Lashunta Tempweave Environmental Protections

Rules Questions

Lashunta Tempweave Armor says in its description that it "...maintains a comfortable temperature for its wearer...making them a popular choice for explorers venturing into hot or humid environments." (Core pg. 202)

I'm trying to find out how this translates mechanically, if at all, to the rules for Heat Dangers found on page 402 of the Core. Specifically I'm asking about these lines:

"A character in very hot conditions (above 90 degrees) must attempt a Fortitude saving throw each hour (DC = 15 + 1 per previous check) or take 1d4 nonlethal fire damage. Characters wearing...armor of any sort take a -4 penalty to their saving throws."

There is no mechanical bonus listed with the Lashunta Tempweave, so I'm wondering if it falls under the armor's generic environmental protections, starting on page 196. This section says that "A suit of armor's environmental protections last for a number of days equal to its item level. Activating or deactivating these environmental protections takes a standard action..."

I'm torn between two rulings on this:

1) That the Lashunta Tempweave's explanation is merely flavor and that it's ability to "maintain a comfortable temperature for its wearer" is really just an environmental protection, like all other armor, and that it must be activated and has a limited use, or

2) That its explanation is deliberate and has mechanical relevance. That its ability to maintain a comfortable temperature for the wearer in hot or humid environments is constant and that the limited, activation "environmental protections" that the suit has is only referring to EXTREME temperatures (over 140 degrees) which is mentioned under the Temperature section in armor on page 198

I've been looking around and haven't found any posts on this, so I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts. Thanks!

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That would be flavor text. Mechanically, the armor's protection is the same as the rest: activate it for protection for days equal to the suit's level.

Its just flavor

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