Ed Reppert |
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Thanks for the b-day wishes all!
I needed that! :)Happy Hump Day!
(Mine is ending with carbs-friendly ice cream, and alcoholic beverages, I'm good!)
There's carbs-friendly ice cream? I'm gonna have to look into that.

Ragadolf |

Ragadolf wrote:There's carbs-friendly ice cream? I'm gonna have to look into that.LOL!
Thanks for the b-day wishes all!
I needed that! :)Happy Hump Day!
(Mine is ending with carbs-friendly ice cream, and alcoholic beverages, I'm good!)
Oh yes, there is. :)
A couple of different brands actually.I have only tried Two brands. So far.
REBEL ice cream, which is good, you have to set it out for 5-10 minutes to soften enough to scoop.
ENLIGHTENED has two types, (lots of flavors) one has the calories on the front, the other has the CARBS listed. I like this one better, as it seems to be more creamy and real-ice-cream-like.
Havent tried the other brands getting into the act now.
Worth noting, both brands above list the carbs on the front.
Enlightened has 3-4 'servings' per container/pint.
Rebel Ice cream, the number is for the ENTIRE pint.
Yes. You too can eat an entire Pint of Ice cream for only 6 (net) carbs!!!
SOOOOOOOOooooooo worth it!

Ragadolf |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ragadolf wrote:
*POKE*<Walks off safely under an Improved Invisibility to Angry Monkeys spell, chuckling into his wizardly beard>
I have scent...
Looks like it's time to get wizard beard on my pouncing parts...
"What part of IMPROVED invisibility did you not understand?!? You didn't actually think that I wouldn't cover SCENT in a spell designed to hide me from a mere monkey?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA,...... waitaminute,...."
"Did I remember to cover SOUND??!?! OH SNAP!!!"
<Sound of robes being hiked up, and the pitter-patter of little old wizard feet hauling @$$>

Brain Bleach Salesgremlin |
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Ragadolf wrote:...Sound of robes being hiked up...GAH! Wizard bits! Hike the robes down! Hike. The robes. DOWN!
*averts gaze*
Too late, that mental image will stay with you a long time.

DungeonmasterCal |
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I was walking the dingoes earlier and saw it. It's bright enough that, if I didn't live in a light polluted town, I'd be able to see colors by it. I grew up on a rural farm with no outside lights at night and remember very well these beautiful, crisp winter nights and the astounding brightness of the moon.

Ragadolf |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Cool, nice pic, The moon IS bright tonight, (Not so close and big to me as it sometimes is but still pretty to look at.)
I live in a semi-light polluted area, (neighborhood not too bad, but the Street light is RIGHT across from my front door! ;P
But the sky is actually clear enough today/tonight that I saw the moon clearly. Makes me happy.

Ragadolf |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Monkey Santa wrote:What were you expecting? Wizard's gotta have his wand.Ragadolf wrote:...Sound of robes being hiked up...GAH! Wizard bits! Hike the robes down! Hike. The robes. DOWN!
*averts gaze*
"It's not the SIZE of your wand, it's how you Wield it!"
Said the young wizard in training,...To the Archmage with the massive Staff,...
(I'm gonna regret this one,... I know I am,...)
Naw, NOT sorry, WIZARD!

Ragadolf |

That’s one small step for monkey, one giant pounce for apekind.
Well,... He (or his cousin) WAS the first American in space! ;P

Ambrosia Slaad |
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Fantasy NPC: Herald Of Bitter Memories
Drejk, did you see this open call for Rusted Iron Games?

quibblemuch |
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I'm stoked.
Woke up to a foot of water in the basement. Thought the old sump pump had failed. Either I was looking at a day in stinky basement water replacing it or a REALLY hefty bill (for some reason, plumbers cackle when I call them about flood water and I can hear their kids saying "Are we getting a new Porsche, daddy?"
Crawling around, I noticed the slightest swirl of water in the Gollumesque cavern.
"Huh. That's odd," I thought. "That small object seems to be drifting towards the pump..."
Fished around in the hole where the pump lives, trying not to think of the trash compactor scene from Star Wars. Felt something. Pulled out a piece of plastic.
WOOOSH! 10 minutes later, the basement is free of water and I'm back in the black.
Stoked, I say. Stoked.

quibblemuch |
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I have in-laws near Port Canaveral in Florida. Most of the residents have in-ground swimming pools that they never, ever, ever drain. Doing so would change the buoyancy. Want to see an in-ground pool get launched into the air, ripping out a bunch of concrete with it?
Yes. Yes I actually do.
I would consider subscribing to whatever YouTube streaming service offers that footage. And I've instituted a moratorium on new streaming services, so that's saying something...

