YoricksRequiem |

Per talking to Ryuko in his thread about doing a Pathfinder Adventure Path using the Dungeon World rules, I've decided to run a game for Rise of the Runelords. Whether you are or aren't familiar with it is fine - I expect that it will vary a good deal from the Adventure Path as written - after all, we'll be making more things up as we go. At most it'll be a loose framework.
As for available classes, naturally anything on the SRD is fair game. I have most things on this fairly comprehensive list, so I'm happy to look at any of them and vet whether they'd be allowed (they are likely to be).

YoricksRequiem |

Reporting in as mentioned. I'm thinking of doing the Improved Fighter featured in the link. James Jackson, blacksmith who takes up a sword during a goblin raid and would really just rather put it down if the world weren't always in danger.
Sounds great! Love the concept and Improved Fighter is definitely a go.
Pondering attending this as well, dependent on my available time. Class entirely unknown.
For what it's worth, I'm only shooting for one post / day. I know there are people that like to do 3/day but I'm definitely not likely to be that active. I also favour quality over frequency.
What?? Come on Kenderkin! It's very fiction focused and easy to learn. I'm also running a game as you can see in Yoricks post.
Haha, listen to this man! I'll at least leave Recruitment up for a few days, so you should definitely check out the rules. It's very straightforward.
Spotted this over on the reddits - I am so, so keen. I'm happy to play anything, though I've always wanted to give the Mage a try and have never had the chance.
Let me know what I need to do to get involved!
Great! Welcome! In the interest of transparency, I do have a friend who will be joining us as well who is considering some kind of Mage/Witch, which I meant to mention in the OP and didn't because I'm dumb. With that said, I'm sure two would work out fine - there is certainly enough variety between the different playbooks, and it's not like having a balanced party is important, I just wanted you to know about it ahead of time in case that affects your plans. My apologies for not mentioning it earlier.
Basically to get involved, choose which of the dozens of playbooks you'd like to use, run it by me for a quick approval if it's a third party, and then start choosing options and getting an alias together. Backgrounds don't have to be much because obviously we'll build things together, but if you want a place to start, my first question will be "What brings you to Sandpoint / how long have you been there?" And then they'll go into more character-specific things.

YoricksRequiem |

Oh man, more people, this is awesome.
Okay. How do you feel about the Shifter or the Wildkin Beastmaster, class-wise?
I am a huge fan of the Shifter - it might be one of my favourite classes. I think I'd prefer not to have the Wildkin Beastmaster, though - the idea of having a PC that has ~3 animal companions that all do a ton of damage feels worrying.
In the interests of simplicity, I think I'll leave the Mage/Witch to your friend. How do you feel about the Dashing Hero? It seems like a fun time, and I've never played it before.
Dashing Hero sounds great!
Hi there! I'm potentially interested in this too, if there is still room.
I... have no idea how many players I'll take. I honestly didn't expect to get this much attention, (especially since my last two attempts to run something DW based got 0 replies).
It's at 8 players right now, including you. Given the nature of PBP that some people usually drop off early on, I might be fine taking that. It also can keep things moving, which is nice, but it's still a lot for one game, so I might also want to split it into a second table. We'll see how things go over the next couple days.
If there is considerably more interest, I'll certainly have to do some kind of selection process, which is admittedly harder to do with Dungeon World because backgrounds are generally not as fleshed out at that stage. But we can make it work for sure.
Definitely interested. Would be interested in playing either a rogue (possibly a burglar or spy variant) or a paladin varient.
Never played Dungeon World but looking at srd looks really intriguing and fun.
There are certainly a lot of good options for those things. The Burglar and Spy are both good, but I'm not 100% on all of the Paladins - especially the various "Warlord" incarnations. But I'm happy to take a look at whatever strikes your fancy. Let me know which you settle on!
This seems interesting, though I do not know the first thing about Dungeon World. :-P
Going by the SRD, creating a character does appear refreshingly simple and straightforward for a change though.
Also, those are a LOT of classes...
Yeah, the mechanics are very simple, and always obey the rule of "Fiction first". There definitely are a TON, but many of them are more niche or specialised, so it should(?) be somewhat easy to find what you're looking for, haha.
Interest So Far
Classes not set in stone, just making sure I don't forget anyone
belethlich - Witch/Mage of some sort
Cotton Tree - Shifter?
F Castor -
Karmic Knight - Paladin or Rogue variant
KenderKin -
PeterJ -
Ryuko - Improved Fighter
sixstrangelimbs - Dashing Hero

