Gisher's Goodies


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Area Templates
Ravingdork came up with a very clever way to use emoji make accurate combat diagrams on the Paizo site. I used that technique to make cut-and-paste templates for many of the standard shapes used in Pathfinder.

Area Templates

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gisher wrote:

Area Templates

Ravingdork came up with a very clever way to use emoji make accurate combat diagrams on the Paizo site. I used that technique to make cut-and-paste templates for many of the standard shapes used in Pathfinder.

Area Templates

Love it!!!

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Ravingdork wrote:
Gisher wrote:

Area Templates

Ravingdork came up with a very clever way to use emoji make accurate combat diagrams on the Paizo site. I used that technique to make cut-and-paste templates for many of the standard shapes used in Pathfinder.

Area Templates

Love it!!!

Thanks! Your realization that some emoji have the same fixed sizes on this site is really useful.

Liberty's Edge

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Thank you for your hard work in creating these useful tools.

I would love if you could list all the ways to gain a focus pool/focus point.

One thing that I find myself frequently wanting is, in effect, "What are all of the ways I can frob this action?"

Like, if I'm considering a monk build, and I notice stumbling feint, and I think it's kind of cool. It gives me a free feint with my FoB (something I'd be using regularly anyway) and also has it apply to both attacks of the FoB instead of just one. So now I know that if I build this character I'm going to be doing a lot of feinting... which suggests that I should be looking for other feats and whatnot that also make feint stronger, if I can find them. (, say, I might take swashbuckler archetype for fencer and now I get panache for it)

There's similar value available for intimidate, trip, grapple, shove, and bon mot. Maybe others? I'd halfway add create a diversion to that list, except that I feel like "stuff that interacts with stealth" should maybe be a thing all by itself. In some cases you could get away with saying "just go look it up" (like, say, the wrestler archetype for grappling) but even just knowing where to look (or knowing that there wasn't anything else out there to find) would be a big help for some of these.

You could also have one for the major conditions - ways to inflict and ways to exploit - but I don't want to get too greedy.

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I've made a few updates.


I made changes to the proficiency tables based on the 3rd errata for the CRB. Clerics now advance their unarmed attacks when they advance their favored weapon.

Proficiency Bonuses


I've added the new Phase Bolt and Warp Step cantrips to the cantrip guide.

Acquiring Common Cantrips


I've added the Psychic Multiclass to the archetype spellcasting tables.

Archetype Spellcasting


Just a reminder that you can find links to all of my documents here.

Gisher's Goodies

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Armor Tables
I made complete armor tables that include the Armored Skirt options.

Armor Tables

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Gisher wrote:

Armor Tables

I made complete armor tables that include the Armored Skirt options.

Armor Tables

I split the light and heavy armor tables based on the maximum total bonus (armor bonus + max Dex bonus). I think this make it easier to find your desired options. Let me know what you think.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gisher wrote:
Gisher wrote:

Armor Tables

I made complete armor tables that include the Armored Skirt options.

Armor Tables

I split the light and heavy armor tables based on the maximum total bonus (armor bonus + max Dex bonus). I think this make it easier to find your desired options. Let me know what you think.

I definitely like it for heavy armor at least. Because to be honest, it's what I care about the most, maximizing the armor + max dex portion with my character's dex score.

Xethik wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Gisher wrote:

Armor Tables

I made complete armor tables that include the Armored Skirt options.

Armor Tables

I split the light and heavy armor tables based on the maximum total bonus (armor bonus + max Dex bonus). I think this make it easier to find your desired options. Let me know what you think.
I definitely like it for heavy armor at least. Because to be honest, it's what I care about the most, maximizing the armor + max dex portion with my character's dex score.

That's what I was thinking.

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I've updated the Proficiency Tables by adding the Psychic and Thaumaturge.

Proficiency Bonuses

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I've expanded the armor tables.

Armor Options

I've also expanded and reorganized the finesse options tables.

Finesse Options

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've managed a number of similar documents in my time. It's often a thankless job even when heavily relied upon.

So, thank you for keeping up with them. You're a right swell chap you are. :)

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Ravingdork wrote:

I've managed a number of similar documents in my time. It's often a thankless job even when heavily relied upon.

So, thank you for keeping up with them. You're a right swell chap you are. :)

I'm glad that you are getting use out of them. Your character collections were a major inspiration for me to start posting these. :)

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I've expanded the armor tables even more. I added more unarmored options and added mithral (and Elven) versions of metal armor.

Armor Options

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I updated the Devise a Stratagem options.

Devise a Stratagem Weapons

The Mind Smith 1d8 weapon is a pretty good option if you make it a club and take Takedown Expert.

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Gisher wrote:

I updated the Devise a Stratagem options.

