FantheFlames |
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So right now, it seems like Trump is going to be gaining Florida, and Virginia is almost certainly up in the air.
I've been against commenting on politics, because they are honestly not something I enjoy. I've only had 2 Presidential elections under my belt...and I think I'm already done with politics. I hate to say it, but this is the sort of election that makes me question humanity as a whole.
Even if Trump doesn't win, which it's looking more and more likely like he is going to, the entire rhetoric, and the fact that he's in this position, just makes me sad. A man who uses hateful rhetoric, does almost nothing when it comes to policy. A man that has zero political experience of any sort.
But the worst part? This is going to become the norm for Republicans. This is going to become the "winners" for the party. So we can expect a hell of a lot more of these sort of candidates, just because it's this close.
...Anyone know how Canada is for a very, very frustrated twenty three year old American?

Drahliana Moonrunner |
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So right now, it seems like Trump is going to be gaining Florida, and Virginia is almost certainly up in the air.
I've been against commenting on politics, because they are honestly not something I enjoy. I've only had 2 Presidential elections under my belt...and I think I'm already done with politics. I hate to say it, but this is the sort of election that makes me question humanity as a whole.
Even if Trump doesn't win, which it's looking more and more likely like he is going to, the entire rhetoric, and the fact that he's in this position, just makes me sad. A man who uses hateful rhetoric, does almost nothing when it comes to policy. A man that has zero political experience of any sort.
But the worst part? This is going to become the norm for Republicans. This is going to become the "winners" for the party. So we can expect a hell of a lot more of these sort of candidates, just because it's this close.
...Anyone know how Canada is for a very, very frustrated twenty three year old American?
Actually what I think we're seeing is also another favorable wind for Trump. Rural America is voting more than ever and the bulk of them are enraged at Clinton in particular and Democrats in general over moral issues.
What we are seeing is the true face of America which has long shamefully hidden itself now coming into for driven by the twin horses of white fear and Trump making certain attitudes more mainstream acceptable.
Welcome to Brexit 2.0. Just as we saw in the UK the non-globalist Americans are making their voices known, and they're going to drive Trump to the White House.

FantheFlames |
The sad part is, I wasn't even that nervous about Trump. I think that he makes us a laughingstock, but I hope that Congress has enough morals to block anything that is way too...nevermind...
But the part that is going to make me legitimately angry, is that Republicans basically pulling a sit down strike and refusing to consider any of Obama's nominations for the Supreme Court...is going to be rewarded. If Trump wins, they get to put up their own guy. They essentially held a Judge's seat hostage for 10 months, and they are going to get away with it.

Scythia |
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Anyone know how Canada is for a very, very frustrated twenty three year old American?
Canada is harder to move to than you think. It's not just a matter of finding a place and moving, it's immigration to another country.
Student visa to attend university in Canada. Since you're out of country that would be expensive.
Marriage to a Canadian citizen who is willing to sign a form saying they'll support you for at least three years.
Having a college degree or specialized trade skill and at least a year of experience in particular fields.
Having a written job offer. (There is an entire procedure a company has to follow before they can hire from outside the country.)

FantheFlames |
I have done my own research because...well quite frankly, I've thought about leaving the country for a while, this is just sort of making my decision seem logical. Unfortunately, barring a massive scholarship I wouldn't be getting a student visa, and I know no one in Canada. So I guess my best bet is to wait out another year and finish up my undergraduate degree. Was going to be looking at the University of Calgary for Veterinary Medicine anyway.

thejeff |
Don't freak out yet people. Still not a single state called that couldn't have been predicted a week ago. ALL of the battleground states are still up in the air and more likely for Clinton to win than not.
Yeah, Florida & North Carolina look bad, but even that's not enough for Trump to win.
It's a lot worse than I thought it would be, but it's not over yet.

Drahliana Moonrunner |

Thomas Seitz wrote:Thejeff,
God I hope you're right. Virgina upsets me the most though. NC...meh.
It's narrowing to a thin blade in Virginia. Might come down to MI.
Looks like people have been severely underestimating the rural (R) voters' willingness to participate this time.
If it does it's over. Michigan was just declared for Trump.
Electoral Score Trump over Clinton 150 to 109.

Drahliana Moonrunner |

That and the fact the millenials decided to sit it out apparently, Turin. Along with lower black turn out it seems.
Actually the black turnout in Florida was higher than it was for Obama.. However the rural white turnout really burst the seams. And that has been the big factor that pundits have missed.

Fergie |

Dow Futures down 500pts.
Seems like some Wall Street types have been caught with their pants down.
I'm not a stocks guy, but I think this might be fairly big deal...
Any stock experts have any insight on this?

Drahliana Moonrunner |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Seems like some Wall Street types have been caught with their pants down.
I'm not a stocks guy, but I think this might be fairly big deal...
Any stock experts have any insight on this?
It's not that complicated. Trump has been making noises about upsetting or negating a lot of trade arrangements that Clinton could be trusted to let stay.
It's pretty much the same reason that London markets tumbled following Brexit. A Trump victory is essentially Brexit 2.0.

Comrade Anklebiter |

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Virginia called for Clinton Electoral total 168 to 122 for Trump. Hopes for Clinton rising partially from the ashes. But it's now Clinton with the narrowing paths to victory as opposed to Trump.
Yeah. I've followed the whole 538- Trump gas a 35% chance of winning vs Slate's Trump has a 2% chance of winning and 538 is wrong.
Even if Clinton pulls out the win, Slate's stat department has egg on its face.

Drahliana Moonrunner |

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:Virginia called for Clinton Electoral total 168 to 122 for Trump. Hopes for Clinton rising partially from the ashes. But it's now Clinton with the narrowing paths to victory as opposed to Trump.Yeah. I've followed the whole 538- Trump gas a 35% chance of winning vs Slate's Trump has a 2% chance of winning and 538 is wrong.
Even if Clinton pulls out the win, Slate's stat department has egg on its face.
538 is going to have a mussed up shirt as well.

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Clearly both the pre-election polls and exit polls ALL underestimated rural turnout... which appears to be at record levels in most states. That in turn would make all of the models based on those polls inaccurate.
538 took a cautious approach due to the high undecideds and thus is looking better than the other models... but it is for the wrong reason. They didn't anticipate the rural surge either.

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If Trump wins I bet the message the democrats will take from this is that America wasn't ready for a women president.
I doubt it.
The message this Democrat is taking from it is that there are a lot more angry uneducated whites out there than expected.
Thus far Clinton has won three 'battleground' states (CO, NM, VA) and Trump one (OH). So still not over, but certainly a bunch of states that are going to be a lot closer than expected.