Multiple "roll twice" effects.

Rules Questions

Say for example that an opponent under the effect of a the witch hex "misfortune", attacks an ally under the effect of the witch hex "protective luck" does the enemy roll 2, 3, or two pairs of d20.

What if a creature is under the effects of the "bit of luck" luck domain power and misfortune, do the effects cancel, or do they roll 3 and take the middle, or is it two pair again? And if so, what order do they do the sets in? Since if they take two lots of high. Then take the lower of those, the average is different than if done in the opposite order.

Ideally looking for an FAQ or developer intent post, since I've seen plenty of internet arguements on forums already.

You're unlikely to get an official response (unless there's already one out there that you and I just haven't seen), but I always liked the idea of rolling 3 and taking the middle roll - Good luck and bad luck cancel out to make you average at everything.

Under the magic section it talks about counterspells and opposite types of effects canceling each other. As long as the number of effects is even I'd just have them cancel out and roll normally.

I should point out, I'm far more interested in the the effect of two effects that require the lowest roll, hence why I put that question first.

Since they are two differing sources I'd probably roll 2 attempts twice ... but you are kind of off in DM judgement territory near as I can tell. Just try to be consistent.

The 'roll three times and take the middle value' does have precedence in Pathfinder. Namely in some of the abilities/items associated with Magdh. The Rod of the Thriceborn and Threefold Sight spring to mind.

Craftyfirestorm wrote:
I should point out, I'm far more interested in the the effect of two effects that require the lowest roll, hence why I put that question first.

If you have two effects that tell you to do the exact same thing, then you better do exactly what they say. So if two effects tell you to roll two d20 on your next roll and take the lowest result, you roll 2 d 20 and take the lowest result which satisfies both effects.

If either effect said "roll one additional d20 and take the lowest result" that would change everything, but that isn't the wording used. How something is said needs to be followed more than trying to figure out how to stack a really nasty effect to be worse than it already is.

Lantern Lodge

I think the OP was NOT asking about what do you do if you have a beneficial roll x2 and a detrimental roll x2. He was asking if you have TWO detrimental roll x2 effects.

He asked if you had misfortune on you (so you roll x2 for all your d20 rolls), AND you attack someone who has protective luck (so the attacker, that's you, roll x2 on your attacks against that someone).

I think part of the problem is that the OP accidentally(?) used the word "ally" when I think he meant "enemy".

I'd use the multiplier rules as they seem to fit the situation best. Under the multiplier rules, when you have two x2 multipliers, they combine to be x3. So, I'd have the guy roll 3d20 and take the lowest one - that assumes that there isn't something that prevents both effects from applying.

Is it official - NO.

Is it correct - who knows? (But I think it's close enough!)

Page 12 of the CORE RULEBOOK SEZ:

Multiplying: When you are asked to apply more than one multiplier to a roll, the multipliers are not multiplied by one another. Instead, you combine them into a single multiplier, with each extra multiple adding 1 less than its value to the first multiple. For example, if you are asked to apply a ×2 multiplier twice, the result would be ×3, not ×4.

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