Scott Wilhelm |
I've been developing an idea of a gunslinger who takes at least 2 levels in Ninja for Vanishing Trick and 3 levels in Monk, Drunken Master.
Guns make Ranged Touch Attacks. The shots will be vs. Flatfooted AC while Vanished, and then you also get Sneak Attack Damage.
Best of all, he's a Drunken Ninja with a Gun!

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Dire Elf wrote:
3. A necromancer who doesn't raise undead. This necromancer would come from an organization specialized to control and eliminate undead. All of the character's knowledge of undead, including how they're created, would be designed to fight them.
You sir, deserve my full support. You're a novelty, someone who wants to run a necromancer without an entourage of rotting walking cadavers insisting that they be socially accepted.
You might be interested in Kolbold Press's White Necromancer.
The thought was inspired by watching my spouse play Skyrim while he had a vampire as his companion. The vampire kept raising dead enemies as her followers, and if he clicked on the conversation option for one of her victims sometimes the person would moan, "Please release me!" I could just imagine a person who had spent their life studying how to prevent that instead of how to do that.
I could also envision a cleric of a death deity doing something similar, if the god's portfolio wasn't 'I bring death' but instead was caring for the dead and making sure they get to their proper afterlives. I would think that kind of god would object to having its worshippers sidetracked by becoming unwilling servants of some evil wizard.

KahnyaGnorc |
Castiel Nicholas Ova (Cas N. Ova for short), a womanizing swashbuckler-type I played for a Skulls & Shackles campaign. He was a Soulknife 3/Nomad 2/Elocater 2/Dark Tempest X, with an Agile Keen Rapier-shaped mindblade. He was a blast to play (He took Leadership and had a surprisingly high percentage of females amongst his followers)

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I got this idea the other day (I'd need a like-minded player in the group to go along) of playing two tengu brothers (hatch-mates?) named Heckle and Jeckle. Both rogues (stereotypical) or perhaps a fighter (Heckle) and bard (Jeckle).
I have multiple grippli boons that let me play a grippli in PFS. I really want to pair up with someone to do the Frog Brothers (Edgar and Alan). No idea what type of characters they'd be - something focused on hunting undead, but not sure of specifics.

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Okay, this is what I get for reading the entire description of all the Percy Jackson YA books on Wikipedia yesterday while I was bored. I've been sick.
The characters in those stories are human-divine hybrids, and I thought: suppose there is a fantasy setting in which the gods are not allowed for some reason to have any direct intervention in the lives of mortals but one - they are allowed to create human avatars. These could be aasimars and tieflings, or characters with mythic tiers, maybe both. These avatars are the gods' only way of touching the world besides granting powers to their clerics. But although they can create these avatars and communicate with them indirectly through visions or cryptic prophecies, the gods can't control their behavior. The PCs would be a group of these avatars that have agreed to go along with something a god or several gods want them to do, but how they go about it would be entirely their choice.
I played in a campaign once that had a similar concept. It was a lot of fun, thought very frustrating sometimes when we just couldn't figure out what the heck the gods (the GM) actually wanted us to do. Dratted cryptic prophecies. :)

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After seeing this amazing photo set and the drawing it inspired I really, REALLY wanna play a grippli who rides a giant beetle around. Hilarious, badass and adorable all at once!

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Something else I got the itch to do recently: we've all seen dwarf smiths, dating back all the way to Brokk and Eitri. They make mighty spells while hammers fall like ringing bells, blah blah blah (no disrespect meant to Professor Tolkien!)...but, what about a dwarven WOODCARVER? Who do you think makes the hafts for all those hammers and axes and picks? Who makes the tankards and barrels for their famous beer? As for why he's adventuring? Maybe he wants to learn from an elven master carver, or procure some rare wood to make a masterpiece out of. Maybe he's just sick of being teased for working with materials that other dwarves take for granted. It'd be fun!

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Something else I got the itch to do recently: we've all seen dwarf smiths, dating back all the way to Brokk and Eitri. They make mighty spells while hammers fall like ringing bells, blah blah blah (no disrespect meant to Professor Tolkien!)...but, what about a dwarven WOODCARVER? Who do you think makes the hafts for all those hammers and axes and picks? Who makes the tankards and barrels for their famous beer? As for why he's adventuring? Maybe he wants to learn from an elven master carver, or procure some rare wood to make a masterpiece out of. Maybe he's just sick of being teased for working with materials that other dwarves take for granted. It'd be fun!
I hope you realize I'm stealing this. :)

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Something else I got the itch to do recently: we've all seen dwarf smiths, dating back all the way to Brokk and Eitri. They make mighty spells while hammers fall like ringing bells, blah blah blah (no disrespect meant to Professor Tolkien!)...but, what about a dwarven WOODCARVER? Who do you think makes the hafts for all those hammers and axes and picks? Who makes the tankards and barrels for their famous beer? As for why he's adventuring? Maybe he wants to learn from an elven master carver, or procure some rare wood to make a masterpiece out of. Maybe he's just sick of being teased for working with materials that other dwarves take for granted. It'd be fun!
"Tha's crazy talk! Why wou' any self respectin' dwarf wan' ta go out in tha worl' wit' a weapon tha' fragile? Even tha' hafts of me axes an' hammers are made o' metal! Fine, dwarven craftsmanship! Because if it's not dwarven, it's crap!"

