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Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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Looks like Batwoman will be more than just a guest star in the 4-series crossover event this fall. CW is developing a Batwoman TV show for 2019.

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Cool. :) I'd love to see that happen. Batwoman, especially Kate Kane's current version, is pretty cool.

Great news. Kate is one of my favourites^^

On the one hand, good to see Batwoman getting some love. OTOH, the CW.


You'd think after the crapping other major networks have done with comics, you'd WANT someone other than the CW? I mean seriously...

I suppose they did do a decent job with Black Lightning. I'm just stuck thinking of the other shows they have and how I would rather not yet another superhero ended up like those.

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...It's kind of inevitable thought isn't it. I mean it's a DC property, so there is like a 90% chance it ends up on CW.

Annoying pedantry: I suspect that given the vast number of DC characters and how few actually ended up on the CW in some way, it's somewhat less than a 1% chance that it ends up on the CW. (No actual number crunching was involved in this statement)

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Annoying pedantry: I suspect that given the vast number of DC characters and how few actually ended up on the CW in some way, it's somewhat less than a 1% chance that it ends up on the CW. (No actual number crunching was involved in this statement)

DC is owned by WB

CW is WB TV network

If they are going to make a show based on a DC character I think the odds are pretty good they will put it on their own network

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Yeah, I'm not following you, Bjorn. Especially since the CW is up to being able to have 1 superhero show a night if they wanted, and the only live action DC show not on the CW is Gotham.

If the complaint is that there are hundreds and hundreds of DC heroes and only (*actually stops to try and count and gives up around 25-30*) 20-30 or more on the CW.... uh. Well, that's still more live action superheroes than there's still... basically ever been.

To worry about quality is fair. (All of the following is IMO of course) Arrow was pretty good Season 1, decent Season 2, and then started going downhill fast from there to the point I had to stop watching, it was too painful to keep going. Flash Season 1 was okay, now it runs in circles with not much real plot or character development (with frequent reset buttons wrecking either). Supergirl season 1 (on CBS) was okay, Season 2(on CW) was great... Season 3 on the other hand.... On the upshot though, Legends of Tomorrow started off solidly "meh" and has consistently gotten better and better every season (although even there you have to ignore a lot of writer lazines). And then Black Lighting was freaking AMAZING--but it was a shorter season and the pacing kept tight, and kept from in universe shenanigans.

If Batwoman is being run by, say, the same creative team or similar as Black Lightning, this is great news. Especially since Batwoman is a lesbian and I personally am excited about a lesbian lead action hero on TV, but would like to see that handled well with good storytelling, not sensationalism or tokenism.

If it's being run by, say, Arrow's current creative team (as opposed to the one that started it Season 1), then I'd rather they not make it at all.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

And the other 3 DC live action shows in development are slated for the DC Universe streaming channel - Titans, Doom Patrol, and Swamp Thing. And the first 2 are both produced by Greg Berlanti, who's behind the CW shows - so it's pretty much CW or DC streaming and that's it.

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Just saw the trailer for Titans...I'm not impressed.

But at least there's hope that Kate Kane will go full on Batwoman on her terms rather than Bruce's..which is good.

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We have our new Batwoman: [Variety] Ruby Rose Cast as Batwoman for CW.

Rose played Stella in Orange Is the New Black and Ares in John Wick: Chapter 2.

Right now I am getting a bit tired of the CW shows. They almost all have the exact same formula (Legends is a bit different, but still somewhat similar). Even Black Lightning is drifting into the CW formula at the end.

All I know is they are least chose the RIGHT lead to be Kate Kane.

The CW does need to switch it up from time to time. Do something drastically different. heck maybe have 2 different master villains in one run. I don't know but something different.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Vidmaster7 wrote:
The CW does need to switch it up from time to time. Do something drastically different. heck maybe have 2 different master villains in one run. I don't know but something different.

You mean like the Legion of Doom in Legends of Tomorrow season 2? Reverse Flash, Malclom Merlyn and Damien Darhk, and Captain Cold? That's 4 main villains, not just 2.

