So What's the Plan, Stan?

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I don't know yet, might get a new phone, might get an Xbox.

Definitely getting something though, I definitely earned it! Whatever It is.

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I found a (knackered) copy of the first edition of Warhammer 40k online, so I'm looking forward to that arriving. I do hope there are Space Zoats in it, as I feel the Warhammerverse has never been the same since they cut the Zoats out.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I don't know yet, might get a new phone, might get an Xbox.

Definitely getting something though, I definitely earned it! Whatever It is.

I went with the Xbox! Frivolous purchase for the win!

In fairness though, I've worked over 200 hours in four weeks through one of the hardest times of my life and every job has come in ahead of schedule so I probably earned a frivolous purchase.

Grand Lodge

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Strange Aeons may be continuing, pending how the GM feels after a rough night last night.

Depending on your geographic location, it's already Friday, so what's happening this weekend?

Grand Lodge

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I'll be heading across the pond to finally visit the UK on Sunday.

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Where in the UK are you visiting?

The kids are at their Gran's on Saturday, so my partner and I have rented a pod on a campsite up in the hills, where we shall be meeting up with a couple of friends. The weather will be foul, of course, but we're prepared for that.

Grand Lodge

We'll be in London all next week, before heading to Edinburgh for the second week and our friends wedding.

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It's Tiny T-Rex's birthday this weekend so we'll be doing that.

I got him a couple of hard to find Switch games and a couple of Spider verse comic books and the ex-wife is making the cake, whatever form that will take.

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Andostre wrote:

I am packing for our yearly trip to visit my wife's family in Rhode Island. We leave on Sunday, and this year we'll be there for two weeks. During that time, we'll be making a road trip into the White Mountains in New Hampshire to go hiking.

I'm trying to keep a positive mindset. It's hard for me to enjoy spending extended periods with my wife's parents. They bicker with each other constantly, which is draining. And this is on the longer side of a trip to their place. But the area is beautiful, I enjoy my wife's sister and her family and their childhood friends, and I love that my kids are making these memories of their childhood summers. It's more good than bad, but I have to vent about the bad, so that's where you guys come in. :)

Still here.

(Sorry, let me try that again.)

Still here!

Work today then a day off. Would like to get some painting done, should do something about the mess in the guest room, but I suspect that most of this evening and tomorrow will be spent with the cat on my lap, now that it's raining and cool enough to be comfortable to lie on me again.

It's a rainy, thundery morning here at Sweet Home Calabama. For the first time in days, it's not oppressively hot. How are things in your respective necks of the woods? Any plans?

Grand Lodge

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I’ve had my fill of London by now, going to hit Draughts Board Game Cafe tonight before we have our train ride to Scotland tomorrow.

Poor old Squeaker (our orange & white cat) had to have a leg amputated this week after getting clipped by a car, so we're giving him some extra looking after (he's home, at least, and presently snoozing away in a chair behind me)

F*!K -

I just found out that the W.A.S.P. concert I was going to see in September has been canceled due to Blackie's health. It sounds dumb but I am really upset about it. Not angry, just really, really sad. W.A.S.P. is one of the last two bands I wanted to see before I died and I never in all my life expect either of them to come to Arkansas. The tickets were a Father's Day gift. Shows are expected to be rescheduled for next year, so hopefully I'll still get to see them. It's ridiculous to feel like this over a concert, but I'm really, really messed up about it.


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That sucks, Cal. Better luck next year.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
That sucks, Cal. Better luck next year.

Thanks! Sorry to reply so late; I just saw this.

So, who's got what going on this weekend? I got out of going to my old high school in order to only see one person who I wanted to see because he couldn't make it, either. We've seen each other for about five minutes once in the last 40 years. We were great friends in high school and our freshman year of college. We were partners in hijinks. But there are a lot of people who I once called lifelong friends who no longer want to have anything to do with me because I have the gall, the temerity, and the absolute audacity to actually speak the words out loud declaring I do not "believe in" Donald Trump (I was told by a preacher that I would go to hell because of that). I wish I was joking. My friend Marty was the absolute only person I wanted to see. So, maybe next year.

That sucks even worse. Why can't decent people like you catch a break?

Grand Lodge

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Lovely wedding today. We’ll be flying home in the morning, which works for me. Looking forward to seeing my dog again.