Ventnor |
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If I ever get a chance to play in a Hell's Rebels game, one character I'd like to do is a Vigilante who, even before the campaign began, spent a lot of time as an agitator for political reform and who jumps as the chance to implement it through violence.
Basically Alexander Hamilton if he lived in Cheliax, I guess.

quibblemuch |
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I have built Mojo Jo Jo as my vanara boon from Gen Con last summer. If I can ever get out of the GM seat long enough to play him I plan to go hunting for the Aspis Consortium Girls.
"I am a Pathfinder. It is I who find the path. If there is a path, you can guarantee that it will be found, and when it is found, it will have been found by me, this path. No path will remain unfound as long as I am finding paths."

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The Usual Suspect wrote:I have built Mojo Jo Jo as my vanara boon from Gen Con last summer. If I can ever get out of the GM seat long enough to play him I plan to go hunting for the Aspis Consortium Girls."I am a Pathfinder. It is I who find the path. If there is a path, you can guarantee that it will be found, and when it is found, it will have been found by me, this path. No path will remain unfound as long as I am finding paths."
Quibble, you're hired. Definitely going to use this at least once.

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Oh that would be brilliant. I also plan to try and run him through as many scenarios with tech boons as possible. Especially the one with the rail gun. It will be the most powerful rail gun found by Pathfinders, and when it is found it is I who shall have found it, it will have been found by me, this rail gun. No gun will remain unrailed as long as I am holding the rail gun.
Its a work in progress.

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In our Wrath of the Righteous campaign, our shaman has a monkey as his spirit animal. It really seems like the player and the GM have agreed that the monkey is smarter than the player-character. I'm going to have to suggest that both the player and GM watch some of the old Powerpuff Girls for inspiration. I can just imagine the GM modeling the monkey after Mojo Jojo.

FantheFlames |
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Inspired (okay...perhaps slightly plagiarized) from a specific greentext story I found once, and developed in approximately a half hour on the drive to a game session where we were starting a simple homebrew one shot.
Jim is a wizard. More than that, he is the mightiest wizard the world has ever seen. While other puny wizards must avoid armor, Jim has no such problem, able to cast at the highest possible ability in his breastplate. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't have robes. On the contrary, he has the finest robes a wizard could have, and a hat to match! He won them in a wizard duel, you see...well, at the very least, Jim declared a wizard duel, and the sudden "huh" from the passing wizard had to be him accepting the challenge. One Magic Missile from Jim was enough to knock him unconscious.
I have Jim classed as a barbarian with 6 INT (Rolled stats), who, no matter who talks to him, believes himself to be a wizard. 1 Rank in Knowledge (Arcana) in order to make the checks. And of course, what wizard doesn't have his spell components. Flour for Obscuring Mist, Fortune Cookies for his variety of Divination spells, the proper components for Charm Person (Flowers for lady folk, shinies for men). He is also wholly unoptimized, taking Catch Off Guard and Throw Anything at 1st Level, just so that he can use his Great Club for ranged attacks (His Magic Missile). It's stupid, it's silly, and normally I'd never have played it for more than a one shot.
...My group has given me permission to bring Jim to the table whenever we run Kingmaker. So yeah.

Qaianna |

In our current group our bard is fond of using classic and newer rock for his bardic performances. Then when he was trying out Inspire Greatness, he took one of Triple H's old theme songs and started belting that out for my barbarian. Who is a little 4'11" girl, but who cares when the greataxe is aimed at you?
I've also thought about both the paladin and monk of sensuality. After all, in-world Arshea's NG, so she'd take paladins ... wait, that doesn't sound right ... either way, putting an LG spin on basically trying to sleep with as many NPCs as feasible. (And maybe PCs too.)
Another is basically seeing just how tanky I can make a halfling. (Bonus points for violating the barefoot stereotype.) Probably fighter for heavy armour, some suboptimal points but who cares, and just wearing more steel than the average adventuring PARTY. There's always the issue of making sure she's the target, of course. Just too bad that I'd have to pick between the reach weapons she needs and that favourite, heavy shield.