Devise a Stratagem Weapons

The Mind Smith 1d8 weapon is a pretty good option if you make it a club and take Takedown Expert.


- Missing barbarian beastform weapons - Barbarian Archetype plus Basic Fury (4) for Moment of Clarity plus Instinct Ability (Feat 6). Admittedly, this is a terrible build, and realistically may more be worth just a footnote than the 3 lines necessary to list those beastform weapons that no one should ever, ever try to use that way, but it's technically possible.

- A number of those monk unarmed attacks (Crane, Stumbling, Tiger, and Wolf) are also available through Martial Artist. This is probably better as a footnote.

- Living Hair has some upgrade feats accessible to archetype. At level 12, you can take Syu Tak-Nwa's Deadly Hair to up the damage to 1d6 and give it the grapple trait. At level 16 you can take Syu Tak-Nwa's Hexed Locks and give it reach (and the ability to channel hexes, I suppose).

- There are some ways to get unarmed attacks form spells, too. Wild Morph (Druid focus spell - certainly has one, with some interesting persistent damage tacked onto it. I suspect you could get some out of Wild Shape as well, though that seems much fuzzier. I have no idea who to talk to to start tracking down the various other spell-based ways to get such things.

- Sterling Dynamo archetype also offers a couple of unarmed options, though they're... not great.

Other archetypes that have agile/finesse unarmed attacks:
- Ghoul
- Lich (an upgrade, rather than a change, but still)
- Ghost technically moifies all unarmed attacks, but it might not really be worth mentioning.
- Living Vessel
- Mummy gets a minor fist upgrade

I've been busy with other things for a while, but with Treasure Vault coming out soon I'm going to try to do some updates.


I've updated the proficiency tables to include the changes to cleric weapon proficiencies made in the 4th printing of the CRB.

Gisher's Guide to Proficiency Bonuses

I've updated the armor tables to include new options.

Armor Tables

I've updated the finesse weapon tables to include new options.

Finesse Options


Sanityfaerie, thanks for the suggestions. I've included the relevant ones in my finesse guide, and I'll be updating the Devise a Stratagem guide next. :)

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Sanityfaerie, I've finally gotten the Devise a Stratagem guide updated. :)

Devise a Stratagem Options

I've updated the Gisher's Goodies reference page by grouping the documents in different categories. Some documents show up in multiple categories.

Gisher's Goodies


I've added a page with the weapons that work with the Thrower's Bandolier.

Thrower's Bandolier Options


I've also added my tables which show the results breakdown for every attack roll, saving throw, and skill check.

Universal Check Tables

I've updated my Runes tables to include the Treasure Vault Runes and adjusted the format to make them easier to read.


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gisher wrote:

I've added a page with the weapons that work with the Thrower's Bandolier.

Thrower's Bandolier Options

You're spelling "all" wrong.

Gisher's Goodies wrote:

Thrower’s Bandolier

These tables show al of the weapons that are compatible with the Thrower’s Bandolier.

Gisher wrote:

Sanityfaerie, I've finally gotten the Devise a Stratagem guide updated. :)

Devise a Stratagem Options

So what is this? A list of every agile/finesse strike or ranged attack?

Ravingdork wrote:
Gisher wrote:

I've added a page with the weapons that work with the Thrower's Bandolier.

Thrower's Bandolier Options

You're spelling "all" wrong.

Gisher's Goodies wrote:

Thrower’s Bandolier

These tables show al of the weapons that are compatible with the Thrower’s Bandolier.

Thanks! It should be fixed now.

Gortle wrote:
Gisher wrote:

Sanityfaerie, I've finally gotten the Devise a Stratagem guide updated. :)

Devise a Stratagem Options

So what is this? A list of every agile/finesse strike or ranged attack?

Yes. Plus the clubs covered by Takedown Artist. I've also marked the traits that allow Int for athletics check attacks through Athletic Strategist.

Every option that allows the substitution of Int for Str or Dex.

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It's also quite useful for rogues and swashbucklers.

So... the new sneak attack guide is great, but why do you only have Leshies listed for the ranged unarmed attacks? It looks like all of the ranged unarmed attacks should work.

If you decide that you want to include them, the following might help:

Don't miss the automaton upgrade and the Sprite's Spark, mentioned further on down.

If you *don't* want to include them, having the Lashies there by themselves is *still* weird.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the +1d4 bleed damage for the upgraded seedpod is only on a crit.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gisher, thank you very much for these guides. I find them very comprehensive and they helped me to get into the PF rules much easier.

Just one point in the "Archetype Spellcasting Progressions" that looks different to current rules:

Summoner Multiclass Spellcasting: Your guide associates the cantrips with the Summoner Dedication feat. However, in the books (cp., the cantrips are part of "Basic Summoner Spellcasting".

Liberty's Edge

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The Raven Black wrote:

Thank you for your hard work in creating these useful tools.

