War for the Crown AP, Feb 2018

War for the Crown

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Liberty's Edge

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As the political scene in the ancient kingdom of Taldor explodes into chaos, players take the roles of agents, advocates and saboteurs working for Princess Eutropia to help secure her claim to the throne and prevent the nation from collapsing into civil war. Along the way, the heroes must recover hidden secrets of Taldor's past -- many deliberately hidden -- and grow from relative nobodies to powerful politicians and spymasters in the deadliest political arena in the Inner Sea!

* Complete monthly campaign running February 2018-July 2018 (Monthly volumes, $22.99)
* Golarion's timeline thunders forward with a new destiny for Taldor in a thrilling campaign of espionage and intrigue that mixes James Bond with Game of Thrones! Your heroes decide the fate of the nation, and perhaps that of the whole Inner Sea Region!
* Pathfinder Pawns, Poster Map Folios, and Pathfinder Battles miniatures tie-ins enrich the fantasy!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm excited about this. Proper political intrigue is rare and difficult and requires players to have a high understanding of the setting and stakes to pull off.

I'm definitely keeping a close eye on this one.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Glad to see that the discourse on Taldor got resolved the way I hoped it will.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

"Golarion's timeline thunders forward [...]"

Does that mean this AP will actually advance the timeline of the setting? I've never heard them use that sort of language to describe any other adventure path.

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Wait. For real? Where did this get leaked from?

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
UnArcaneElection wrote:

Wait. For real? Where did this get leaked from?

There's some thing called Paizocon going on.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It was announced at PaizoCon. I don't know if the OP used some official release blurb, transcribed what was said or summarized it themselves, however.

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Awesome. You can be sure Andoran, Cheliax, Galt, Osirion and Qadira (at least -- probably Razmiran too) will be trying to get their fingers into the pie . . . .

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I would hope so.

They apparently said that the PFS season will also tie into the AP and it is going to be called Year of Factions' Favor. Since the factions used to hail from those countries, maybe that is how they bring them in?

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Nullpunkt wrote:
It was announced at PaizoCon. I don't know if the OP used some official release blurb, transcribed what was said or summarized it themselves, however.

OP got it from the Official Paizocon powerpoint slide

Silver Crusade

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F@#! YEAH!!!!!

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It sounds like a damned good one!
I completely dig political intrigue plots.
I'm keeping a close eye into this one because it looks totally the kind of game me and my table enjoy!

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Not interested, I will be skipping this one.

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Nullpunkt wrote:

"Golarion's timeline thunders forward [...]"

Does that mean this AP will actually advance the timeline of the setting? I've never heard them use that sort of language to describe any other adventure path.

I'm completely done with buying pathfinder if that's the case.

So much for them "having stories to tell for years without advancing the time line"

Thanks for lying to us.

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Can't wait!!!
After three consecutive Adventure Path that were not of my liking, finally something interesting!

yay for political intrigue and espionage!
yay for advancing the timeline!
boo for Taldor!

Curious to see where this takes us, mostly urban with some exploration I would assume to hunt those long lost or hidden things from Taldar's past to help out you know who.

Ultimate Intrigue will get some well deserved heavy use finally

Was really hoping for a Kingmaker spiritual sequel as the PC game was just announced and would fit right in alongside, but perhaps at GENCON for their 2nd AP, one can always hope :)??

Either way once we we get out of the woods and from under the Under dark in Ironfang and if some of my groups I run or after as a player get our feet wet in Azlant it should be a nice change of pace!!


Silver Crusade

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

On another note, I am very happy that Paizo went with "Princess Celest...Eutropia is the good gal" direction and we get to help her by means of dangling from a chandelier while slinging fireballs.

Dark Archive

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GoT-style political intrigue is my jam, so definitely looking forward to this one.

Remember being given a hard time (in good fun) by a friend over the whole Chelaxian civil war thing back when Hell's Rebels was first announced, as he played a rather snobby Taldan character in PFS and I played a rather snobby Chelish one.

