Anybody else miss Faction Talk?

Pathfinder Society

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You know, where we could hang out as our characters and stuff? I got a lot of fun roleplaying out of that.


I miss it as well and while we are at it, I miss the old factions. I thought the country specific factions did a great job of tying PFS characters to the world of Golarion. Nothing against the new factions, but I liked the old days of Andoran, Taldor and Cheliax.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I absolutely miss Faction Talk.

Make a Discord called Faction Talk

Silver Crusade 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The faction talk area is still around on the forums, just kinda weird Paizo disconnected it from here. But if you're still interested in looking around there, since it is still active, just follow this link.

>Faction Forums<

Silver Crusade 2/5

Glad you pointed that out. But, it looks as if the traffic is waaayyy down from what it was a few years ago. Perhaps there's a way to get a link in a visible spot?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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I am wondering if this couldn’t be something in the Play-by-Post forums! Especially since it seems similar in intent.



Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

I am wondering if this couldn’t be something in the Play-by-Post forums! Especially since it seems similar in intent.


A natural fit, but I think traffic on faction posts was heaviest when they were featured on the splash page for PFS. Come to think of it, they really should put the PbP forums on the splash page for PFS. All PbP games I have played have been Society games. Would be a great way to get new players to jump right into games by making them easier to find.

Spencer Ramirez wrote:

The faction talk area is still around on the forums, just kinda weird Paizo disconnected it from here. But if you're still interested in looking around there, since it is still active, just follow this link.

>Faction Forums<

And now even that link is dead.

It's still here. It's just been moved into the Archives

The breadcrumb trail is
Community>Forums>Paizo>Archive>Pathfinder>Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Faction Talk

Direct link
Faction Talk

Edit to add:
While the links to each faction subforum are working correctly, there seems to be a problem displaying threads on the main forum page. I've already reported it to the Paizo web team.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah moving it to a different section pretty much killed

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Sorry post got cut off.

Does anyone know why the powers that be killed off Faction Talk?

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