Trying to find this creature.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So, I was browsing wyvaran info online when I saw this picture set (link below) done by Paizo artist Rayph. I saw the crazy hyena demon on the top row and can't figure out what it is or what book it is in. Anybody able to help?

Link: strations_by_rayph-d7iz6w9.jpg


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That looks like the Wyvaran art from Advanced Race Guide. Just what you were looking for.

Matt Adams 259 wrote:
That looks like the Wyvaran art from Advanced Race Guide. Just what you were looking for.

Oh, sorry. Not the one on the far left, but the black winged creature with an ax. It is the second from the right in the top row.

Silver Crusade Contributor

That would be an obcisidaemon, I believe. Originally from BotD3 (and I think reprinted in B6). Specifically, I suspect that to be the pawn art, as the same artist did the lovely pawn art for the erodaemon. ^_^

pretty tight, mang

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