Shoe's on the other foot now, eh Roasa? :p

Dark Archive

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Personally i´m excited about the timeline being advanced (which strictly only means that it´s not 4707 anymore, but 4717/4718).
But i can also see that this is not to everybody´s liking.

The best way to do this is probably like it was being done before in "Shattered Star" and "Hell´s Rebels", by offering information inside the AP about both versions of play-style.

Very few Adventure Paths outcomes are even able to change the political or geographical landscape of Golarion (IF the PCs win).

So far there has been a "Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting" in august 2008, which got replaced by the "Inner Sea World Guide" in march 2011.

If we assume that there will really be a significient change in Avistan by the end of AP#132 (july 2018), it will be the first one in 10 years, something which may be okay, less the World of Golarion may seem to be too static.
But a civil war in Taldor won´t necessarily change it´s borders, so who knows?

Personally i´d like an "Avistan" hardcover, but only after most of the following have received their own campaign Setting books:
-The Realm of the Mammoth Lords
-The Steaming Sea
-The Five Kings Mountains
-Absalom (may be unnecessary to update from PF: Chronicles)

Considering each year brings 2-3 new nations in the Campaign Setting line, it will take 4-5 years until each has received their own book.

So 2021 or 2022 could bring a new "Complete Avistan" or "Inner Sea World Guide" hardcover (and by then it would definetly be okay to advance the timeline to include certain AP happenings imo). :-)

Shadow Lodge

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Samy wrote:
As the political scene in the ancient kingdom of Taldor explodes into chaos, players take the roles of agents, advocates and saboteurs working for Princess Eutropia to help secure her claim to the throne and prevent the nation from collapsing into civil war.

Paizo has demonstrated two approaches to this sort of situation: blaming or crediting individual conspirators, including the PCs and their adversaries, for social struggles (the Hell's Rebels approach), or placing the PCs on the wrong side of said struggle and trumpeting their righteousness in suppressing it to Heaven and back (the Curse of the Crimson Throne approach). This looks like it combines the worst of both worlds.

Oh well, I'll probably buy it, if only to get more ammunition for this particular tirade :P

Silver Crusade

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... wut.

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Well, wasn't the Viking/Mammoth Lord campaign I was really hoping for, but it still seems awesome. Guess I'm keeping my AP subscription for another 6 months...he said fully well knowing that he was keeping it pretty much no matter what.

Shadow Lodge

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Rysky wrote:
... wut.

Oh, I'm fully aware that I'm the only one in the world who even remotely cares. But then, what's the Internet for if not soapboxing about things only a few people care about?

Dark Archive

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I agree that this sounds pretty exciting and based on all the other products the timeline advance seems likely to preserve the flexibility to use and tweak the base setting however one chooses with minimal effort, while still providing the ability to develop an ongoing campaign world.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Very cool!!! Looking forward to it!

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how big are the chances the plot of this AP might be easily transferable to a more interesting place like, let's say, Minkai?

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


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I'm seen kinda opposite reactions here. I'm mostly like Zousha xD

I think a whole AP based on politics and intrigue can be a really cool thing. I am expecting a lot of roleplaying events in it.

I loved the banquet on Skull and Shackles, it was very fun to run, and all the mess looking for a spy. My players really enjoyed it.

Dark Archive

I'm a little bit confused. Do you have to side with princess Eutropia (railroady), or do you get to decide the fate of the nation (sandboxy)?
I would love a sandboxy adventurepath where the decisions of the party actually make a difference. If it's another revolution adventurepath I'll just skip it.

The timeline thundering forward might mean that War for the Crown covers a timeline that is longer than 6 months, much like Kingmaker.

Speaking of Kingmaker, this sounds a lot more like Kingmaker than Kingmaker.

Liberty's Edge

the David wrote:
I'm a little bit confused. Do you have to side with princess Eutropia (railroady), or do you get to decide the fate of the nation (sandboxy)?

Could easily be both. You could take Eutropia's side but influence/pressure her decisions, which would cover both.