Ensirio the Longstrider |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I have in-laws near Port Canaveral in Florida. Most of the residents have in-ground swimming pools that they never, ever, ever drain. Doing so would change the buoyancy. Want to see an in-ground pool get launched into the air, ripping out a bunch of concrete with it?
Yes. Yes I actually do.
Me next! Me next!

Ambrosia Slaad |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Vanykrye wrote:I would consider subscribing to whatever YouTube streaming service offers that footage. And I've instituted a moratorium on new streaming services, so that's saying something...I have in-laws near Port Canaveral in Florida. Most of the residents have in-ground swimming pools that they never, ever, ever drain. Doing so would change the buoyancy. Want to see an in-ground pool get launched into the air, ripping out a bunch of concrete with it?
Yes. Yes I actually do.
My parent's inground pool wasn't getting much use years ago, so they neglected to keep it filled during the dry season. It "popped" up about 8 inches or so, cracking the cinderblocks and shotcrete in spots. It only has a slow leak, so now it's a literal cement pond that the bullfrogs use for spawning, the herons/cranes/egrets use for catching froggie meals, the bluejays use for dunking dry cat kibble, the pair of tiny owls perch on the safety fence at night, raccoons poop around it, and that the cats watch in lieu of a television.

Ragadolf |

I grew up in the STL area and have lived in Kansas since. I have never lived anywhere where basements weren't common. Huzzargh Tornado Alley.
Yep, I was raised in Tulsa, OK, (THE Tornado Alley)
;PWe weren't big on basements, (Maybe in the 'older' homes?) but I recall seeing LOTS of 'tornado shelters' being sold. You could see them before they were buried on the side of the road or at the lots. They look like igloos with a really tall chimney.
(They look kinda silly, actually)
One of my uncles lived in St Louis, he had a really cool house.
How to describe it?
It was a really spread out tower.
It looked like a house, but it had several layers, it was technically only a two story home, but every landing was another level with a room or rooms. Including the lowest level (Den area) the old-fashioned 'sitting room', the kitchen, and the 'tower' of bedrooms, it was at least 5 stories. NOT counting the actual basement.
As a kid I thought that was the coolest house ever.
Aside from a an actual castle of course. :)

Ragadolf |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

That DOES sound like a cool house!
It was. And you could see the St Louis Arch from their front porch Not that far away actually. Apparently this land was/is prime real estate in the middle of central St Louis.
Sadly my Uncle got divorced a while back, I'm pretty sure he had to sell the property during all of that, (As he was asking if he could crash at my family's house for a while) ;P
It is highly unlikely I shall ever see that house again.
But I'd like to. I'm curious to discover if it still seems as 'Cool!' to me now that I'm 'All Growed Up'. :P

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Basements are standard where I live on the central East Coast, though the house I grew up in began its life as an old farm house and we had an old dirt cellar (as in it was literally just the dug out bit of foundation under the house, with just enough room for the oil tank and the water heater). There's even a lot of finished basements in the area, although their frequency can depend on the state of the water table in the particular neighborhood.

Ragadolf |

Oh I'm originally from Oklahoma, (and various other states that didnt want me either) ;P
I've seen SNOW. And flooding, and so many tornadoes that I sleep through them now. (Probably NOT a good idea, but hey.)
But while I have KNOWN folks who had either a basement or a storm/tornado cellar of some kind, I've never actually been IN one myself.
(I don't think? I can't recall if I did?)

DungeonmasterCal |
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So I'm dog sitting for my ex-wife until Monday. She has three dogs, all large, with one being an almost 14 year old German shepherd whose hips no longer have the strength to get her up and down the steps on her back deck into the yard so she can do her bathroom biz. She has to be helped up and down and I love this old dog so much so it's not something I mind doing. Except for the first night, Thursday, when she just decided while at the base of the steps to change her mind about going inside and laid down in the mud, causing me to fall over her into same. I have limped and ached every waking minute since then. So between me and her, it's been quite an adventure taking walkies.
My son's band is on the road beginning this past Wednesday until February 27th, opening last night and tonight for classic rockers Foghat then doing nearly nonstop performances on their own across the northern midwest to New York City, then down the east coast to end up in Nashville, TN before coming back home here to central Arkansas. Since I'm watching someone else's dogs I have a friend of his watching mine. He's a good kid but has had the worst upbringing by a neglectful mother and harsh grandparents and has a TON of emotional issues. I have to call and check on him twice a day to make sure he's not drunk himself into a stupor and forgotten about my dogs. I will say that he has been extremely good about not doing that this time.
Sigh. As much as I love her dogs I can't wait for her to get back Monday so I can come home to my own dogs, take his friend home, and for nearly two weeks have my house absolutely to myself, which is how I intended on living when I moved into it. That's not happened nearly as much as I would like, so the next two weeks are going to be bliss.