The Wolf Shifter of Wayfinder #5

Advice and Rules Questions

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The Wolf Shifter of Wayfinder #5 can it be considered wild shape?
Its transformation of the hybrid form and form of wolf is not written if it can be considered wild shape ability, and this precludes me the possibility of access to many feats.
I ask you, can it be considered wild shape?

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This sounds like a conversation you need to have with your GM, outlining specific feats you'd like your PC to take and what you want the PC to be able to do.

But as someone who is not your GM, I don't think it would be unreasonable to allow the wolf shifter's transformations to count as the wild shape prerequisite for at least some, but likely not all, feats. The wolf shifter was written 2010-2011, so it's very likely that at least some newer wild shape feats could create very powerful combinations in combat. A wolf shifter is thematically/visually cool, but you don't want such a PC to overshadow the other players' PCs. Remember too that druids don't get wild shape until 4th level, so your wolf shifter should similarly be at least 4th level or higher before taking any feats with a wild shape prerequisite.

Again, talk it through with your GM, and work out which feats are ok and which aren't. And after you have a chance to play for it bit, you might post a follow up here as to what you all agreed to, and what worked/what didn't work.

Good luck and have fun. :)

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