I liked that Legion of Doom. But they needed more heavy hitters than just Eobard. Maybe instead it should be Grodd with Bizarro, Livewire and Starro?

JoelF847 wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
The CW does need to switch it up from time to time. Do something drastically different. heck maybe have 2 different master villains in one run. I don't know but something different.
You mean like the Legion of Doom in Legends of Tomorrow season 2? Reverse Flash, Malclom Merlyn and Damien Darhk, and Captain Cold? That's 4 main villains, not just 2.

Yeah their ya go and I enjoyed that season for the most part.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
I liked that Legion of Doom. But they needed more heavy hitters than just Eobard. Maybe instead it should be Grodd with Bizarro, Livewire and Starro?

Well at least with throwing starro in their it makes it real simple for how they all got together...

Sovereign Court

They are too low power for that

Yeah Starro is a pretty BIG time villain.

Negachaotic Teenage Slaadhead wrote:
We have our new Batwoman:

I haven't seen any of her acting roles. Based solely on that one photo (unfair, I know), that woman is in desperate need of a sammich.

Scarab Sages

Thomas Seitz wrote:
All I know is they are least chose the RIGHT lead to be Kate Kane.

I saw her in John Wick 2, and she did a great job with that action role, so I have no doubt she can pull of the action in this one.

Depending on how the big crossover goes, I may give this show a shot. I suspect I won't watch it for long, though.


I never saw ANY of Alexandra Shipp, but I was more convinced she looked like a young Ororo Munroe than I was of Hallie Berry at times as Storm.

Starro was just a random choice. Also I think Grodd would be more of the brains anyway. But that's me.

So yeah I think Ruby Rose will do the role of Kate Kane/Batwoman justice.

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Damon Griffin wrote:
I haven't seen any of her acting roles. Based solely on that one photo (unfair, I know), that woman is in desperate need of a sammich.

Like Grant Gustin (Flash), Rose has always been on the slim side.

She held her own physically against Keanu Reeves in the second Wick film, so I imagine she'll do fine holding up the physical side of embodying Batwoman.

And yes while Keanu isn't in his 20s any more, he's in WAY better shape than I am. :P

Liberty's Edge

I know next to nothing about Ruby Rose but I am curious about the massive amount of tattoos she has more or less all over her body. Granted she won't be doing nude scenes like she did in Orange is the New Black, but she has tattoos coming down onto the front of her hands even.

Batwoman / Kane was never depicted in the comics covered in tattoos, was she?

I know it's not a deal breaker, but the amount of tattoos she has covering her body will definitely put a different spin on the character to say the least ...

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Marc Radle wrote:
I know it's not a deal breaker, but the amount of tattoos she has covering her body will definitely put a different spin on the character to say the least ...

No, I'm pretty sure makeup is quite good at hiding her tattoos...

{fans self} My, it suddenly got warm in here.

Also I'm sure as an ex-marine, Kate had more than her fair share of tats. Whether or not she has as many as Ruby does...unclear. But to me that's hardly a deal breaker.

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Ugh. She (Rose) has been bullied off Twitter by unhappy Batwoman "fans". [MUCH SWEARING DELETED]

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I am kind of at the point where we should take twitter and dump it into the Mariana trench...

Yeah if nothing else, this has proven to me we need to nuke Twitter now and NOT start over...

Twitter is just a place to whine and complain.

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MMCJawa wrote:
I am kind of at the point where we should take twitter and dump it into the Mariana trench...

I agree lets feed it to the Meg.

But.. where will I go for all my porn?

Pssst, Freehold, I have a link...but I can't post it since it's NSWF. And you know against policy...

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Damon Griffin wrote:
Negachaotic Teenage Slaadhead wrote:
We have our new Batwoman:
I haven't seen any of her acting roles. Based solely on that one photo (unfair, I know), that woman is in desperate need of a sammich.

Can we please not body shame human beings publicly? For any reason?

