[Monk] Stances and Flurry of Blows


Probably a silly question but... are the strikes activated by the different stances compatible with Flurry of Blows? ie can you make two Dragon Tail\Tiger Claw etc attacks as part of a Flurry?

As written, I would think so as the stance attacks have the unarmed trait and Flurry only specifies that you make two unarmed strikes.

But unable to find anything to clarify and seeing that this may cause some contention at the table, I thought I'd ask the experts :)

Shadow Lodge

Yes. Since you're taking the multi-attack penalty on the second attack, it shouldn't be much of an issue.

Sammy T wrote:
Yes. Since you're taking the multi-attack penalty on the second attack, it shouldn't be much of an issue.

That makes sense but does raise another questions. Flurry of Blows does not specify that it counts towards your multi-attack penalty whereas other similar feat like Double Slice point out that they take place at your current penalty and that it counts as two attacks for purposes of calculating your Multi-Attack penalty.

Flurry says make two unarmed strikes. There is no mention of how this impacts Multi-Attack. As written, you could use Flurry as your first attack action without penalty on the second attack.

Although this would be crazy overpowered and surely not the intent.

Shadow Lodge

Each attack counts toward your MAP. You can see this in the monk preview blog.

Sammy T wrote:
Each attack counts toward your MAP. You can see this in the monk preview blog.

At the same time, that got a lot of backlash, and Paizo made it apparent they aren't above making adjustments based on feedback. IIRC the "combined damage" bit is new, so they may have changed it since the preview.

Liberty's Edge

Raizanshi wrote:

Probably a silly question but... are the strikes activated by the different stances compatible with Flurry of Blows? ie can you make two Dragon Tail\Tiger Claw etc attacks as part of a Flurry?

As written, I would think so as the stance attacks have the unarmed trait and Flurry only specifies that you make two unarmed strikes.

But unable to find anything to clarify and seeing that this may cause some contention at the table, I thought I'd ask the experts :)

Basically, what these stance feats do is give you an alternate unarmed strike as a new "weapon" you can use. Any time you make an unarmed strike while in a stance, you can do so using the stats listed (though you're not required to, you can still make a basic unarmed strike: I know some people are, for example, using Dragon Stance but still using normal unarmed strikes for the Finesse trait).

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