I would love if you could list all the ways to gain a focus pool/focus point.

Bumping my post, in case you already did this one and I missed it. And I think it will be even more valuable with the Remastered focus rules.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

The focus point thing is changing with the remaster, as do some proficiencies. I'm hoping Gisher will update things relatively soon (including Kineticist profiencies). :-)

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you Gisher! The game is easier to digest and compare with these lists.

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calnivo wrote:

Gisher, thank you very much for these guides. I find them very comprehensive and they helped me to get into the PF rules much easier.

Just one point in the "Archetype Spellcasting Progressions" that looks different to current rules:

Summoner Multiclass Spellcasting: Your guide associates the cantrips with the Summoner Dedication feat. However, in the books (cp., the cantrips are part of "Basic Summoner Spellcasting".

Thanks, I hadn't noticed that oddity for Summoner! I'll fix it as soon as I have time.

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Ed Reppert wrote:
The focus point thing is changing with the remaster, as do some proficiencies. I'm hoping Gisher will update things relatively soon (including Kineticist profiencies). :-)

Yeah, I've been waiting for the first remaster books to come out before updating these documents all at once. I expect to start posting updates in the next couple of weeks.

Bluemagetim wrote:
Thank you Gisher! The game is easier to digest and compare with these lists.

You're welcome! I'm glad that you are enjoying them. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Thanks for what you do, Gisher. :-)

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I just posted my first post-remaster update.

My Proficiency Tables now include all 27 of the PF2 classes: Alchemist, Animist, Barbarian, Bard, Champion, Cleric, Commander, Druid, Exemplar, Fighter, Guardian, Gunslinger, Inventor, Investigator, Kineticist, Magus, Monk, Oracle, Psychic, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Summoner, Swashbuckler, Thaumaturge, Witch, and Wizard.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the update! I think I checked the tables a few hours before your announcement yesterday, it's been interesting to see how all these classes progress in their various proficiencies.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gisher wrote:

I just posted my first post-remaster update.

My Proficiency Tables now include all 27 of the PF2 classes: Alchemist, Animist, Barbarian, Bard, Champion, Cleric, Commander, Druid, Exemplar, Fighter, Guardian, Gunslinger, Inventor, Investigator, Kineticist, Magus, Monk, Oracle, Psychic, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Summoner, Swashbuckler, Thaumaturge, Witch, and Wizard.

Woot! I've been waiting for this to drop.

Thank you so much, Gisher!

Love the charts. Excellent work.

Copyedit note: Paizo spelled "Exemplar" with a middle e and not an a as "Examplar," as you have it. At least, they did that in the playtest. They could frankly have chosen either spelling so double check with their newer material before you change anything, but I believe it's still with the "e".

doktorJung wrote:
Thanks for the update! I think I checked the tables a few hours before your announcement yesterday, it's been interesting to see how all these classes progress in their various proficiencies.

Yeah. Seeing those patterns is why I made the charts. They let me see the basic categories that they created and also the special cases that they felt a new to create for certain classes.

Ravingdork wrote:
Gisher wrote:

I just posted my first post-remaster update.

My Proficiency Tables now include all 27 of the PF2 classes: Alchemist, Animist, Barbarian, Bard, Champion, Cleric, Commander, Druid, Exemplar, Fighter, Guardian, Gunslinger, Inventor, Investigator, Kineticist, Magus, Monk, Oracle, Psychic, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Summoner, Swashbuckler, Thaumaturge, Witch, and Wizard.

Woot! I've been waiting for this to drop.

Thank you so much, Gisher!

You're welcome! I'm glad you are enjoying them.

Easl wrote:

Love the charts. Excellent work.

Copyedit note: Paizo spelled "Exemplar" with a middle e and not an a as "Examplar," as you have it. At least, they did that in the playtest. They could frankly have chosen either spelling so double check with their newer material before you change anything, but I believe it's still with the "e".

Oops! Thanks for catching that. My old eyes couldn't see that mistake. I think I've fixed it on the pages that were wrong.

My Proficiency Tables had an error for the Guardian's unarmored defense, but I've fixed it.

I've also updated my Archetype Spellcasting Tables. I've added a table that compares the maximum spell attack and spell DC proficiencies of both classes and the archetypes.

Here are my recent remaster updates.

Proficiency Bonus Tables

Archetype Spellcasting Tables

Thrower's Bandolier Options

Staff Spell Traditions

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Man! Divine has it rough with staves.

Thanks, Gisher. :)

Ravingdork wrote:

Man! Divine has it rough with staves.

Thanks, Gisher. :)

You're welcome. :)

I just added the Treasure Vault staves to the document today.

Staff Spell Traditions

It took a little while to update all of the spells to the remastered version. There are a few more options for divine casters among them.

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