BigNorseWolf |
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The biohacker is proficient with all injection weapons, be they advanced melee weapons, long arms, special weapons or whatever.
The problem is that the rest of the game is set up with weapons fit neatly into the long arm/smallarm/simpleweapon/advanced weapon categories.
Yes. You're proficient with the caustolance. You can even use a theorem to get real specialization in it. The real problem is weapon focus. For a biohacker if you're not hitting your opponent (or sometimes your ally...) You're wasting the round.
But weapon focus goes by weapon type. So you really want to pick up weapon focus, but for the weapon you're going to use you can't, because you're proficient with the caustoject, not the long arms that weapon focus requires.
So either you take
Weapon prof longarm
weapon focus longarm
Weapon focus small arms
Versatile focus
This greatly devalues the arms expert theorem, because at that point you can take versatile focus and get arms experts benefit as a feat, and get it 3 or more levels sooner. The only person who'd still want to use it is someone using small arms. At the level it comes online, small arm weapon damage starts to diverge greatly from long arm weapon damage. A two gun kid build is going to be horribly sub optimal at that level.

Cellion |

I'm 100% with you on this one, though for different reasons. The injection weapons printed since the Biohacker released have been almost exactly on par with existing longarms in terms of damage dealt. So injection proficiency ends up being a fairly meaningless restriction. All it accomplishes is:
- Makes almost all weapon loot you pick up useless for the biohacker
- Makes weapon focus annoying
- Forces tight theming that reduces variety between biohackers.
There's no balance concerns I can see for just granting them longarm proficiency. They have reasons to stick with injection weapons anyway, and this gives some biohackers damage type flexibility in a pinch.