Miro28 |

This is a chat room for PFS characters to enjoy some downtime between adventures and regain themselves. Where newcomers can find some help, new friends or even a group to join for a quest. Or just talk to other characters for exchanging experience or informations.
(Important!!!: If you don't post something for a while because you forgot or can't or whatever, make sure you do a post where your character is leaving the scene or go to sleep or ..., I don't know. Just make sure that he or she is not standing around and does nothing.)

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An 8 ft. tall centaur in steel armor/barding enters. The sign of Iomedae, which sits on the front of the armor, glitters in the light. The steel shield, which is strapped on his upper back, shows the sign of Molthune. A scabbard with a greatsword is strapped on to the right side and a lance to the left side of his lower body.
He removes his helmet and releases his black hair. He scans his surroundings with his brown eyes and an worried expression on his face before he mumbles: "I hope this the place I'm looking for."

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A pair of porters arrive through the door carrying a newly skinned cow. The celestial elf brightens, "Thank you so much! Just in the side room if you please."
The gold armored being removes his shield (featuring an emblem of a large Lion.) The Lion leaps off yhe shield and into the side room...as the elf clises the door somewhat muffling the carnage beyond
"Glad they showed up, poor dear has been eating pigeons by the score. Oh yes, (knowledge religion take 1+17=18, Iomede wonderful religion"
...a closer look at the armored elf reveals small wasps stenciled onto the dragon scales. A matching gold emblem of Calistria is wrapped around his wrist.
"If you are lost, I may be able to point you right. My name is Golden."

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A pair of porters arrive through the door carrying a newly skinned cow. The celestial elf brightens, "Thank you so much! Just in the side room if you please."
The gold armored being removes his shield (featuring an emblem of a large Lion.) The Lion leaps off yhe shield and into the side room...as the elf clises the door somewhat muffling the carnage beyond
"Glad they showed up, poor dear has been eating pigeons by the score. Oh yes, (knowledge religion take 1+17=18, Iomede wonderful religion"
...a closer look at the armored elf reveals small wasps stenciled onto the dragon scales. A matching gold emblem of Calistria is wrapped around his wrist.
"If you are lost, I may be able to point you right. My name is Golden."
Cornelius Windmane, former soldier from Molthune. I've been told that this is the place where war against slavery is fight", says Cornelius as he approaches the celestial while reaching out for a hand shake.

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Ooc - he's mistaken about his lineage, thinking he is half elf half Azata, when he's just an aasimar (the Azata option came out long after I made this one - and I cant go back and remake him.) Its not the celestial template. The lion is a celestial companion...further obscuring his belief (no matter how erroneous) in his own celestial nature.

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Its always good to meet a freedom fighter. Are you a believer, or one of those looking for the excuse to cause mayhem? Not that I judge, my own assassinations on behalf of Colonel Maldris leave no small amount of guilt on my name.
"No, I did desertion. I volunteered for patrolling the border to Nirmathas but in reality, without being noticed by my colleagues, I crossed the border and ran away.
It was always the same: 'Molthune needs more of this., It needs more of that., It needs to get bigger.' bla bla bla. I couldn't hear that anymore. I don't want to serve a Megalomaniac, even if he cares about his people."
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I haven't traveled in those areas myself. One of my less reputable contacts, secured a keep for Nirmathas in that region. I think he chose the location as a home as a lure to his relatives for an untimely demise.
Not that my methods are honorable.. my choice method of assassination is a flock (or murder) of stirges sent in a window around 2am. If I can manage, I buy the victim lots of wine and alcohol as well with a fine last meal beforehand...keeps things quiet.