfling Cleric of Ashava was felled by the fleshwarpguards in the Baracks of the prison level. (D15)

The party decided to ambush the guards by entering from the secret corridor (whilst carefully avoiding the trap). A bit of a gambit as the heroes were running low on resources (no high level spell slots left for the Bard, only one heal left for the Cleric) and the monk was still hurt from a previous fight (unsuccesful first aid attempt).

Bad luck ensued; the monk was unable to hit his targets due to bad rolls, needle sprays whittled down the party healthpool and the mulventok's Explosive Decay took the party by surprise.
Eventually the Bard was the last cat standing and managed to take out the last enemy, but was too late to prevent the Cleric from bleeding out...

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Seems like Haydriel's party made a strategic error -- they should have gone back to Otari and rested up before this fight. :-)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We had an 'oopsie almost' death, in that our alchemist was crit by a searing light from the Lurker in the Light. Turns out, the alchemist was EVIL, and this was the first time I had to actually use the Massive Damage rules on a PC!

Thankfully, we are using the Relic Rules, and our Swashbuckler's offhand, which just so happens to be Otari's old dagger (his item being a lockpit kit is silly) had the Luck gift, and let her re-roll that attack roll. Otherwise, our alchemist was an incinerated pile of dust not even worth being scooped back to Lepidstadt.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

We have had 5 (6 with inventor companions) character deaths so far.

Two on the floor with the ghouls where we got surrounded during a rest and got lured toward the damned necromantic ward trap. They were a fire druid and a psychic.

Afterward several party members abandoned the group so that people could bring in characters more suited to the dungeon.

Our champion/inventor got immolated by the Witchfire on floor 7.

My barbarian and the group's thaumaturge got destroyed by the boss of the same floor when he cast a wall of force, cut us off and clobbered us to death.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Name: Fairbrym, Dwarven Fighter
Level: 4
Location: D14. Pavilion
Cause: Some very hateful Dice

Combat started out pretty rough with Jaul winning initiative and hitting all but one PC with a lighting bolt. All of the PC's hit failed the reflex save and Fairbrym critically failed (Nat 1) his save and used a hero point to bring that up to regular failure on the re-roll. Jaul and his wolf then proceeded to crit him at least 2 more times bringing him to dying 2 from a wolf bite. When his turn came around he unfortunately rolled and Nat 1 on the recovery check with no hero points to save him putting the poor Dwarf to dead. The fight was won with more crits on both sides and every PC except one being downed at some point. It was one of those very swingy fights. Good news though, with Jaul's bounty plus a bunch of sold gear that wasn't being used they scrounged up enough for a resurrection ritual in Absalom so Fairbrym can fight another day. All in all an inauspicious start to the fourth level of AV.

Honorable mention for the how HATEFUL the dice were being in this fight: Double Nat 20 Reflex Saves from Jaul and the Wolf against a Fireball from the Necklace of Fireballs found a few levels up. Who doesn't love getting 1/400 chance against your favor.

Level 2: Servants' quarters
Graulgust kills the entire group: goblin rogue, elf swashbuckler, human rogue.
Level 3: Library
Aller Rosk kills two out of 4 characters and the Skrong boss: a human priest, an elf druid.
Level 4: Belcorra's chambers
Volluk kills 2 out of 4: an orc sorcerer, a human investigator.

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