Late Night Forum with Vidmaster7

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The Exchange

What kind of high cholesterol snacks are you talking about? I'll keep an eye on those.

Back to business as usual here. I guess no more pandemic people got bored and it's all over now. moving on. *sigh*

I did think of a new game to play ok maybe not so much a game as just a entertaining to do. If people come into the hotel without a mask we are always sold out regardless of actual circumstances.

I like it.

Some sort of big event. so many dumb kids with no protection... or masks.

You should go around spraying them all with bleach. Probably a really bad idea, but they deserve it.

! *fills spray bottle with bleach!*

Just a Mort wrote:
What kind of high cholesterol snacks are you talking about? I'll keep an eye on those.

Mostly salty & fatty potato chips and processed baked goods, like snack crackers. Convenient cheap stuff made with saturated fats and with hydrogenated oil high in trans fats.

He also ate lots of cheap processed meats and preserved meats with high fat, high sodium, and loaded with preservatives. Stuff like cheap salami, cheap cold cuts/pre-sliced & packaged deli meats, jerky, bologna, bacon, and braunschweiger/liverwurst.

His wife has done a good job getting him to cut down and then eliminate most of these types of foods. The amount of beer he drinks daily (4-6 beers + 1 malt liquor energy drink) should probably be cut down too, but he's not giving that up unless the wife quits smoking... so that ain't happening.

avoid Salt and sugar basically.

Running out of simple things like Printer paper... sigh. I looted every printer I could find and still short.

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I once ran out of printer paper. I felled a 3,000 year old redwood. Pulped it with my bare hands. Mixed in some water from the drinking fountain. Stamped it out and dried it in the break room microwave. Boom. Printer paper. Those Accounts Receivable memos never looked so crisp.

Just use toilet paper. They're pretty much interchangeable.

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If you're committed, everything is interchangeable with toilet paper.

I've been committed. Twice.

Ah, but did you have enough printer paper?

No. I used cursive paper.

“I was saying Booo-urns.”

The Exchange

Oh great. I just brought back some pineapple coconut cookies. I have offered to cook his breakfast but he finds vegetables a bit odd for breakfast I guess...

Salt for blood pressure, sugar for glucose level I understand. But cholesterol? Still don't get the relation.

Starting Tuesday we are finally implementing the required mask to enter the hotel. Manager is leaving it up to individual employees how they wish to enforce it... see next post to see my feelings on this!


Just a Mort wrote:

Oh great. I just brought back some pineapple coconut cookies. I have offered to cook his breakfast but he finds vegetables a bit odd for breakfast I guess...

Salt for blood pressure, sugar for glucose level I understand. But cholesterol? Still don't get the relation.

High cholesterol increases risks for stroke, heart disease, and heart attacks. Basically it starts lining and eventually occludes or totally blocks spots in your arteries and veins. Depending on where those things happen...strokes, heart attacks, etc, etc, etc.

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Oneup Liesalot wrote:
I once ran out of printer paper. I felled a 3,000 year old redwood. Pulped it with my bare hands. Mixed in some water from the drinking fountain. Stamped it out and dried it in the break room microwave. Boom. Printer paper. Those Accounts Receivable memos never looked so crisp.

Except all your artisan paper smells like fish and burnt popcorn.

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The Worst Person Ever wrote:
If you're committed, everything is interchangeable with toilet paper.

{slaps on bad toupee, produces stack of blue notecards} Ladies and gentlemen, here's tonight's Top Ten list. From the home office in Conway, Arkansas:

Top Ten Worst. Papercuts. Ever.

Here we go...

Scarab Sages

Vidmaster7 agent of hydra wrote:

I see you have the taser ready.

Woran wrote:
Vidmaster7 agent of hydra wrote:
I see you have the taser ready.

and the spray bottle full of bleach!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Woran wrote:
Vidmaster7 agent of hydra wrote:
I see you have the taser ready.
and the spray bottle full of bleach!

Now, can you combine them so that the spray of bleach conducts the electricity?

Scarab Sages

Bleach conducts electricity so I think you could combine them.

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
The Worst Person Ever wrote:
If you're committed, everything is interchangeable with toilet paper.

{slaps on bad toupee, produces stack of blue notecards} Ladies and gentlemen, here's tonight's Top Ten list. From the home office in Conway, Arkansas:

Top Ten Worst. Papercuts. Ever.

Here we go...

You have reminded me of this.

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me: would you like a paper receipt?

Lady: Yes then looks at it and promptly tears it up.

Me: *reaching for my bleach tazer sprayer.*

You gotta come up with a cool name for it. Like "BleTazYer".

The clortazinator.

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Brain Bleach Salesgremlin wrote:
Oneup Liesalot wrote:
I once ran out of printer paper. I felled a 3,000 year old redwood. Pulped it with my bare hands. Mixed in some water from the drinking fountain. Stamped it out and dried it in the break room microwave. Boom. Printer paper. Those Accounts Receivable memos never looked so crisp.
Except all your artisan paper smells like fish and burnt popcorn.

That's how everything used to smell!

And that's how we liked it, consarn it!

Back then, we had no convictions. And we didn't know how to sell contradictions... and we smelled like fish and burnt popcorn. There may have been a lot of coming and going, I can't really remember any more.

Days off time soo very soon.

I could use some time off. Those 3.5 months with the hotel closed were very stressful.


STS: 15 15 20 18 now. Only been playing sparsely.

Florida + hurricane + pandemic = should be an interesting week. Was only a matter of time tho.

Very_sad_vidmaster7 wrote:
Florida + hurricane + pandemic = should be an interesting week. Was only a matter of time tho.

Florida Man and Woman will likely be busy.

Unfortunately It will probably also make me busy. We gt a lot of Florida traffic.

Better you than me.

I think you've had enough of a break. you should get the FL people. It's only fair.

There's a reason I left Florida. You can keep them.

But I don't want them either!

Lock the doors?

That's ... that's not bad..

I mean, it is bad. You're not supposed to do that. However, it may help your sanity.

But really what has my sanity ever done for me?

Don't know. I've never seen a trace of your sanity.

It's hiding around here somewhere... maybe.

Is it like the rogue in my game the other day? 12th level rogue / 3rd level sorcerer, drank a potion of Invisibility, was standing still, and got a on his 75 Stealth check.

Yeah invisibility never seem like it works like it should in pathfinder. a flat +40 misses some nuance of stealth that aren't visual.

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