Interest Check: Be a Dragon!


Silver Crusade

I’ve been thinking about running a 1 on 1 PbP game where the player will play as a dragon. The player will play a dragon with no class levels. They will use a very high point buy (likely 45, which is slightly more than that used to generate the Gold Dragon’s stats in the bestiary) to create the dragon’s base stats, and then be given 8 hit dice (as many as a Gold Dragon) to begin with. They will choose a breath weapon. (It will do 2d10 base damage no matter what, but they will select what energy type and shape.) They will also choose the “Special Abilities” track of a single dragon type from the bestiaries, which they will use. They would receive spells beginning at the “Young” category and advancing by two each age category thereafter. The player would be allowed to select what those spells are.

The campaign would be structured as 12 adventures, one taking place at each age category. As a result, it would follow Golarion into the future, with several adventures dealing with modern or advanced levels of technology, including Daemonic Horsemen dealing with the technologically achieved annihilation of each of their respective patronages, (gotta be an existential crisis to be the horseman of pestilence once medicine advances to the point of no more illness), divs attempting to avert technological achievements, and a cursed internet meme.

However, Sci-fi will not be the focus. The overall theme would be the player serving to guide the development of human society, like a benevolent, if possibly distant patron. (Or, alternately, not distant at all. It's your character to make.)

Always be true to yourself; unless you can be a dragon. Then always be a dragon.

This would definitely be interesting to me, though I have to admit that it would be a little more interesting with a couple more players.

That plot idea has a lot of potential; I like how you've thought a good deal about it, and constrained its scope so that it doesn't balloon into a cumbersome sandbox. I'd be quite interested.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Definitely interested! :) Sounds like it would be loads of fun~

So, we get to play as Mengkare and create our own Hermea?
Intriguing. Always wanted to set up a Cult/Religion/Theocracy ^_^

So, stating interest, wether I get to apply will depend on the outcome of some other recruitments though.

Very interesting. Would it just be hit dice, or maybe a few class levels in there?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'd be interested in playing a dragon in the aftermath of the Worldwound. Some fun RP there and it would be similar to Hermea, except for being on the main continent.

Though this doesn't sound entirely Golarion based. Again sounds like it will be interesting. :)

Silver Crusade

Philo Pharynx wrote:
Very interesting. Would it just be hit dice, or maybe a few class levels in there?

Just hit dice. Dragons get a healthy set of special abilities, and about as many spells as a PC. All of their bonus stuff makes up for the lack of class levels.

Silver Crusade

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