Yes, I fully admit I was part of probably at least one conversation in the past where I said, "Oh, that person doesn't look buff enough to be a superhero" or something like that, and you know what? I was wrong (especially because said person turned out to be f+*%ing kickASS, but also because it was a s$$#ty thing to say). I was wrong wrong wrong wrong and it's tasteless and tacky and childish to look at a photograph of a total stranger and judge their appearance in that or any other way.

People can and will think whatever they want and comment about it in their own personal spheres wherever they want, but I wish folks would show a little more discretion about what they say about a real human being with hearts and thoughts and feelings in public, and feel free to do so just because they don't know them or think a person is only what they look like. I have a long way to go, but I've been trying to be better about thinking about--would I describe one of my friends or family members on the Internet in a certain way? If no, then I'm not going to describe someone else's friend or family member in the same way either.

Rose being bullied off social media is horrible (especially for the hateful reasons people were attacking her). Twitter (and most of social media) is truly a s+@% show. Come on, solar flare...

On topic, I am looking forward to this show, and hope it will be as good as Black Lightning.

I just hope for it be smarter than Flash and Arrow is my hope...

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
I just hope for it be smarter than Flash and Arrow is my hope...

Ever the optimist.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
I just hope for it be smarter than Flash and Arrow is my hope...

I'd even settle for Arrow 1st season. It wasn't all that bad when Kreisberg and Berlanti were still doing things with it.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
I just hope for it be smarter than Flash and Arrow is my hope...
Ever the optimist.

Well I kind of have to be in this day and age. It's that or I settle for cynicism and that's no fun.

So what makes a CW show good or bad? I've seen some of the shows referenced in this thread: 4 seasons of Arrow, Flash seasons 1 and 2, and a couple episodes of both Legends and Black Lightning. Honestly the only one I really got into was Arrow.

I like grit, and the first 3 seasons of Arrow had that. I also go in for the feels a lot. The Netflix treatments of Marvel characters, especially Jessica Jones, seem to make my motor purr.

I thought Flash would do it for me. I loved the comics as a kid (though I did start with Wally West, then read Bart Allen/Impulse for the comedy, and finally backtracked through some Barry Allen stuff) but the show just seemed, I don't know... hollow. Barry in the show seems like "I do good stuff because good stuff is what I should do!" I know there's the bit about his mom and that affecting him in life but, well...

Nothing will ever beat the Wally West story I read as a kid, about all the lives he COULD'VE led had he never received super speed. Broken home, broken life, abusive parents, just a real gritty look at everything that MIGHT have happened to him. Then it comes back to Wally standing over his birthday cake and Linda asking him "so, what'd you wish for?" and of course he's all "It already came true."

Like I said... the feels.

So which show can I get that from? Arrow seasons 1 - 3, unpacking who Oliver was before the island, then ON the island, and repairing all the broken relationships upon his return, that hit me. Tommy and his story arc, that one really got me. And of course the grim Arrow as opposed to the wisecracking comics was really cool for me.

As for Batwoman... I can't say that I'm jonesing for more DC heroes. Despite being a DC speed freak, I mostly grew up on Marvel comics. I wish we could get more than Agents of Shield on their side. Sure, there's the Netflix stuff I mentioned but I'd love to have a prime-time series to tune into.

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First pic of Ruby Rose in the Batwoman suit

I like the outfit. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The crossover event that introduces her also has The Monitor in it.
Could a Crisis be in the works to combine Arrowverse and Superverse into the one universe?

Scarab Sages

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I was pleasantly surprised at the costume. They seem to have done a really good job matching it to the comics.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
First pic of Ruby Rose in the Batwoman suit

I like it. But I can't decide whether that's a photo or a painting.

Charles Scholz wrote:

The crossover event that introduces her also has The Monitor in it.

Could a Crisis be in the works to combine Arrowverse and Superverse into the one universe?

That would be my guess, which will simplify arranging annual crossovers going forward, but make it that much harder to explain why we'll [probably] still only see such team-ups once a year. Kara, Barry, Wally and anyone who happens to be aboard the Waverider can travel between show-cities in seconds. But I bet they won't.

Elseworlds promo featuring (briefly) Rose in the Batwoman suit (and Grant Gustin as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow instead of as Barry Allen/Flash)

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