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When are we going to see Qa'al in either comic or novelised form. This hobgoblin is more iconic than an iconic. Qa'al deserves a Netflix series, a feature film and a Saturday morning cartoon.
Qa'al showing up in a town and getting caught up in wiping out the bandits there, even though all he wanted was a g$+$@&n drink, and a little information and dammit now he has to get back on his horse because the Shieldmarshalls have caught up. But he'll get that no good, low-down, treacherous Nekiz if it's the last thing he does.

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When are we going to see Qa'al in either comic or novelised form. This hobgoblin is more iconic than an iconic. Qa'al deserves a Netflix series, a feature film and a Saturday morning cartoon.
As soon as Erik or Sutter let me, I'll provide as much Qa'al as you can consume! Glad you like him.

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Hmm, no, he doesnt deserve all that. He looks like a bad anime villain. Complete s#!&.
Hello friend, you present a dissenting opinion in this thread clearly marked for the love of Qa'al, the best hobgoblin cowboy who there has ever been.
Now, I respect and value your opinion. You are free to have it, free to express it. You can make that decision to express that opinion here. That is indeed your right and I salute you for it.
However, I humbly offer that Qa'al is actually the best, anime is cool, and Qa'al is an anti-hero, not a villain it's a different thing.
But you do you.

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He's certainly the more difficult of the two NPCs in that article to incorporate into this campaign. If I were to do so, however, I'd either have him be on the run from the Shieldmarshals and either team up with the Ironfang Legion as a way of throwing them off his trail, or because they have something he believes he can use in the future. He wouldn't join them for their cause, but would totally sign up if he saw something in it for himself.
The intention with his backstory was to make him viable as either an ally (against a common enemy, likely the Shieldmarshals or the guy who framed him), or as an enemy the PCs are hired to hunt down on Alkenstar's behalf. The context of this AP makes the former much harder to implement, though, since the PCs are pretty much conditioned not to trust any hobgoblins from the very start of the campaign.

3SecondCultist |

Any ideas for incorporating him into the campaign?
I have an idea, but it's fairly far off given the nature of the campaign. I think logically, it would make sense for Azaersi to seek retribution against the PCs after their defeat of Kosseruk and the breaking of the Siege of Longshadow. Siege of Stone mentions her taking notice of the efforts of the party after the conclusion of the third volume, and while I understand the lack of large-scale military assault as the Ironfang Legion focuses on absorbing southern Nirmathas and Molthune, I can also see the General casting her nets wide for a solution to her 'adventurer problem'.
Enter Qa'al. He's still on the run from the Shieldmarshals, and is still hunting for Nekiz. Maybe his travels have happened to take him near Nirmathas, or maybe word of his deeds have reached Azaersi some other way. Either way, Azaersi persuades him to join her cause - however temporarily - by dispatching the Shieldmarshal parties after our favorite gunslinger and promising him vengeance against his treacherous former superior in exchange for her help dealing with a few pesky PCs. He grudgingly accepts.
Now, Qa'al can serve as an interim villain between the PCs setting off for the Valley of Aloi, or encounter them when they get there. He could just show up, but it might be equally fun to have him try and draw the PCs out, to see if they can get him a better offer than Azaersi. I'd plan on making him Lawful Neutral as opposed to Lawful Evil, or at the very least highlight his nobler characteristics. He's not an Ironfang believer, and if the PCs are able to help him out with Nekiz, he'll gladly walk away (and might even share a few things). It'd be an engaging little sideplot, and would be fun if the PCs have already encountered Nekiz before: my idea would be for them to meet him first in Longshadow, living under a different name.