Stargate Irrisan

Reign of Winter

Greetings! I have seen a few threads on here about linking this AP with Doctor Who and, while I do enjoy the Doctors adventures myself, it got me thinking how, with some tweaking, it could fit my favorite sci fi show as well. Stargate. And so, I come to you for advice and ideas. I have run a fantasy Stargate game set in Eberron before, but I am also beset with ideas of how this could work with the standard stargate setting. I will say that I am currently only in possession of the first book of this AP, and most of my knowledge comes from these threads and the look ahead, and thus this may become more 'based on' than a true conversion.

A fantasy Stargate conversion would be rather easy, and is more just a matter of scale. Irrisan is its own planet, rather than part of Golarion, Heldren is a small town on an ally planet. The Irrisan's are attempting to control the galaxy instead of the planet, which makes a lot of sense with all the planet hopping they seem to become capable of.

The modern version intrigues me more though, probably because my wife and I just finished rewatching SG1. I would most likely use the Modern Path srd, taking from base Modern for spaceships and such, or perhaps Star Wars Saga without Jedi. While going through the Asgard database the SGC comes upon references to an Asgard space station, Ygdrassil, in their home galaxy of Ida, which contained a backup, now the only after the destruction of Othala, intergalactic gate for that galaxy. The database also mentions an Ancient that made the galaxy her home, while she searched for a means of destroying an old enemy of her people. Assuming this enemy to be the Ori, the SGC sends an expedition team similar to the one on Atlantis in hopes of making contact.

The Ancient is Baba Yaga, a bitter enemy of the Ori, who would not sit around like the rest of the Ascended, and left the Milky Way to be out of their sphere of influence. Baba Yaga's 'daughters' are children from the various planets that are part of her experiment, genetically risen to Hok'tar levels, and close in power to pre-ascension Adria. With the exodus of the Asgard and Replicators from this galaxy, the Irrisani have become bold, and have begun conquring various planets. To make matters worse, the current queen Elvanna tricked her 'mother' into a stasis crystal long enough to use the stargate and a solar flare to trap her on earth in 1918, where the other Ascended keep her from causing any trouble.

The frost touched fey will probably be robotic drones, while the trolls will be refluffed as a power suit of some kind. The rest of the AP will be heavily modified, as I don't think I want to trap them in the dancing hut, though the Irrisani ship will be useful for stealth purposes. Anybody have any other ideas I could use?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Just as a matter of note, it's canon that the elves of Celwynvian and Kyonin both have "Aiudara" Or Elf Gates which work not only across Golarion's surface, but also Interplanetarily. They used them when Earthfall blotted out the sun, they went back to their homeworld Sovyrian.

Also Numeria is a land filled with Stargate (Asgard, Tok'Ra, and Goauld) level tech, The Silver Mount could easily be an Ascended ship (which makes extra sense given the Divinity Drive).

If you're looking for Stargatey Scifi influence, Iron Gods is the AP for you.


IG does have the tech feel, but not the planet hopping feel from what I've seen. If I were to do that, I would probably have the Silver Mount be a Destiny type ship that crashed after its last power reserves were drained when Earth dialed in. The PC's would be those who got to stasis quick enough to survive, sort of like that episode of Atlantis that showed the original fate of the expedition.

Legendary Games has a planet hopping adventure path that might even be out by now, it sounded really good from what I heard about it.

Edit: everything by Paizo is going to require a lot of work, just so you know.

If you're going for the stargate feel, Nadya should stumble through her gate Heldren and be a PC

Have you considered mixing Reign of winter with Iron Gods?

While I'm normally a fan for mixing sci-fi with fantasy (and I do like Stargate), I would be reluctant to mix Modern/Stargate with Reign of Winter alone. I think that that would do RoW a disservice.

Reign of Winter's focus is fey and dark fairy tales, plus two brief side-trips - one to Triaxus (which mixes bits of Heliconia with bits of Pern), the other to Siberia in 1918 (and a certain infamous "monk"). There is no super-science/-tech there (aside from the World Engine, which is more "mad scientist/Sons of Ether" than super-science). Baba Yaga's magical Hut is iconic for the Slavic fairy tale theme which drives the RoW AP.

On the other hand, Luna's suggestion of doing a Modern/Stargate mash-up of Reign of Winter and Iron Gods sounds more plausible. That gives super-science/-tech a believable connection with the setting. And the AIs in IG are literally on the path to divinity/ascension.

That's all we want, to be worshipped, unconditionally.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Mr.Sandman wrote:
The frost touched fey will probably be robotic drones, while the trolls will be refluffed as a power suit of some kind. The rest of the AP will be heavily modified, as I don't think I want to trap them in the dancing hut, though the Irrisani ship will be useful for stealth purposes. Anybody have any other ideas I could use?

Sounds good. Have them start in Heldren with normal fantasy weapons (sword, bow, etc). Have this be a low tech farming planet. Then I would use the Tech Guide to introduce advanced weapons and armor to the party in the next few Planets.

I find tech items are just as powerful as spells.

Sorry, the holiday was a bit hectic.

Captain Yesterday
I know it will take a lot of work, and it will probably wind up just being based on the overall story than anything.

Rubber Ducky
Ah, yes. The Native character is always fun.

Luna and Bellona
I don't have anything from Iron Gods except what I can find on the wiki and here, so I don't have much to go on. I won't have the cash for anything until after the holidays, but here are some ideas from what I can find.

The blasted wasteland of Iron Gods works well in a galaxy just ravaged by the replicators.

The flame in Torch could be a malfunctioning ZPM, its not fire, its pure energy, meant to keep the Asuran replicators (the titular Iron Gods who tried to escape the genocide) in stasis. This gives the PC's a way to accidentally activate them, because the humans always bring the bad guys to themselves. Maybe Unity managed to escape the imprisonment, and was the true source somehow of the Ida/MW replicators? A distraction so it could move its plans forward without the Asgard finding out and getting in the way? Make it an ascended Replicator? How should I mix it with RoW though? Unity contacts Elvanna, convincing her to oppose her mother, the only entity that could oppose it? I don't know enough about its plans, or hers really, to meld them yet. Any spoilers and ideas you have would be greatly appreciated.

There are several androids serving Unity (and betraying Unity) in Iron Gods. You could consider making Elvanna an android and making it a secret for the PCs to uncover. Perhaps Elvanna does not even know it herself.
Baba Yaga's daughters could be androids made by Baba Yaga to oppose Unity.

OOoooh, I like it! The Pegasus Replicators couldn't stand the cold of space, so Baba Yaga creates Replicators of her own to use cold against them. She replaces them before they can go crazy like all the others. Now that the Asgard are gone Unity and Baba stepped up their plans, but the exodus of the Asgard caused Elvanna to go replicrazy ahead of schedule. She still wants to destroy Unity, but she doesn't want dear old mum getting in her way.

Another thought, Unity was programmed to attempt to bring peace between the Lantians and the Ori, hence the name. Eh, just a thought, needs more work.

Great ideas! I am curious about the final result. Keep us posted.

With the 'Daughters' being Androids, this raises the question- is the Mad Monk an Android as well? Could explain why he was so hard to kill.

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