Can you reinvest an item that has lost its investiture?

Rules Discussion

Looking at the rules for Investing an Item, it seems clear that if you remove the investiture from an item you previously invested, it still counts against your limit of 10 items per day. Can you reinvest that item if you have not yet reached your limit?

As an example - you invested a Bracers of Missile Deflection (Greater) during your daily preparations, but during your adventuring day, decide that a different party member would benefit from borrowing it, so you remove your investiture and let them take it on. Later that day your party finds a different magical item that does something similar and they return it to you...can you get its benefits back if you invest it like it was a new item (i.e. having the second investment count separately against your limit of 10/day)?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this one!

Silver Crusade

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I'd say so.

Staves have special rules preventing multiple people preparing the same staff in a day but I don't know of any other rules.

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Thanks for the thoughts on that!

Silver Crusade

Np :3

Dark Archive

Core rulebook, p. 531 wrote:
You reset the limit during your daily preparations, at which point you Invest your Items anew. If you’re still wearing items you had invested the previous day, you can typically keep them invested on the new day, but they still count against your limit.

As I read it, I'd say you can't Invest the same item more than once per day, and that takes place during your daily preparations. If an item loses Investiture, it must be reset the next morning. I also think it doesn't matter whether you or any other party member has used (activated) the item or not. I'd even rule that only one character can Invest a particular item per day, so you could give those bracers to another PC but they can't Invest them during the same day. This prevents characters from Investing certain kinds of items multiple times per day and switching items between party members.

As a GM I like this change a lot, because you first need to identify and "bond" with the item to gain its benefits. It's better storywise, and I also don't need to secretly track the effects of unidentified magical items PCs find and immediately choose to wear! :)

Sovereign Court

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CRB p. 531 wrote:


You invest your energy in an item with the invested trait as
you don it. This process requires 1 or more Interact actions,
usually taking the same amount of time it takes to don the item.
Once you’ve Invested the Item, you benefit from its constant
magical abilities as long as you meet its other requirements
(for most invested items, the only other requirement is that
you must be wearing the item). This investiture lasts until you
remove the item.
You can invest no more than 10 items per day. If you remove
an invested item, it loses its investiture. The item still counts
against your daily limit after it loses its investiture. You reset
the limit during your daily preparations, at which point you
Invest your Items anew. If you’re still wearing items you had
invested the previous day, you can typically keep them invested
on the new day, but they still count against your limit.

I don't see anything saying you can't re-invest the same item. It just counts towards the 10 items you can invest per day. So if I take off my magical cloak and put it on again, and do that again, that's 3/10 investments for the day spent.

At low levels this does allow quite a bit of switching between party members. But as the party accumulates more items, that limit of 10 starts to feel a bit tighter and you won't see this so much.

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It is my reading as well that you can re-invest an item before you limit resets so long as you've got limit left to use up.

It shouldn't matter either, in my opinion, if the "I want to invest this item now" item happens to be one you already invested but then lost investiture on or an entirely new item (without the item or item type specifically making an exception) - just whether or not you're allowed another invest today or not.

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