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This quest was pretty awesome from a roleplay perspective.
I've really come to enjoy PFS2 quests in general because their shorter length gives a lot more room for roleplay among the PC's and gives the GM more time to make the world feel "alive".
I have to say, though, that I feel like this quest probably has some editing errors.
Some of the DC's are Fine for level 3-4 PC's, while some are really low (15, or even 13 for lore skills). The adventure has PC's overhear one of the masterminds (A creature 7 by bestiary) behind the operation discussing matters with the main antagonist, but said creature is nowhere to be found when PC's bust in, and their disappearance isn't explained. I guess by description that they might have been talking through some sort of radio, but there's no mention of any sort of radio that the PC's might have.
It would be nice to have some explanation on what's going on.
The fight feels lackluster. There's one creature 4, and two creature 1's vs a party of four level 3 characters. The creature 4 has a decent attack and save for their spells, but lack any offensive options aside from chill touch cantrip, while their tactics say to stay at range. The creature 1's have bunch of HP and not-horrible-but-pretty-poor Ab, but their abysmal AC means that they are easily cut down in a couple of swings. Given that the boss is mostly defensive, it feels almost as if parts of this adventure are 1-4, and other parts are 3-6.
Also, the picture in the cover is about the Venture Captain.
The venture captain is mentioned in the background, but the PC's don't even see him during the adventure - the briefing and debriefing are both given by his assistant.
However, there's no picture or a decent depiction of the main antagonist - I think the best description is "A trembling diminutive figure".
Does a picture of ZATQUALMISH exists?