YoricksRequiem |

I checked out the big list....every link I click on around the cloak class takes me to something else.....
There are a bunch of rogue classes grouped together in a several-page long PDF, which might be what you are experiencing?
Actually... are you open to having a Shaman (specifically the Sundered World version), rather than a Shifter?
I hadn't looked at it before, and I have to admit a large degree of annoyance that the Character Sheet of the class only contains like, half the information required, and I actually had to open up the Sundered World rulebook to figure out how the thing works at all, but yeah, the class looks great! Feels like a more spiritual rendition of the Ranger.
Leaning heavily towards The Witch (the first one in your list)
There was a blood mage that I liked as well. I don't see anyone on the board looking at healers so I'll dig through some magic healer types as well.
I'll go with Wrath if that's ok. Nature/caster.
http://drivethrurpg.com/product/165068/Dungeon-World-Playbooks-Wrath-of-the -Wild-Bundle
The Witch itself leans pretty heavily on the Broom aspect, which might be kind of... silly, so I'd be open to changing that if you wanted to. I do have the Blood Mage - I think it's not in that list because I couldn't figure out where it actually came from. It is an interesting and horrifying class which I am totally okay with.
Wrath is reading like a Barbarian/Druid hybrid, which I am also totally good with. We will likely be reflavouring the "Gaia" stuff if you go with that, but the class itself doesn't need any changes.
And since you asked separately about the Hydromancer, that one is probably good to go, too. It looks interesting. I'm a little uncertain if the stats presented on the sheet are intentionally different from the normal DW starting stats (it has a second 15 instead of the 13). For what should be obvious reasons I'd prefer to use the standard array instead of what is printed. But otherwise, yes, that would work.
I also put together a Mage myself for Ryuko's game which you might be interested in. It's a bit heavy on offense, but might be fun.
You have a lot of options, my friend.
Interest So Far
Classes not set in stone, just making sure I don't forget anyone
belethlich - Wrath
Cotton Tree - Shaman
F Castor -
Karmic Knight - Paladin or Rogue variant?
KenderKin - Rogue? Halfling Druid?
PeterJ -
Ryuko - Improved Fighter
sixstrangelimbs - Dashing Hero

YoricksRequiem |

I think I will cap it here for players at 8, giving Peter J time to choose a class if he is still interested in playing, and making sure that everyone has their choices finalized. I am still up in the air whether it will be one table or two at the moment, but I'll think about that through the next day or so while you guys start putting aliases together.
Templar sounds like my fit. If you have that class write up Ill play that. Sounds like there would be good reason for this heretic hunting individual to be in Varisia.
Templar sounds great, and there certainly can be a good reason.
Although I have not managed to actually read through all the classes yet, from the ones I have perused, I am a bit torn between Arcane Duelist and Swordmage at the moment.
Edit: But probably leaning towards an elven swordmage.
Either would be great. I love that type of class.
Classes not set in stone, just making sure I don't forget anyone
belethlich - Wrath
Cotton Tree - Shaman
F Castor - Elven Swordmage or Arcane Duelist
Karmic Knight - Templar
KenderKin - Halfling Druid
PeterJ -
Ryuko - Improved Fighter
sixstrangelimbs - Dashing Hero

James Pollick |

Ryuko here. Remembered I had made this character for another game at some point. Will fill out the alias with a full sheet later.
I can already think of a bunch of bonds and hooks with the proposed characters. I see James as kind of a "disapproving father" type. He wants everyone to be happy but he has a very definite view of a happy man, which he'll very lightly attempt to show others how they'd best be happy and satisfied. Really wish I could take the Wizards advice giving move. It'd be perfect for him.

YoricksRequiem |

Sheet's up on this alias. Does anyone else think that the elf racial move is a bit underwhelming though?
Yeah I agree with Ryuko - I think Parry will work that you'll end up using it when being attacked instead of Defy Danger with a degree of frequency, so instead of dodging out of the way you'll have the option to parry and do free armour-piercing damage. I think it'll be quite useful.
Should I select a Race Move (Swan is a Dwarf) from the Sundered World rulebook, or work with you to make a custom one?
They did not look particularly thematically appropriate for the character, but I am fine either way if there was one that you especially liked.
Really wish I could take the Wizards advice giving move. It'd be perfect for him.
I'm sure we could make that happen.
For those of you who have finished aliases, I'll potentially start posing questions for you tonight so we can begin building out the world a bit!

YoricksRequiem |

Oh MAN do I love Dungeon World. If there's a spot that opens up later on, Yoricks, you know how to reach me brotha. I can play whatever class, I don't give a damn. The system's just fun.
I'm going to give Peter J a bit longer because it was a weekend with Valentine's and Holidays and he may not have been around, but if I don't hear from him in another day or so I'll come find you!

Onrik Ironoath |

This is Karmic Knight's Templar, Onrik Ironoath. If there is anymore I need to do minus filling in the bonds please let me know.

YoricksRequiem |

The inclusion of both ability scores and modifiers is one of the only things that I don't like about Dungeon World. It's completely pointless and confuses many new players.
Alas, although the system and the game seem pretty fun, it seems that I do not have the time to play in another game. Thus I have to withdraw. Thank you for the consideration and happy gaming all!
Sorry to hear, buddy. Maybe next time!
For everyone else, I'll start looking over characters and getting some questions together tonight / tomorrow.