Personally I'm more than a bit tired of war settings. Hell's Rebels, Hell's Vengeance, Ironfang Invasion, War of the Crown, arguably Giantslayer...kinda had it up to here with that sort of background. At least there's Ruins of Azlant to break up the monotony with a nice little exploration/discovery theme (not that I'm getting it but it's nice to have it out there).

I think this makes 18 months of no AP for me. I can live with that.

Sovereign Court

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I know when i'm subbing up again!!!

Silver Crusade

Pretty sure this will involve working with Eutropia to save Taldor.

Having the decisions be completely open like you suggest (working with/against/with no one) would just not be feasible in an AP, which as stories, are by their definition on slight rails.

Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:

Pretty sure this will involve working with Eutropia to save Taldor.

Having the decisions be completely open like you suggest (working with/against/with no one) would just not be feasible in an AP, which as stories, are by their definition on slight rails.

Yeah I thought as much. I know of adventurepaths that do change things around in the last chapters but they do have a higher page count.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Guess I get to make Taldan George Smiley.

Can't wait.

Community & Digital Content Director

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Removed a handful of posts. Hey, we get that some folks may need to express concerns or potential frustration/worry when we do announcements with not-as-many details (and sometimes that comes out as less-than-friendly). Text is imperfect, let's not assume the most negative intent behind comments folks. Thanks!

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captain yesterday wrote:
Nullpunkt wrote:

"Golarion's timeline thunders forward [...]"

Does that mean this AP will actually advance the timeline of the setting? I've never heard them use that sort of language to describe any other adventure path.

I'm completely done with buying pathfinder if that's the case.

So much for them "having stories to tell for years without advancing the time line"

Thanks for lying to us.

I'd wait for more details before getting too concerned. By "advancing the timeline", I suspect this probably only does so for some of the recent Cheliax APs and MAYBE Iron Fang and the Azlant AP. The Cheliax conflict gives a really really good reason for Cheliax not taking advantage of any sort of civil war and invading (Possibly the same for Moltune with the Hobgoblin problems)

There will probably be only as much timeline advancement as what we saw in Shattered Star, which advanced the timeline for Varisia but didn't really touch the other parts of the setting. And Shattered Star came out...5 years ago? or so?

12 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

So much for them "having stories to tell for years without advancing the time line"

Thanks for lying to us.

It's your right to stop buying, of course, but it has been 8 years in Pathfinder, 9 for organized play announcement, 10 years from the end of the Dungeon license. I don't really see them as having lied.

13 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Nullpunkt wrote:

"Golarion's timeline thunders forward [...]"

Does that mean this AP will actually advance the timeline of the setting? I've never heard them use that sort of language to describe any other adventure path.

I'm completely done with buying pathfinder if that's the case.

So much for them "having stories to tell for years without advancing the time line"

Thanks for lying to us.

Cap'n, it has been years...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I kinda hope second AP of 2018 is related to that Osirion doomsday clock thing : D Because I've really been hyped for any AP related to that certain faction of brain stealers

Also to people worried about "timeline advancing", ye do realize that since Golarion's in game year matches real life year, it does actually have been advancing for irl years already just without much happening in setting? Like, Reign of Winter's whole assumption is about how its finally 4713 and time for Baba Yaga's return.

So basically, it kinda seems like idea is "Well by now Princess Eutropia should be ten years older so she really should start focusing doing her plans now that she can do so" :P I don't see that any sort of "betrayal", if you are like "They can't do things they said ten years ago they will plan to avoid!" more than Reign of Winter is.

And regardless of whether you like it or not, they DID have stories tell for years without any sort of timeline advancement :D But yeah, I don't see this being any different from what Reign of Winter did with timeline, because I kinda doubt they are going to release updated campaign setting book. I mean, I wouldn't actually mind it because I liked Lost Cities of Golarion's article on Xin-Shalast after Rise of the Runelords has happened.

Sounds somewhat cool, but there's NO WAY i'm ever going to get my player's to submit to any Princess for even one session. :)

Interesting. I will likely pick this up. I've been enjoying breaking away a little from my usual smash face build for some intrigue fun in Hell's Rebels, so wouldn't mind maybe trying it again here.

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Vigilantes should do very well. Interesting.

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