monstrous physique lists

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Has anyone done a list breaking down the various Monstrous Humanoids by size? it would be really helpful for using the different levels of the spell.

Glewistee wrote:
Has anyone done a list breaking down the various Monstrous Humanoids by size? it would be really helpful for using the different levels of the spell.

There are websites and software out there that offer bestiaries filtered by your specific need.

But I personally would go with the good old pen and paper (it permit for some homebrewing of certain humanoids).

In any case, good luck!

This is a nice guide on some of the best forms to choose from for each of the Monstrous Physique levels. A

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Helel13 wrote:

This is a nice guide on some of the best forms to choose from for each of the Monstrous Physique levels.


Grand Lodge

Sorry for the late reply, been out of touch for a few days...

thanks for the link.

Unfortunately, it just reinforces what I was finding. there are no good tiny choices for my Alchemist looking for a cool alternative to reduce person..

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