KahnyaGnorc |
Another is basically seeing just how tanky I can make a halfling. (Bonus points for violating the barefoot stereotype.) Probably fighter for heavy armour, some suboptimal points but who cares, and just wearing more steel than the average adventuring PARTY. There's always the issue of making sure she's the target, of course. Just too bad that I'd have to pick between the reach weapons she needs and that favourite, heavy shield.
I'd go with a Vanguard Commander Warlord from Path of War. Charisma-based with heavy armor and shield, and Improved Shield Bash as a bonus feat at 1st level! With Pikeman's Training (can wield a spear or polearm in one hand, as long as the other hand has a light or heavy shield) as the normal 1st level feat, you can have both reach AND a shield!

Qaianna |

Qaianna wrote:I'd go with a Vanguard Commander Warlord from Path of War. Charisma-based with heavy armor and shield, and Improved Shield Bash as a bonus feat at 1st level! With Pikeman's Training (can wield a spear or polearm in one hand, as long as the other hand has a light or heavy shield) as the normal 1st level feat, you can have both reach AND a shield!
Another is basically seeing just how tanky I can make a halfling. (Bonus points for violating the barefoot stereotype.) Probably fighter for heavy armour, some suboptimal points but who cares, and just wearing more steel than the average adventuring PARTY. There's always the issue of making sure she's the target, of course. Just too bad that I'd have to pick between the reach weapons she needs and that favourite, heavy shield.
Tempting, but honestly I'd rather stick with something stock. I'm leery of 3d-party things. Wish I knew why.

avr |

The shield brace feat exists in Paizo materials now. With that a reach weapon and a heavy shield can coexist. Of course, if your reach weapon is a lance then you could do that before.
For the ultimate in tankiness you want a tower shield though, with the mobile bulwark style. When trying to see what weird stuff I could do with a sorcerer I did theorycraft a fighter 1 / crossblooded impossible*-psychic sorcerer which used that style. It is possible, though the required strength for those feats would probably require items as a halfling.
*: so as to be able to make constructs effectively. The idea involved mechanical servants and a master who resembled them.

ShadeKyubi |

Another is basically seeing just how tanky I can make a halfling. (Bonus points for violating the barefoot stereotype.) Probably fighter for heavy armour, some suboptimal points but who cares, and just wearing more steel than the average adventuring PARTY. There's always the issue of making sure she's the target, of course. Just too bad that I'd have to pick between the reach weapons she needs and that favourite, heavy shield.
Have you looked at the Phanlax Soldier figther archetype?

OllieTwist |

Speaking of barbarians and bloodragers, the other variation I've wanted to do forever, which I think I may actually do as my next Pathfinder Society PC, is a "civilized" barbarian. ie Someone urban and refined (possibly to the point of snobby), but warns people "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." This may end up being the bloodrager I'm currently looking at making.
I did this in a campaign I'm in recently, and it was a lot of fun. I was playing a Tiefling noblewoman who, outside of combat, was a very diplomatic character. She didn't stay very refined when combat started, because it's kind of hard to keep a whole lot of poise when your weapon of choice is an earthbreaker, but she kept the attitude up as much as possible. And then, if she was ever made angry enough to actually start her rage, she devolved straight from "Victorian English noblewoman" to a cockney obscenity-screaming blue dragon who was going to Vital Strike bite your face off.
Bloodrager is honestly one of my favorite classes, and they're definitely a good starting point for that sort of character concept, since they've sort of got an excuse for high charisma. Not that low charisma prevents anyone from being snobby and refined, but it can definitely help.

TheAlicornSage |

Another is basically seeing just how tanky I can make a halfling. (Bonus points for violating the barefoot stereotype.) Probably fighter for heavy armour, some suboptimal points but who cares, and just wearing more steel than the average adventuring PARTY. There's always the issue of making sure she's the target, of course. Just too bad that I'd have to pick between the reach weapons she needs and that favourite, heavy shield.
Get a whip with elemental damage (shocking, frost, etc). Then you get extra long reach and a shield.
Mix that with ready actions, and high dex for lots of AOOs, and you can assist other to give boost your companions ACs, ready attacks vs enemies that attack companions, strike at just about every AOO inducing action in the encounter (at least until the gm learns to keep the npcs spread out and attacking from range).

phantom1592 |

The Raven Black wrote:I've done this. A Dex build character with only an 8 Str. It's a tough build, but a lot of fun once you get enough cash to buy a haversack.A melee combattant that dumps STR
A Bene Gesserit
A warrior that uses only weapons and armors taken from foes he defeated
I had a grippli Swashbuckler with a 6 strength. He didn't last TOO long, but it wasn't because he was weak in melee... What he did, he did WELL...

Gaul The Unmitigated |

The ones that I want to play are a multiclass bloodrager/fractured mind, with the ectoplasm bloodline and anger emotional focus. In other words, a person so angry that their rage became a sentient ghost being.Another fun option would be a juggler bard multiclass gunslinger so I could fulfill my dream of juggling guns.

