Advice: Level 2 group wants Exploration & Monsters

GM Discussion

I've got a home group who's played through many PFS scenarios with an earlier set of PCs, and now they've moved on to a new team. The players have said quite clearly that they want these new characters to Explore (capital-E) distant places and face Monsters (all caps), rather than the usual "go to a city and argue with NPCs" storyline.

They emphatically do NOT want to mess with factions, street gangs, sewers, and rescuing/running errands for other Pathfinders. They want to be the first to explore someplace unknown, and they want to see fantastic monsters rather than wave after wave of cranky humanoids with hidden agendas.

Any recommendations for scenarios that will fit these conditions? The PCs are level 2. Oh, and they definitely don't want to stay in Absalom. Their Pathfinder motto is "Explore, Explore, Explore some more."

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

But sewers house some of the best monsters!

Anyway, you can try the Segang expedition. Jungle filled with wildlife and a lost temple to explore. Altough it has no all caps monsters, it does have a lot of exploring. And snakes.

Dark Archive 4/5

I second the Segang Expedition.

The Sharrowsmith trilogy from last season is also pretty good, with some great monsters. There are still humanoids, but there are also some fun and unusual encounters!

Scarab Sages 2/5 Owner - Game Knight

Might be time to jump into that Hao Jin Tapestry!

Segang Expedition was also a great time.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What about Hall of the Flesh Eaters? It's an ancient ruin except that a few hundred years ago a pirate hid a shiny there.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

I really liked The Beggar's Pearl as a place. The monsters aren't that frightening, but the atmosphere's great.
Delirium's Tangle is technically still in Absalom, but also a great unique location. Scenario itself's not that great, though, could do with some reworking.
Other than that, I wouldn't know any low-level adventure where you map uncharted territory.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I considered Beggar's Pearl. Wasn't convinced it was sufficiently exotic, but it's a good dungeon crawl. I advise running it at level 1, that's when the monsters are at their best. The higher tiers are probably disappointing because the adventure is really banking on PCs not having some basic tools yet.

Another (un)cool one is Citadel of Flame. An old stronghold of devil-worshipers, lost to a sandstorm. Recently re-surfaced after a storm blew away the sand. Should be abandoned...

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Ran it this weekend. Considered mentioning it, as it's a really fun adventure, but Calybos specifically mentioned monstrous opponents, which this sort of lacks.

Silver Crusade 4/5

So I don't get that your party wants "to Explore... But not really explore", when RPing is 1/2 of the "Explore" motto..

Also, I would like to mention, that unfortunately, almost all of Pathfinder Scenarios fall under one of the categories that your group doesn't want. So you may want to consider home brewing or modifying some scenarios. (Which you can do if you aren't following Society rules to the letter for legality sake.)

The above being said here are a few good options:

The Veteran's Vault -- In Riddleport, Varisia and a good old fashioned dungeon with MONSTERS.

The Destiny of the Sands Series is also a great trilogy that meets the Explore and Monsters without dungeons. But it does require RPing with NPC's so be advised.

Some one messaged Citadel of Flame -- Story falls flat, but that dungeon is one your group will talk about for ages.

Among the Dead -- Zyphans, Taldor, Dungeon full of nasty fun stuff.

Crypt of the Everflame -- Also an epic dungeon crawl, but it's a module, so expect to spend some time on that. (It also is the beginning of a three module series, that you can take your party through and make it something they will totally never forget. The other two episodes are Masks of a Living God and City of Golden Death.)

Some one also mentioned Hall of the Flesh Eaters. That's a great one for Level 7th -- not 2nds.

Segang Expedition is good also an Explore, Explore and Explore. But the ending falls incredibly flat. So you may you have home-brew some stuff.

Intros 3 is also an excellent adventure -- that takes you "outside of Absalom" but you stay on the isle of Kortos so it's a bit of a fair compromise. But it also isn't currently Society Legal. So be advised.

Best of luck!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

There are also those adventures that take you out to Mwangi...

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Quest for Perfection 1.

And although it's not all monsters, all the time, Part 3 is just awesome.

