trawets71 |

I have decided to run a campaign for all of those I have played with before, especially the DM’s. This game is open to any I have been in a game with before. I am going to run a series of adventures which I have DMed in person for my home group. I have no experience in running a PbP game so please be understanding. This was supposed to get started before my surgery last week but due to all the site issues it never got posted.
Now, down to the nitty gritty:
25 point buy (I like my heros, heroic)
Max gold for class
Max hit point first level (will use half die rounded up thereafter)
2 Traits
Background skills will be in use
Sources: Core, APG, Unchained, UM
Looking to take 6 characters
Background: Something, though see below for some specifics I am looking for
Closing Date: 9-12, with the caveat I may go longer due to interest and how I feel
About the Campaign and Me:
I’m a bit old school in my gaming. I’m a believer in the fighter/mage/thief/cleric party. I know more than those classes can fill those roles but those are the first roles I’ll be looking to fill. I’m not a fan of the magic mart but I won’t be using ABP as I DON”T like it. I’d prefer to place treasure that your characters will like rather than run back to town and buy it. With that in mind I’d like a list of the magic items you’d like, including weapons and armor types. I like “heroic” characters. To me that means someone who sees a need and is ready to help, rewards aren’t a consideration, they are nice, but doing good is it’s own reward.
I have a way to bring the party together, however I would like to have each character have a tie to Absolom family wise, as well as someone or group you are willing to take orders from there; church, PFS, guild, mercenary group, etc.
If you have any questions please let me know.