Hey gang
I'm looking for a GM to run the Age of Ashes AP for a group I am gathering over at Roll20 as I'd like to actually be a player instead of GMing for once!!
I have myself and 2 other players and have some Discord vetting of a further 6 potential players but sadly no GM's yet so I'm going to try here.
I have the Pro account so you can be a free user and still have my R20 perks, Dynamic lighting, access to the PF II CRB compendium in and out of game.
Hoping to get 6 players (including me) so if/when legit life stuff comes up we can still play our weekly Saturday game with less than 6 (and that tends to happen from time to time in my experience.
The game has to be Saturday after 6 PM CST as I GM 3 other groups over there and that is the only time available between that and work.
So if anyone is interested post here or PM me, be it here or over at Roll20. Just look for the Saturday evening Hellkinight Hill Looking for group listing and my handle over there is
Tom (with the Archer Icon)
Thanks for any considerations
And we can hook up on discord as well as PM's for any further discussions as needed :)