Scarab Sages 3/5

I know this is the PFS forum, but since it sounds like you have a static group, you could always branch out into modules. Sounds like they might particularly enjoy Frog God's adventures. They've got that more old school dungeon crawl feel.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Lady Ophelia wrote:

So I don't get that your party wants "to Explore... But not really explore", when RPing is 1/2 of the "Explore" motto..

Also, I would like to mention, that unfortunately, almost all of Pathfinder Scenarios fall under one of the categories that your group doesn't want. So you may want to consider home brewing or modifying some scenarios. (Which you can do if you aren't following Society rules to the letter for legality sake.)

When I started looking, surprisingly few adventures actually go to "terra incognita". The next best thing, places nobody's been to in a long time, is quite doable.

How deep the "NPC intrigue" part of a scenario is varies considerably.

Lady Ophelia wrote:

The above being said here are a few good options:

The Veteran's Vault -- In Riddleport, Varisia and a good old fashioned dungeon with MONSTERS.

The Destiny of the Sands Series is also a great trilogy that meets the Explore and Monsters without dungeons. But it does require RPing with NPC's so be advised.

Some one messaged Citadel of Flame -- Story falls flat, but that dungeon is one your group will talk about for ages.

Among the Dead -- Zyphans, Taldor, Dungeon full of nasty fun stuff.

Crypt of the Everflame -- Also an epic dungeon crawl, but it's a module, so expect to spend some time on that. (It also is the beginning of a three module series, that you can take your party through and make it something they will totally never forget. The other two episodes are Masks of a Living God and City of Golden Death.)

Crypt of the Everflame is a solid dungeoncrawl. Masks of the Living God is a lot of RP in the first half, followed by a bloodbath where you get to take out all your frustrations about the first half. I found it extremely enjoyable. It should be noted that it doesn't require the PCs to have lots of social stats. I played it with a Cha 5 dwarf and got through fine. From what I hear part 3 is the real clincher for the OP's group though: it's an island with fabulous treasure that nobody dares go to.

Lady Ophelia wrote:
Some one also mentioned Hall of the Flesh Eaters. That's a great one for Level 7th -- not 2nds.

It's a 1-5 scenario, perhaps you're confused with something else?

Lady Ophelia wrote:
Segang Expedition is good also an Explore, Explore and Explore. But the ending falls incredibly flat. So you may you have home-brew some stuff.

I think it should only be played at high tier. The low tier BBEG is pathetic, the high-tier BBEG is scary.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Since they're only interested in 1/3 of Pathfinder's motto, have you considered running Kingmaker for them? That's all about exploration and a lot of monsters to boot.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You could also take them through Dragon's Demand. It has exactly two human opponents. (though there's a little bit of talking to get to the four(!) giant dungeons).

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! We went with Hall of the Flesh Eaters, and it went pretty well.

The latest request is "no more dungeons. We want wilderness... the farther from civilization, the better. If humans have ever set foot there, it's too tame for us." Any thoughts?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

I stand by my previous suggestion, Kingmaker. That or run a homebrew campaign for them. Pathfinders aren't trailblazers. We're archaeologists. We go where people have been that's what the explore part means.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Scions of the Sky Key trilogy is a lot of wilderness; not 100% unexplored, but certainly untamed wilds.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

One problem is it seems like the really terra incognita stuff is all high level. Which kind of makes sense. If no one is living there it is probably because it takes incredible amounts of magic to get there, or something exceptionally lethal lives there and will eat your face.

In other words Tier 7-11.

There just are not huge swathes of safe unclaimed land in golarion.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **


Lantern Lodge 5/5

There's a few places of "formerly claimed" land, not not much "completely unclaimed" land. Quest for Perfection 1 again comes to mind.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Or you can have them crawl Emerald Spire - that's 13 levels of menagerie.

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

Barker wrote:
Or you can have them crawl Emerald Spire - that's 13 levels of menagerie.

Apparently, they've requested no more dungeons. So yes, I'd have to reiterate how great Kingmaker AP is for exploration. The exploration is a HUGE part of the AP, and you don't have to do a lot of roleplay/arguments with NPCs if you do not want to do so.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Goblins are monsters, too: Frostfur Captives

3/5 5/5

The Sanos Abduction has no dungeons, and you can play up that they're the first humans to venture into the fey-ridden woods for centuries, or even longer.

You only die twice also has no dungeons, but the area isn't exactly unexplored.

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