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My son is away at a sleepaway camp, my daughter leaves for her sleepaway camp on Sunday, and my wife has an out of town work trip Monday through Thursday. It's time to Party Party get some chores done Party!

I never had the desire to attend any of my high school reunions. I kept in touch with a few friends out of high school, but I started to realize that I was the only one making any effort to keep in touch. Most of my friends moved away while I stayed in our home city; I would travel to visit them, but they wouldn't even mention to me when they visited home. So I stopped trying with those people. I still keep in touch with a couple people from high school, however, but that's because we both make the effort outside of high school reunions.

Andostre wrote:
I never had the desire to attend any of my high school reunions. I kept in touch with a few friends out of high school, but I started to realize that I was the only one making any effort to keep in touch. Most of my friends moved away while I stayed in our home city; I would travel to visit them, but they wouldn't even mention to me when they visited home. So I stopped trying with those people. I still keep in touch with a couple people from high school, however, but that's because we both make the effort outside of high school reunions.

I've only managed to make it to my 10th anniversary reunion. The real world has conspired against me when it comes to attending the others. Our 40th was last year and I was flat out told by a classmate I was not welcome. My best friend from 6th grade no longer speaks to me. There are two, maybe three people I would enjoy seeing (one being the friend I had hoped to see on his *mostly* annual trip home to see family). I keep up with them online, but it would still be nice to just sit and talk again.

Ah, well.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
That sucks even worse. Why can't decent people like you catch a break?

I guess not everyone finds me lovely...LOL.

Seriously, thank you. It's just disappointing to see such a ludicrous reason being the thing that has actually destroyed friendships and even families over here.

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I'm attending my parents' 50th wedding anniversary celebrations.

Limeylongears wrote:
I'm attending my parents' 50th wedding anniversary celebrations.

How was the anniversary celebration? I hope everyone had a good time.

What's everyone doing this weekend? It's too bloody hot here to walk out the door, with highs up to 104 Fahrenheit (40+ Celsius). The humidity makes it even worse. With the exception of taking my old dog outside to pee I hope I don't have to leave the house at all.

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It's too bloody hot everywhere but here. Here it's a nice Norwegian summer of just under 20 C. I'm just enjoying the pleasant temperatures as long as possible because there will likely be less and less of it in the future.

Plan is to head up to my parent's house and do a weekly check while they are off at the cabin, and then possibly get the bathroom floor done (need to replace a couple of loose tiles). More likely that job will be put off until my holiday in two week's time.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
I'm attending my parents' 50th wedding anniversary celebrations.

How was the anniversary celebration? I hope everyone had a good time.

What's everyone doing this weekend? It's too bloody hot here to walk out the door, with highs up to 104 Fahrenheit (40+ Celsius). The humidity makes it even worse. With the exception of taking my old dog outside to pee I hope I don't have to leave the house at all.

It was a good do, thanks! We had a bit of a dance, and some games, and some food - a lovely celebration overall.

Tomorrow, I've been tasked with making Squeaks (cat with three legs) a run in the back yard, as he's desperate to go outside, but we don't think he's ready to start roaming too far afield, and certainly don't want him running/hopping out into the road again.

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We pick my daughter up from her camp this afternoon, and thus, my kid-free weeks of the summer are over. I'm excited to see her and hear about her first sleepaway camp, though!

We get my son back next week, and then we'll be at full capacity again. I'm also excited to hear about his camp!

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The only camps we had like that around here are summer church camps. My son attended three or four when he was a kid. He always had a pretty good time, though now he refers to them as "brainwashing camps".

Your mentioning sleepaway camps suddenly brought the absolute horrible (in all the best ways) "Sleepaway Camp" series of low-budget slasher flicks. Now I gotta go watch them!

Yo, home skillets. What's everyone doing this weekend?

For me it's dog-sitting for my son and his girlfriend's Teacup Yorkies and sociopathic cats. They live next door so it's not a hassle. I can't do hassles anymore. Also hoping to watch the season finale of "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" tonight. I never in a million years thought it would happen, but this series has surpassed all other Star Treks as my favorite. I wish they'd do full 26 episode seasons like they did back in the day rather than the 10 per season now. And with the strike going on in Hollywood season 3 might be delayed. Supposedly all the scripts have been written and are just waiting patiently for the actors to bring them to life.

So, you lot. What's happening this weekend?

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Picking up chicks!

