My new favorite starting item

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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So this is not a major thing, but I found it to be a pretty awesome mix of fun most starting characters might enjoy. The cold iron, sawback kunai. This humble 9gp item fills so many roles! It's a saw, crowbar, piton, trowel (for you know, number 2), as well as a cold iron blunt or piercing weapon with a ranged increment, and it's a simple weapon so unless you are a wizard you are proficient. All in a 2lb. package!

Nice, it's like a Swiss Army Knife.

And now my Rogue has one.

My favorite starting item is usually an animal of some kind-- usually for finding/creating food. Depending on the character, it could be a trained bird of prey like a hawk or falcon that hunts for me, or it could be as simple as chickens laying eggs in a coop on my wagon.

That kunai is pretty sick though. I'll have to remember to get one next time I roll a character ;)

baggageboy wrote:
The cold iron, sawback kunai. This humble 9gp item fills so many roles! It's a saw, crowbar, piton, trowel (for you know, number 2), as well as a cold iron blunt or piercing weapon with a ranged increment, and it's a simple weapon so unless you are a wizard you are proficient. All in a 2lb. package!

Nice find.

Monks are also not proficient.

Interesting, I think Ill get one :p

It's even in the Close weapon group, so your TWF or S&B fighter with the Close group can juice +2/+2 more with his Gloves of Dueling down the road.

(Monks may not be able to flurry with it, but Brawlers can.)

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