Familiar Pocket Kineticist


Bestiary 5 brought us beasts like the Wyrmwraith.... and then there's the portable familiar air cannon

Chuspiki wrote:

A chuspiki will sometimes ally with a spellcaster as a familiar. A chaotic spellcaster can gain a chuspiki as a familiar at 7th level by taking the Improved Familiar feat.

A chuspiki can make a ranged attack with an intense air blast, as the kineticist wild talent of the same name, using its Hit Dice as its kineticist level.

Familiar wrote:
Hit Dice: For the purpose of effects related to number of Hit Dice, use the master's character level or the familiar's normal HD total, whichever is higher.
Kineticist wrote:
Physical blasts are ranged attacks that deal an amount of damage equal to 1d6+1 + the kineticist's Constitution modifier, increasing by 1d6+1 for every 2 kineticist levels beyond 1st. Spell resistance doesn't apply against physical blasts.

Any suggestions as to what would go well with this? I'm slightly amused at the prospect of going Eldritch Guardian with this, essentially getting a full BAB pocket kineticist with more feats than a normal kineticist gets, though, thematically an Evangelist Cleric that gets a familiar or Duettist Bard seem to fit the idea too.

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