Asmodeus' Advocate |

I'll be playing my first starfinder character here shortly, and I just thought I'd querie the boards to ensure I don't miss something obvious and fail to contribute.
I plan to play a dwarven envoy, using the dwarven proficiencies and unwieldy weapons to deal as much damage as I can with clever attack, using my move actions to buff or heal. (At level one, I'll be using my move actions for clever feint.) I'd also be taking heavy armor proficiency.
I'd like some advice on ability scores. The GM is letting me use arrays, so I'm wondering which of those would be best, or if with enough number crunching I could get more benefit out of the point buy, despite taking a penalty to CHA and not really needing the bonus WIS (having a strong will save).
Right now for stats I have 16/11/12/10/12/14, outlaw theme, not using an array. I don't seem to have as many resolve points as I would like to, how often will I need to use them?And with my low DEX check penalty I'm not loving the numbers on my stealth and sleight of hand skills, which doesn't mesh with the larcenous character concept. Would it be viable to drop STR down to 13, wear power armor, and increase my DEX? And if I did, exactly how bad at melee would I be until I got my suit? What are the target numbers I should be aiming for?
Thanks for taking the time to listen, and, hopefully, advise!
And does anyone know why my stat lineup became a link?? :/

Dragonchess Player |
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Personally, I'd go with 14 Str, 12 Dex, 12 Con, 10 Int, 13 Wis, 14 Cha; at 5th level, increase Str/Dex/Wis/Cha to 16/14/15/16 and acquire a Mk 1 Personal Upgrade to boost Str to 18*. For feats, I'd go with:
1st- Heavy Armor Proficiency
3rd- Longarm Proficiency
5th- Connection Inkling (probably psychokinetic hand and stabilize at will, plus either mystic cure or wisp ally 1/per day for every 3 levels**)
7th- Enhanced Resistance (Damage Reduction)
9th- either Heavy Weapon Proficiency or Versatile Specialization
Starting equipment: Tactical Starknife w/called weapon fusion (230 cr), Tactical Doshko (240 cr), Hidden Soldier Armor (465 cr), 65 cr of other gear***. Once you get a few levels, you can start looking at investing in a maze-core**** two-handed melee weapon/longarm (like a Red Star Plasma Doshko/Static Arc Rifle); if you go with Heavy Weapon Proficiency at 9th level, then a maze-core Thunderhead Dragonglaive*****/Red Star Plasma Cannon might be an option.
*- as an envoy, you can't take Powered Armor Proficiency to use a Battle Harness until 7th level, anyway
**- depending on whether the character will want to heal or provide combat bonuses
***- alternately, you could start with a Tactical Pike (475 cr) for reach, Needler Pistol (105 cr), Lashunta Ringwear I (415 cr), 5 cr of other gear, and acquire/make a Tactical Starknife w/called fusion fairly quickly
****- see the nuar in the Alien Archive
*****- see the dragonkin in the Alien Archive

Asmodeus' Advocate |

Thank you! That is really very helpful.
I hadn't even read through the weapon fusions, thinking that magic gear was probably too expensive at level one. I'd also turned my nose at the starknife thinking that they were too expensive for thrown weapons. Proven wrong on both counts, I'll be picking one up. :D
I wonder why maze-cores are hidden in the nuar entry in the alien archive. :\ I don't own the book, though I found their stats online . .. I'll see if I can get someone to share, rather than throw my lot in with Besmara.
I'm wondering how useful connection inkling is, though, especially with a mystic in the party. Are a few cantrips and a level one spell really all that useful? But then, Wisp Ally does give an effective +2 to hit or AC . . . and I have the wisdom anyway. So I might as well!
In any case, thank you for the most useful advice!