When is the next blog?

Prerelease Discussion

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I really thought they would do the human blog today, especially with Jason specifically mentioning it.

ThePuppyTurtle wrote:
Tholomyes wrote:

Since we know they're doing extra blogs beyond the Monday Friday thing, I've got a revised expectation on the upcoming blogs:

Wednesday: Humans & half-humans, as this was mentioned as "very soon" and in the same breath as the extra blogs announcement
Friday: Animal Companions, probably also covering summons and such, due to the Druid preview
Monday: Multiclassing, since controversy is always the domain of Monday blogs.
Tuesday (maybe wednesday): Doomsday Dawn, and maybe some Golarion stuff, since we know 2e will canonize the old adventure paths and such.
Next Wednesday (maybe Thursday, on launch day?): How the Playtest will be structured, and procedural stuff.

It's physically painful not to respond to that with what I've read about multi-classing.

Oh, I've read that too. That's why I think it's the Monday-est of the Monday blogs. I'm even cautiously optimistic, but it's definitely a blog where I think you'll need the full moderation team on call.

Silver Crusade

Tholomyes wrote:
ThePuppyTurtle wrote:
Tholomyes wrote:

Since we know they're doing extra blogs beyond the Monday Friday thing, I've got a revised expectation on the upcoming blogs:

Wednesday: Humans & half-humans, as this was mentioned as "very soon" and in the same breath as the extra blogs announcement
Friday: Animal Companions, probably also covering summons and such, due to the Druid preview
Monday: Multiclassing, since controversy is always the domain of Monday blogs.
Tuesday (maybe wednesday): Doomsday Dawn, and maybe some Golarion stuff, since we know 2e will canonize the old adventure paths and such.
Next Wednesday (maybe Thursday, on launch day?): How the Playtest will be structured, and procedural stuff.

It's physically painful not to respond to that with what I've read about multi-classing.
Oh, I've read that too. That's why I think it's the Monday-est of the Monday blogs. I'm even cautiously optimistic, but it's definitely a blog where I think you'll need the full moderation team on call.

Ah, I see, then. I share your outlook. As someone who doesn't multi-class anyway, I actually like the new system and think it'll be good for cutting down on optimization... but this is going to be uglier than goblins.

Uglier than goblins is probably putting it mildly. I'm far more likely to use this system than a classical multiclass, but I wish they'd kept both.

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Most PCs that I have seen have been single classed and a few have been dual classed. I haven't actually seen a PC with three or classes in my games so none of the skuttlebut I have heard has turned me off to the system in the least. It's just not something I care about.

That said of course it will be uglier than a goblin. Goblins get +2 Charisma they are a fair and beautiful race. Far more fair and beautiful than elves or humans.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Tholomyes wrote:
ThePuppyTurtle wrote:
Tholomyes wrote:

Since we know they're doing extra blogs beyond the Monday Friday thing, I've got a revised expectation on the upcoming blogs:

Wednesday: Humans & half-humans, as this was mentioned as "very soon" and in the same breath as the extra blogs announcement
Friday: Animal Companions, probably also covering summons and such, due to the Druid preview
Monday: Multiclassing, since controversy is always the domain of Monday blogs.
Tuesday (maybe wednesday): Doomsday Dawn, and maybe some Golarion stuff, since we know 2e will canonize the old adventure paths and such.
Next Wednesday (maybe Thursday, on launch day?): How the Playtest will be structured, and procedural stuff.

It's physically painful not to respond to that with what I've read about multi-classing.
Oh, I've read that too. That's why I think it's the Monday-est of the Monday blogs. I'm even cautiously optimistic, but it's definitely a blog where I think you'll need the full moderation team on call.

Have they said that there will be a multiclassing blog at all? A good case could be made for not bothering to offer any blog on the subject at this point.

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Hello, Friday.
Goodbye, Friday.

Place your bets folks place your bets! Will it be humans? Rituals/other magics? Manuevers? Multiclassing (not likely, I agree)? A screenshot of the table of contents for the playtest books?

Actually that last one is probably the one I most want at the moment, but I feel that's even less likely than a blog about multiclassing, although I would wager far less likely to result in flame wars.

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Give me 10 on Ritual magic, bookie.

My bet is either rituals/other magic or a screen shot of the table of contents.

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AnimatedPaper wrote:

Place your bets folks place your bets! Will it be humans? Rituals/other magics? Manuevers? Multiclassing (not likely, I agree)? A screenshot of the table of contents for the playtest books?

Actually that last one is probably the one I most want at the moment, but I feel that's even less likely than a blog about multiclassing, although I would wager far less likely to result in flame wars.

No idea, but personally, I am feeling evil today, so if it were my decision, I would post the Multiclassing details, and then go radio silence until after release next week.

Let the wars rage and the opponents tire themselves out, and whatnot.

My bet is that someone will give me food for free.

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Moro wrote:
AnimatedPaper wrote:

Place your bets folks place your bets! Will it be humans? Rituals/other magics? Manuevers? Multiclassing (not likely, I agree)? A screenshot of the table of contents for the playtest books?

Actually that last one is probably the one I most want at the moment, but I feel that's even less likely than a blog about multiclassing, although I would wager far less likely to result in flame wars.

No idea, but personally, I am feeling evil today, so if it were my decision, I would post the Multiclassing details, and then go radio silence until after release next week.

Let the wars rage and the opponents tire themselves out, and whatnot.

