How do Urdefhan's see?

Rules Questions

Every illustration I've seen of urdefhans (particularly in the Thousand Fangs Below AP) shows the urdefhans wearing what looks like leather straps covering their eyes.

How do they see this way?

Most of their parts are see through right? So they look through the back of their heads!

Yeah I don't know. :(

Lemartes wrote:

Most of their parts are see through right? So they look through the back of their heads!

Yeah I don't know. :(


According to Darklands Revisited, they actually see out of an eye that's in the back of their mouth.

LeMoineNoir wrote:
According to Darklands Revisited, they actually see out of an eye that's in the back of their mouth.

Oh wow, interesting. Thanks, LeMoineNoir.

Though doesn't seem practical. I guess they just walk around with their mouths open all the time? Did it give any more details?

And their peripheral vision must be terrible.

Which doesn't seem to match their high perception skill.

All it seems to say is that they believe they see better out of their mouth. Their normal eyes still work, and there are a handful of pictures of them without their face wrappings out there, they just prefer their third eye.

Though they were created by the Oinodaemon, and can only procreate with actual daemons, so I don't think normal physiology is meant to apply. They might just be transparent on the inside or something.

So I was kinda right... They can see through themselves from inside their own mouths.

"You peoples are weirdos!"

LeMoineNoir wrote:

All it seems to say is that they believe they see better out of their mouth. Their normal eyes still work, and there are a handful of pictures of them without their face wrappings out there, they just prefer their third eye.

Though they were created by the Oinodaemon, and can only procreate with actual daemons, so I don't think normal physiology is meant to apply. They might just be transparent on the inside or something.

Thanks LeMoineNoir, appreciate the insight.

Lemartes wrote:

So I was kinda right... They can see through themselves from inside their own mouths.

"You peoples are weirdos!"

You nailed it Lemartes, lol

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