Melee mystic Buil with COM options


Horizon Hunters

Hey everyone, I've been theory crafting a weapon (sword?) wielding mystic from quite some time by now but the builds I made were lackluster since I lacked COM at that time, now with epiphanies and connections like crusader and warmonger I'd say that a melee mystic is very viable, however I'm still a bit confused about which would be the most efficient path without starting as a blitz soldier... I've nothing against the blitz but it has been overused a little too much for my tastes, my ideal build is a pure mystic one.

Anyways here's what I've in mind so far:

race: I'd say Lashunta for telepathy and student.

stats: 16 str, 14 Wis and 12 Cha looks like a good start for me, will put my personal upgrades in these three in that order as well as boosting them and Dex eventually.

Connection: Melophile, not quite melee focused but I really like the flavor of a futuristic, psychic bard with a connection to Nyarlatothep.

Epiphanies: at level 3 I'll swap Universal Choir (kinda useful but has to sacrifice something) for Solar connection to get a solar weapon, as far as I understand it grants me proficiency with it and specialization at level 3 as well.

I'm also considering to swap song of healing at level 6 for empowered healing touch for a Lay on hands like healing, not sure if worth it but it can seriously help me to survive in a pinch.

feats: Heavy armor proficiency is a must, not sure if I should go all the way to powered armor, weapon focus, toughness, enhanced resistance, combat casting, lighting reflexes... The standard stuffs nothing flashy.

equipment: since I'll be using a Solar weapon I'll need a solariak crystal and a soulfire fusion (this is the reason for boosting Cha besides being a spacial bard), heavy armor for AC and force soles augmentation for unlimited pseudo levitate/flying.

Spells: mystic cure, remove condition, restoration, augury, dispel magic, haste and most utility spells or hazard who doesn't rely on Wis (I say most because I'll still pick hold/charm/dominate and bestow curse), mostly your standard healer but with some mind control and buffs/debuffs.

If you go all the way to powered armor, then drop your str back down (to the minimum for powered armor) and don't bother buffing it any. Split those points up between Cha, Con, and wisdom (for resolve).

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My immediate thought is that ignoring con on a melee character sounds incredibly dangerous.

Horizon Hunters

Yeah but stamina usually makes up for low con at lower levels before you can start raising it.

Also... How does powered armor and a solar weapon interact?

Ms. Bloodrive wrote:

Yeah but stamina usually makes up for low con at lower levels before you can start raising it.

Also... How does powered armor and a solar weapon interact?

Low con is also dangerous in melee because melee is how you get fortitude saves for poison/disease.

Powered armor and solar weapon interact like any melee weapon and powered armor. You hold it in your hand, you use the armor's strength.

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Ms. Bloodrive wrote:
Yeah but stamina usually makes up for low con at lower levels before you can start raising it.

My bad, you implied STR>WIS>CHA>DEX in your original post. I don't remember if the Melophile connection requires CHA, but for a melee mystic I would typically think of STR>CON>WIS>DEX for the stat array. Ignoring INT and CHA because you're MAD enough already.

It's difficult to have more than three or four stats you focus on. Though, that really depends on the range of levels you're planning on playing.

Horizon Hunters

This build is bound to to suffer from some MADness x.x

Really all you need to focus on is strength and dexterity. If you focus your spells to buffs and utility and stay away from spells with saves that takes care of wisdom. And as for charisma, pumping your strength is better for a melee character regardless of adding charisma to damage. My 2 cents.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Let me recommend the Crusader or Warmonger connections as your primary connection, and then consider either the other one, or Healer, for the Secondary Connection Epiphany at 3rd level.

The Crusader connection nets you free proficiency & specialization (yay feats) initially, and at high level, you gain that Paladin flavour for resisting fear, diseases, ally-affecting auras, etc. The Warmonger, on the other hand, will help you hit more with its starting power, and Summon Reinforcements can open up some fun tactical decisions.

Also worthy of consideration for using the Secondary Connection epiphany on at lvl 3 is the Healer connection - the lvl 1 Healer power is pretty decent, especially for a melee build. It scales well with your Mystic level, so you can take no further Secondary epiphanies and still gain a lot. Self-healing as a move action, without provoking or burning spell slots, can be a life saver, and helps make up for your lack of beefiness vs melee soldiers and solarians (who will love having a healer and flank buddy on the front lines!)

I've got a Crusader primary / Warmonger secondary in Society, and it's going well. Nearly lvl 8, and started with an 18 Str. By this lvl, I'm glad I took the Warmonger secondary connection, as the +to hit really helps compensate for lower BAB.

I think the original build is fine. The recommendation I'd make is to for powered armor and ignore Str beyond the minimum needed for it. Put those points elsewhere. That takes your stat allocation from a 4-5 (Str, Dex, Wis, Con, Cha) stat build to just a 4 stat build (Dex, Wis, Con, Cha). And given Starfinder ability scores, that's pretty manageable, especially at higher levels.
A better way to look at it would be primary, secondary, and tertiary scores.

Tertiary being Int. Don't really care about.
Secondary being Str, just need it high enough for the feats. And possibly Dex, just need it at the max Dex value of your armor. And Con, cause you need some, but don't necessarily need it all.
Allowing your primary to be Wis, for spells, and Cha, cause you want to lol.

Primary get the boosts every level and start fairly high.
Secondary rotate the boosts as needed, start just as high as needed.
Tertiary is basically dump lol.

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