Thank you and great job!

Customer Service

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Ahoy hoy,

I just wanted to pass along my thanks for you being you!

Your customer service is always helpful and prompt.

Your warehouse always gets it done promptly, no matter how confusing my order.

I've enjoyed everything I've gotten from you and your products have greatly enhanced both my life and my family's too!

Your artists, writers, and cartographers have always been incredibly talented, very approachable, and thoughtful.

Your editors, designers, and developers have always been willing to listen, open to change, and eager to try new things (as well as talented and all that).

Your management team is always willing to take risks and also eager to try new things and have always been incredibly helpful, forthright, and transparent.

Thank you for your web team and message boards, I've made a lot of good friends, learned a lot about myself, both good and bad, and even learned how to write by using your message boards.

So, thank you! For everything!

Now, some community members will disagree with me on some things, and perhaps it sounds a bit gushy and perhaps I could've phrased it betterer, and I totally understand and accept that, it's just my own experience.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Felt it was time to wander by to say this, and whaddya know, somebody's ahead of me!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Aw, schucks! Well thank you a ton!! ^_^

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