I would be 110% okay with this.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It looks like I was the most wrong of anyone, as I suggested earlier that a blog about multiclassing would be totally unnecessary at this point.

Well, I guess there wasn't a good day to release that blog. Giving us the weekend to wear ourselves out makes as much sense as anything.

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

There have been surprisingly fewer flames than I had expected so far.

This might be an instance where the leak actually helped there was already a lot of arguing over in the multi class thread.

Well, the leak probably helped, but I expect the most ardent are still screaming into their tantrum hole and just haven't posted yet.

Edit: I mean, we've been arguing over LG paladins for how many months now?

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AnimatedPaper wrote:

Well, the leak probably helped, but I expect the most ardent are still screaming into their tantrum hole and just haven't posted yet.

Edit: I mean, we've been arguing over LG paladins for how many months now?

Just months?

Okay point. I meant in PF2, but you're quite right.

It's also a really good post. The partial info from the leak made multiclassing sound way less flexible than it will actually be. And Jason very much couched it in language of "hey guys we are trying something new, we will change it if you don't like it." Which has been true of several other things people got upset about, but I feel like saying it up front, repeatedly, may have minimized the damage.

Silver Crusade

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Captain Morgan wrote:
It's also a really good post. The partial info from the leak made multiclassing sound way less flexible than it will actually be. And Jason very much couched it in language of "hey guys we are trying something new, we will change it if you don't like it." Which has been true of several other things people got upset about, but I feel like saying it up front, repeatedly, may have minimized the damage.

I agree. This was a very well done blog. I definitely appreciated, in the blog and in the thread, a little more insight into how the designers are thinking about this. I'm not sure what I think about it yet but definitely more open minded toward the idea now than from what I saw from the leak. Excited to dig in and playtest it, see how it feels in practice. Is it Thursday yet?

So do y'all think we'll get blogs this week? I'm hoping we'll at least get a thorough overview of the playtest process. I think I understand it by now, but would help to have a summary post to point folks to.

Silver Crusade

Joe M. wrote:
So do y'all think we'll get blogs this week? I'm hoping we'll at least get a thorough overview of the playtest process. I think I understand it by now, but would help to have a summary post to point folks to.

I'd imagine that will be Wednesday. Not sure what tomorrow would bring at this point. I'd like Rituals, but... who really knows?

Humans still can be covered. But honestly, almost anything I can probably wait the couple of days.

About the only thing I'd want to see would be the table of contents or an overview of the testing process. Anything else would be quite welcome, but those are the pieces I'm most keen for at the moment.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Especially since this entire playtest thread is going to be closed once the books are released, I would love a blog post before then where they prep us as playtesters to start thinking about how to look at our playtesting experience as something that can help make sure that the final product is the best game that it can be. Telling us what issues we don't need to worry about (as in, they are pretty locked into place) and which issues are really up in the air, for example, would be great to know as we dig into the playtest book.

Also rituals. This is a pretty new introduction as something Upfront to the game. I know we got a taste of it with the Occult books, but if it is really being integrated into the game from the ground up, it seems like their implementation is going to be a big deal/change.

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1of1 wrote:

Yes, doomsday dawns.

will there be one today?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zautos' wrote:
will there be one today?

Fingers crossed...

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Ok, I crucified my fingers.
What's the next step?

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Wait three days.

Ugh, no blog today? And I have to wait until Friday in my time zone?!

Lucas Yew wrote:
Ugh, no blog today? And I have to wait until Friday in my time zone?!

I think we've got another two hours in which we could get a blog today.

Silver Crusade

Lucas Yew wrote:
Ugh, no blog today? And I have to wait until Friday in my time zone?!

There was a guy who got the book early, and he was asked to suspend his reddit AMA until the 31st. That makes me think they don't intend to release any specific piece of information after that point.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16, 2010 Top 4

I had hoped we'd see the new economy today...

Silver Crusade

ThePuppyTurtle wrote:
Lucas Yew wrote:
Ugh, no blog today? And I have to wait until Friday in my time zone?!
There was a guy who got the book early, and he was asked to suspend his reddit AMA until the 31st. That makes me think they don't intend to release any specific piece of information after that point.

at that point a decent number of people should have theirs so there is no point in hiding it.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

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(bangs mace on shield)

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1of1 wrote:

Ok, I crucified my fingers.

What's the next step?

Take the nails out.


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Joe Wells wrote:


(bangs mace on shield)

Lovely Blog! Wonderful Blog!

Lovely Blog! Wonderful Blog!
Lovely Blog! (Lovely Blog!)
Lovely Blog! (Lovely Blog!)
Lovely Blog!
Blog, Blog, Blog, Blog!

Toe nails removed, now what?

Silver Crusade

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Blog blog blog bloggity
Blog blog blog bloggity
Bloggity blog wonderful blog!
Bloggity blog wonderful blog!

bloody vikings...

How long must we wait for the new blog...?

This long apparently.

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So, uh... See you all on the other side.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So there are set dates for each chapter of the playtest, and we won't be able to move on until said date is around? Or will certain dates be when we discuss certain issues?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Derry L. Zimeye wrote:

So there are set dates for each chapter of the playtest, and we won't be able to move on until said date is around? Or will certain dates be when we discuss certain issues?

They’re dates when the feedback for those parts will open. If you can get ahead, that’s great, but you won’t be able to do the surveys until those dates

To put a definitive answer to the thread... NEVER!!!

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