JadedDemiGod |
Alrighty, soooo... having read through the new book and getting a feel for everything (enjoyed the hell out of it by the way) I was kind of pondering what to do after the confrontation with the Runelord Korzoug.
I like the idea about the Oliphaunt, though im trying to figure out what exactly the Oliphaunt of Jandelay would be like.
I definitaley feel it will be an outsider, colossal, Probably have spell resistance, DR 5(10)/-, an Aura, Probably an Earthquake like ability when charging, Gore Attack (rend), Moderate AC, High will and Fort, low Reflex, probably between 32 and 40 HD... etc.
However the actual Description and i guess over all Physical Descriptor for it eludes me, along with any spell like abilities it might possess.
I am also trying to figure out its actual ability scores, granted their are base numbers in the Monster manual for creatures up to CR 20 (maybe higher i dont remember of the top of my head) I would imagine Godlike Strength, Average Dex, Godlike Stamina, Average Intelligence, Moderate wisdom, and moderate Charisma.
So thoughts, comments, ideas? i would love to throw this at my players at level 20.
For the record, my players have a tendency to continue once they reach demigod power... I would like to give them a proper send off, One way or the other.
Bandavaar the Brave |
I'd say it would have DR 15 and more than likely Regen of some sort.
No idea what its strength could be though....
I'd like to say 60, but surely that's overkill? I dunno, it seems like a nice number, with Dex maybe being half of that.
HP: 1280 (32HD at 1d10 maxed +960 from Con at +30 each level, which is 32 times).
AC: 47? Almost impossible to hit, but still.
I too would love to throw this in, if people want to continue, but if not, it's just cool to have a look.
Str: 60
Dex: 40
Con: 71 (gonna be huge)
Wis: 35 (bigger, likely to see further)
Int: 20
Cha: 8 (rather ugly)
If it has Arcane Spells and not Divine, then boost the Charisma up to the same level as the Wisdom score.
God stats. Beatable? Unlikely, but ever so slightly possibly. Depends on how well the Wizard or Arcane user can Debuff, while the Cleric buff's his/her allies etc.
Also depends on damage output, because it's going to be hell hitting this thing with an AC that high....
JadedDemiGod |
Hm true... Though i dont know if it would have THAT high of a wisdom or Intelligence... I kind of see the Oliphaunt as an Elemental creature... an engine of destruction somewhat like the Tarrasque... Different over all concept and abilities however.
Of course being a creature with that much effect on reality, it will probably have a fairly high charisma.
Strength is probably about right, and i would not doubt it would have a monolithic Constitution score. All things being equal, its AC would probably be somewhere in that range (natural armor of atleast 30 maybe higher) Its dex probably wont be very high (9 maybe 10... probably more like 8) I say this primarily looking at the Tarrasque and other "God-like" monsters.
Probably Arcane spells, though either way they will probably be charisma-based. Though after reviewing the elephant and Mastadon, it wisdom would be very high (relative comparison).
Regen is a definit possibility, though i think i want to keep the DR at about 10 as im looking at making it 10/- (its very hard to bypass that :P, but punching through at level 19-20 shouldn't be to difficult).
Thank you for the assistance Bandavaar i think we are well on our way.
Bandavaar the Brave |
HP: 1280
AC: 47
Str: 60
Dex: 9 (too large to react to danger effectively)
Con: 71 (gonna be huge)
Wis: 25 (bigger, likely to see further)
Int: 15
Cha: 42 (Charisma is the foundation for its spells)
Speed: 150ft per round
How about this?
Then you can add the HP, AC and DR 10/- and if that's to your liking, the rest is up to you. ;)
I have no idea where you would locate such a huge beast, so maybe you could have some kind of portal open for the PC's to enter.
Karzoug could have possibly planned to let this thing cause havoc in Golarion, so attempted to call it from the Planes. This could then be your plot hook to say to the PC's they have to kill this beast in order to save humanity!
I'm not expecting them to walk away from this alive tbh.
Also, no worries on the side of helping with ideas. I'm asking questions on here all of the time. :)
Herbo |
There's certainly nothing wrong with statting up the Oliphaunt in order to take it on or simply oogle its stats and cackle madly. It would probably have a CR of 25+ since it should at least be on par with the Tarrasque or other Tanes of the First World.
I don't know if statting up the Oliphaunt would truly make sense in terms of continued adventuring though. In my mind things like the Oliphaunt function like Cthulhu...they simply have a per round consumption of adventurers that they are allowed. It's like trying to put down a tsunami or other immense disaster with pointy swords and fireballs. For my money (given that my opinion has range zero and a personal area of effect), it would probably be more engaging and managable to have the post-RotRL group attempt to find ways of undo-ing whatever binding magics allow this lumbering calamity to tread the surface of Golarion. Perhaps there is simply no way to truly banish the thing this time (for the ages of the super powerful runelords are long past), and instead they have to find a way to trap it in a demi-plane or some other hellishly powerful prison (like...contracting with devils to do it >:-). That in and of itself could bring them into contact with extremely powerful magics/artifacts/outsiders/guardians that would challenge them to their utmost. And the big reward for their efforts could be successfully banishing or disabling the Oliphaunt...for now (bwhahahaha).