Grand Lodge

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A whole lot of nothing. Just working through my shifts, maybe some board games and anime, before the weekend is up.

Well, we are taking the dog in on Monday for a skin biopsy. So that's a little unnerving, even if it is routine.

TriOmegaZero wrote:

A whole lot of nothing. Just working through my shifts, maybe some board games and anime, before the weekend is up.

Well, we are taking the dog in on Monday for a skin biopsy. So that's a little unnerving, even if it is routine.

I hope everything turns out well for the puppo!

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Work today, up to see the folks tomorrow then a movie in the evening (probably Barbie). Some shopping and packing on Monday, then off to see my sister and her kids for a couple of days. The eldest was reportedly very excited to see Uncle Bjørn again.

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We went on an Excursion - we had something to eat, bought some clothes, and my partner and the kids went to an exhibition while I wandered about town. Tomorrow I will be doing various tasks to get ready for the week ahead, and we also have a PF2 game.

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Most of Friday was spent traveling to my in-laws to pick up my son, where he was staying for the week (and then two weeks at a sleepaway camp before that). We packed him up, and then we traveled back home today.

Andostre wrote:
Most of Friday was spent traveling to my in-laws to pick up my son, where he was staying for the week (and then two weeks at a sleepaway camp before that). We packed him up, and then we traveled back home today.

Did he have a good time at camp?

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Andostre wrote:
Most of Friday was spent traveling to my in-laws to pick up my son, where he was staying for the week (and then two weeks at a sleepaway camp before that). We packed him up, and then we traveled back home today.
Did he have a good time at camp?

He did! Two weeks of day hiking in the Colorado mountains with no parents and a bunch of kids his age, white water rafting, rock climbing... and apparently the food was really good, too! I was a little worried about how he would do flying by himself for the first time (he's 12), but he says he loved it. I think this had more to do with the snacks the airline gives an unaccompanied minor, but whatever works.

After that camp, he flew back to stay with his grandparents to go to a day camp for a week with his cousin. And before those two camps, we were visiting said grandparents for two weeks. So he's been away from home for about five weeks! He's had a busy summer, and I feel like those trips were great experiences for him.

We had planned on him being an unaccompanied minor to fly back home, but frustratingly, nobody was available to get him on a plane home. So his one plane ticket turned into three (my tickets there and back), but I was able to pay for them all with frequent flyer points, at least.

My daughter had a week-long YMCA sleepaway camp about an hour away during that time, and she had a great time also.

Thanks for asking!

Friday Friday FRIDAY! (Tractor pull announcer's voice).

All I have planned is watching a terrible Bigfoot movie from the 1970s, letting a friend come over so he can watch the "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" season finale, and helping my ex-wife get her house cleaned up a bit before her surgery on Tuesday.

So, what's everyone else doing?

Grand Lodge

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Strange Aeons picks up Sunday SUNDAY SUNDAY!

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I'll be writing a biography for Harmony Vonn, a new halfling character I'm building. :-)

And watching the season finale of Strange New Worlds.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Strange Aeons picks up Sunday SUNDAY SUNDAY!

LOL perfect!

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We were given tickets to Harry Potter World, so we're going there tomorrow. I would rather not, to be honest, but it is supposed to be good, even if you don't like the series.

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Not much! One more week to go before school starts. Seeing some friends who have been away for much of the summer.

I need to start working on a Call of Cthulu character. It turns out my friend was serious about running a campaign! It will be a once a month thing, and he lives 45 minutes away, but I think it will be worth it.

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Going to see if I can motivate myself to finally start that writing project. My son has been telling me his plans to grow up and be a writer, so I figure I better get into gear. He already has 1 book on me that he made in class and had a friend illustrate, so I’m way behind.

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The hell if I know!

It's my birthday on Sunday so hopefully something!

Whatever it is I'm not staying home with my ex-wife.

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captain yesterday wrote:
It's my birthday on Sunday so hopefully something!

I'm two hours early, but happy birthday!

Happy birthday, Captain!

Thank you, it's a weird birthday, being stuck in that nether place where you're ready to move on with your life but you have to wait 3-5 weeks for everything to actually come together.

At any rate, I figure I'll just hide in my room and play games or something by myself.

captain yesterday wrote:

The hell if I know!

It's my birthday on Sunday so hopefully something!

Whatever it is I'm not staying home with my ex-wife.

Happy birthday!!

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