Question about scenario 3-P

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

The villain, Ulunat, says:

If Ulunat would be defeated, and Festering Ulunat is not closed, instead shuffle Ulunat into a random occupied location other than Festering Ulunat.

The location Festering Ulunat states it's always closed, so as written Ulunat's above power does nothing. Is Ulunat's power supposed to mean when Festering Ulunat is not permanently closed?

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Xexyz wrote:

The villain, Ulunat, says:

If Ulunat would be defeated, and Festering Ulunat is not closed, instead shuffle Ulunat into a random occupied location other than Festering Ulunat.

The location Festering Ulunat states it's always closed, so as written Ulunat's above power does nothing. Is Ulunat's power supposed to mean when Festering Ulunat is not permanently closed?

As implied in the rulebook (which has been pulled out before)...

Mummy's Mask Rulebook, Page 17 wrote:
Temporarily closing a location only prevents the villain from escaping there during this encounter; it does not trigger any of the other effects of closing a location, and the location opens again immediately after the encounter.

A location being 'temporarily closed', despite the name, does not mean it's closed. They are distinct states - and, in fact, the upcoming Core set renames "Temporarily Close" to "Guard" to solve this confusing terminology.

So your interpretation that Festering Ulunat needs to be permanently closed is correct, but Ulunat's card text is accurate and correct. A temporarily closed location is not closed for any purpose except that a villain cannot escape there during the villain escape step.

Lone Shark Games

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The complex things we do just to make sure a creature doesn't end up _inside itself_...

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