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My summoner is running all summons off of Pokemon. I can't wait for Summon Monster VII and variant summons.
Specifically for this guy:
Can you imagine a t-rex swallowing someone and then disappearing underground?
My eidolon is based off Bulbasaur. I might grab the guardian spirit feat and build a quasit/imp/mephit into Mew or a shocker lizard into Heliolisk.
Beyond that I have plans for Aerodactyl (Pteranadon), Tangela (chaos beast), RhyHorn (rhinoceros), Primeape (Ape), and others.

The Sideromancer |
My summoner is running all summons off of Pokemon. I can't wait for Summon Monster VII and variant summons.
Specifically for this guy:
http://www.smogon.com/dex/media/build/fbsprites/xy/tyrantrum.pngCan you imagine a t-rex swallowing someone and then disappearing underground?
My eidolon is based off Bulbasaur. I might grab the guardian spirit feat and build a quasit/imp/mephit into Mew or a shocker lizard into Heliolisk.
Beyond that I have plans for Aerodactyl (Pteranadon), Tangela (chaos beast), RhyHorn (rhinoceros), Primeape (Ape), and others.
Once your 'saur is at it's normal limit, don't forget to learn (mega) evolution surge.
In terms of what actually brought me to this thread, I recently read through the webcomic 8-bit theater, a parody of Final Fantasy 1. I immediately set to work on creating my favourite character, the hyper-metagaming Red Mage. I settled on Medium to get the most of "let me just rewirte my sheet and I'll have the skills you need." After reading the spirit description, I immediately thought of what the Fire Emblem series does with its heroes from other games.
In short, I want to play a character who uses the spirits of video game heroes to rewrite their own destiny and abilities by way of metagame information.

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My summoner is running all summons off of Pokemon. I can't wait for Summon Monster VII and variant summons.
Specifically for this guy:
http://www.smogon.com/dex/media/build/fbsprites/xy/tyrantrum.pngCan you imagine a t-rex swallowing someone and then disappearing underground?
My eidolon is based off Bulbasaur. I might grab the guardian spirit feat and build a quasit/imp/mephit into Mew or a shocker lizard into Heliolisk.
Beyond that I have plans for Aerodactyl (Pteranadon), Tangela (chaos beast), RhyHorn (rhinoceros), Primeape (Ape), and others.
Reminds me of a friend of mine who did a master summoner based on My Little Pony. She actually had the MLP toys that were the right size to use as summoned ponies, and she'd summon them one at a time during battles. She only played that PC a few times at low level before the archetype was banned in PFS.

HenshinFanatic |

A concept I haven't done (mostly because I haven't figured out the logistics of how to do it) is a character whose choice of weapon is a deck of cards. Now before I get all and sundry stating that you can already do this in at least Pathfinder let me stop you right there. I don't mean in the "throw cards at enemies Gambit style" of using a deck of cards. Oh no, I mean that when fists start flying he pulls out his deck and plays a (possibly children's) card game to defeat his foes.

avr |

A concept I haven't done (mostly because I haven't figured out the logistics of how to do it) is a character whose choice of weapon is a deck of cards. Now before I get all and sundry stating that you can already do this in at least Pathfinder let me stop you right there. I don't mean in the "throw cards at enemies Gambit style" of using a deck of cards. Oh no, I mean that when fists start flying he pulls out his deck and plays a (possibly children's) card game to defeat his foes.
A harrower can draw 3 harrow cards as part of spellcasting to improve their spells. Not exactly what you're after but closer than the card throwers I suspect.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Something else I got the itch to do recently: we've all seen dwarf smiths, dating back all the way to Brokk and Eitri. They make mighty spells while hammers fall like ringing bells, blah blah blah (no disrespect meant to Professor Tolkien!)...but, what about a dwarven WOODCARVER? Who do you think makes the hafts for all those hammers and axes and picks? Who makes the tankards and barrels for their famous beer? As for why he's adventuring? Maybe he wants to learn from an elven master carver, or procure some rare wood to make a masterpiece out of. Maybe he's just sick of being teased for working with materials that other dwarves take for granted. It'd be fun!I hope you realize I'm stealing this. :)
One of my Runelords players is a dwarven druid who's father was a woodworker. She grew up on the mountain instead of in it, learning woodcraft and respect for the forest.

Ko-Ko the Bold |

I have been kicking around the idea of a kobold character. The idea is a chaotic neutral dragon disciple/rogue. She was cast out for her constant offenses against the ruler of her tribe. She was discovered by a band of adventures, who took pity on her after watching her try to catch a rabbit. The party's bard took her under his wing teaching her the art of comedy. She has learned that kobolds and pinkies (humans) have very different ideas about what is funny causing her to tell bad jokes often, but pinkies find slap-stick funny. She dreams of proving the kobold king was a fool for casting her out.
I think it would be fun, but the character would not be very effective on a team. I made this alias in honor of this idea.