(New Society Player) Experience and Rewards breakdown

Starfinder Society

This is my first experience in any Society aspect and I'm kicking it off with Starfinder. My first play-through was the Society Quest: Into the Unknown. So my first question is about particular word use - is there a difference between Quests and Scenarios?

No where in the Society Guide does it reference "Quests" specifically that I've seen, as they mention "scenarios" and "Adventure Paths". I'm not referring to Adventure Paths, like "Incident at Absalom Station" in this, strictly trying to go by what is provided in the Society Guide. (Pg. 45)

This leads into the Rewards portion of completing the Quest, how are Rewards tallied? Is each quest completed unlocking Tiers for the rewards listed, or are the rewards cumulative?

I.e. if they are tiered, as myself and a friend were given, then for completing all 5 of the Quests listed (as we did), all we received in terms of overall rewards were 720 credits, 1 XP, 2 Fame, the Starfinder Insignia, and Hero of the Stars for everything being completed.

If cumulative, then all together the rewards would be 2,120 credits, 5 XP, 7 Fame, and the two "Other" rewards already mentioned above.

I want to keep this endeavor legit and clean and need some answers to move forward properly. Thank you all for your help, I much appreciate any positive feedback. To be open, I have emailed Paizo directly in search of answers, however after 2 weeks I have yet to receive a response.

3/5 5/55/55/55/5 *** Contributor

Welcome to Organized Play, Malivera!

The 5 Quests effectively count as one scenario. For all 5 Quests, as you saw, you get 1 XP, 2 Fame, and 720 credits. The Quests are special in that you still get 1 XP even if you didn't complete all of the Quests, though you won't receive all of the other rewards.

Or, in brief, yes, the rewards are tiered.

Also, this should really be in the Organized Play forum. I'll flag for it to be moved.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

Moved to Starfinder Society forum.


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Here's a reposting of my New Player Info that might help (if anything is particularly useful or confusing let me know.)

A typical Scenario is a fixed amount of content for which you will receive a Chronicle sheet for. The GM running the scenario will denote on the Chronicle what rewards you receive for playing that Scenario.

Into the Unknown is somewhat of a special case. There are 5 "quests" that can contribute to a single Chronicle sheet. You can play a single quest or up to all five, gaining increasing rewards as denoted on the Chronicle sheet depending on the number that you played. You only gain the XP, Fame, and Credits listed once, although running all five quests gives you access to both Boons. The maximum rewards that can be awarded is 720 credits, 1 XP, 2 Fame, the Starfinder Insignia, and Hero of the Stars.

However, if a character gains XP from another Chronicle sheet, he can no longer earn additional rewards for that character for playing the other Into the Unknown quests.

Is there anything else we can help with? Asking on this boards is probably the quickest way to receive a response, but you can also contact your local Venture Officer that is listed in the Starfinder Organized Play Guide for assistance or for locating a local game.

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Sorry, it’s been a sorely busy and somewhat frustrating month. I just wanted to say thank you for the time in responding to my questions. Your breakdown was helpful.

The only thing I could say at this point, as a request of Paizo, would be for clearer language on forms presented for players, as in to say specifically that rewards are tiered and should be allotted as such, if just for specific modules like “Into the Unknown”.

Thank you again for your time and response. Happy gaming, and good hunting.

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 5/55/55/55/5

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Ideally your GM can provide you information when you first start that explains how the rewards are given.

Grand Lodge 4/5

If you are the GM, you could take a guess that the answer is equivalent to the reponse in the PFS Roleplaying Guild FAQ, but I might agree it would be better to repeat this somewhere for SFS.

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