After all, the very foot-falls of the Oliphaunt were said to devastate the land for miles around it...queuing up an initiative round with it should probably go poorly. But enacting a second mega-powerful series of binding enchantments, uncovering a lost artifact from Xin-Bakrakhan, or managing to undo ancient rune-magic...that's an epic quest :-).
Generic Villain |
This doesn't particularly help you, but I recall James Jacobs saying that the Oliphaunt wouldn't be statted up until Paizo released its version of epic rules. From that I infer that the OoJ is significantly tougher than pretty much anything you can find statted in PF right now - the tarrasque included. This is backed up by the fact that, even when the Rune Lords managed to summon the thing, it ended up being a pyrhic victory. They had to sacrifice a huge legion of troops just to banish it again.
I'd look at the bestiary from the old Epic Level Handbook when statting up Olie. Maybe make it a reskinned devastation vermin or primal earth elemental. That, or you could take the Tarrasque and advance it a few dozen HD, jack up its stats, and give it weird special abilities.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
This doesn't particularly help you, but I recall James Jacobs saying that the Oliphaunt wouldn't be statted up until Paizo released its version of epic rules. From that I infer that the OoJ is significantly tougher than pretty much anything you can find statted in PF right now - the tarrasque included. This is backed up by the fact that, even when the Rune Lords managed to summon the thing, it ended up being a pyrhic victory. They had to sacrifice a huge legion of troops just to banish it again.
I'd look at the bestiary from the old Epic Level Handbook when statting up Olie. Maybe make it a reskinned devastation vermin or primal earth elemental. That, or you could take the Tarrasque and advance it a few dozen HD, jack up its stats, and give it weird special abilities.
This is precisely why I didn't give the oliphaunt stats.
For now, if you want this thing in your game, feel free to stat it up however you want. You have a SIGNIFICANT advantage over me in that you know your players' capabilities, and thus you can design your oliphaunt to be a challenge to them. Whether that means it's a CR 16 or a CR 20 or a CR 36 creature doesn't matter, as long as it's a major event for your PCs to take out.
In the context of the game itself, I would probably guestimate the OFFICIAL oliphaunt's CR to be something like 33 or thereabouts.
JadedDemiGod |
Alright, so this is the definite for the CR 25 version (so far) i figure once i get this down ill make a CR 30+ for fun :P. Still trying to figure a lot of stuff out (Spell-like abilities, Special attacks, defenses, etc.)
Oliphaunt of Jandelay CR 25
N Colossal Outsider (Extraplaner)
Init + Senses Arcane Sight, dark vision 120 ft., scent; Perception +40
AC 37 (+1 Dex, +34 Natural Armor, -8 Size)
HP 608 (32d10+448)
Fort +32 Ref +11 Will +23
DR 15/-; Immune ability damage, bleed, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, permanent wounds, petrification, poison, polymorph; SR 36
Speed 40ft
Melee 2 gores +44 (3d10+20), slam +44 (4d6+20), 2 stomps +39 (4d6+10)
Ranged 2 Arcane Bolts +33 (4d10+5 force)
Space 30ft Reach 30ft
Spell-like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +32)
At will -
3/day - Storm of Vengeance
Special Attacks
Trample (4d6+30, DC 46)
Str 51 Dex 12 Con 39 Int 14 Wis 21 Cha 21
Base Atk +32 CMB CMD
Skills Perception +40
Racial Modifiers
JadedDemiGod |
Thinking about giving it a constant Earthquake effect, as well as rend and a charge ability to allow it to move across the battlefield better.
Some spells might include: Temporal Stasis, Dispel Magic, Stoneskin, Entropic Shield, etc.
Also thinking about including a Fear aura as well as making its natural atttacks like adamantium (as well as bypassing Magic and Epic...) But those are just ideas. Feedback, ideas on the various things i've suggested? Also feat ideas would be nice... i have a fair number BUT that is kinda the problem. lol
Ven |
I feel like we need to increase its speed. You know how slow(comparitively) a creature of this size is moving one foot just to go 40 ft?
That runelord is about twice the size of one of its eyes, not accounting for perspective, imagine how big its body is.
What would a charge attack at 80ft look like //Puts one foot in front of the other//
Check out the stats for Xotan the firebleeder. It's paizo 3.5 golarion rather than pathfinder proper, but the thing was cr20 and had more hitpoints, more DR and regen 40. Also a HOST of powerfull fire-based passives. I see the OoJ being more physical than Xotan, so his physical powers should probably be higher than something 5 CR lower and an edition behind.