Archetype stacking


Is there any other archetypes that would be able to stack with my rogue besides Urban ninja ? Current archetypes are sanctified rogue and Weapon expert .

You're getting rid of uncanny dodge traps and sneak attack plus altering skills.

Theres not much left

Also flagged for wrong forum.

While it includes a mention of 3rd party, the issue in and of itself is not 3rd party since I'm looking for a 1st party archetype that would stack on top(I have looked threw all the 3rd party ones already :( )

Underground Chemist is the only one that stacks. It replaces Evasion and 4th lv rogue talent, and alters Advance talents.

Underground Chemist goes very well with the variant multiclass option for Alchemist, if you want Bombs. Though, a lot of people flinch away from the loss of feats.

Considering you lose sneak attack with the OP's options, underground chemist might be a bit lackluster.

Ya I guess there wont be a 3rd archetype thrown in there then. Losing evasion for a ki pool just doesn't seem worth it when I can grab it with a rogue talent. And with out sneak attack the bombs from underground chemist aren't worth it.

Also vmc alchemist is a no go im going vmc barbarian.

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