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“Come one, come all!” the old man says, in an almost sing-song voice. “Ready yourselves, to observe a competition unlike any other in the history of Golarion. Over the course of twelve weeks, thirteen lucky contestants will compete in the beautiful Castle Starfort for the grand prize, 1,000,000 GP! They will need all of their strength, agility, endurance, wit and charisma to survive 12 grueling challenges and win the prize! The greatest, the most powerful, the wisest among them will succeed. But they must be careful, for one mistake could get them eliminated from the castle and out of the game! Who will win? Who will lose? Join in to find out on Lords of Starfort.”
Based on shows like Survivor, Total Drama and their kin, this campaign will consist of twelve “weeks” each consisting of a challenge, followed by some process, usually some sort of vote, which will eliminate a single contestant. Unless something changes between now and when it starts, there will be thirteen contestants at the beginning, so one being eliminated each week will leave a single winner standing.
With that in mind:
Ability Scores: 25 Point Buy. Don’t forget to add in the +1 you got at 4th level.
Starting Level: 4
Wealth: You walk into Castle Starfort with the clothes on your back. Very basic things like a wizard’s spell book, a cleric’s holy symbol, some spell material components will be allowed, but any weapons, armor, wands, potions, or the like which you will use will be provided for you. In general, unless it’s so basic a thing that everyone in your class can be assumed to have it, you don’t. That said, there will be plenty of equipment for each challenge. I don’t intend to starve you for the most part. I will also consider things like weapon proficiency and spell lists when providing materials. So what I’m saying here is just that you’ll never need to shop directly and will have no starting wealth.
Alignment: Any. Yes, this includes evil alignments. I actually want diversity of alignment, as I think it will keep things interesting.
Advancement: All characters will gain one level per challenge no matter what. In other words, the first week will be level 4, then 5, then 6, then 7, and all the way up to the final showdown, which will be 15.
Background and Personality: I will not demand much background from you as I know what a pain it can be to type some of it. All I want is a basic personality, an explanation of who they were and why they were chosen, and what they intend to do with the money once they acquire it.
Number of Characters: Thirteen is a lot. Given that, feel free to make more than one character. In fact, I encourage you to do so. I expect little enough response that everyone will have two or three. That fact will also cut down on the sting of character elimination, as you will have to lose several characters before you’re truly out of the game. I will be willing to play up to 1 contestant too as a last resort. (Just 1 so there’s no chance of everyone but my guy being eliminated at some point.)
Posting Expectations: Please post regularly. This is not a good campaign to slack off with, as it has intricate challenges which will require people to wait for you, and a lot of players. If you’re AFK for a day while it’s your turn in initiative, I’ll either act on your behalf or skip you. I regret this, but do not want the game to grind to a halt over one person who can’t be bothered to play the game they signed up to play.
Another thing to keep in mind is that your characters will sometimes be alone and sometimes not. There will be every-man-for-himself challenges, and there will be long periods of time when characters are in steady teams. I’m not saying you can’t play chaotic evil. However, if you are an a*@%~!# to your teammates, you may get voted off relatively quickly.
As for classes, I plan on trying to make them all workable, but some things to keep in mind are:
1: If you have an animal companion or familiar, you will not always have access to them. Some challenges will totally allow them, but there will be some where they either can’t or won’t be allowed to interfere. Mounts will have that problem worse than others, and familiars will be better off.
2: Your characters will not know what the day’s challenge is going to be when they prepare their spells that morning. Just keep that in mind.
Elimination, on the other hand, is a bit of a different story.
After every challenge, a character will be eliminated. Once that happens, that character really will be not-a-contestant for the remainder of the game. This will probably reduce the participation of whoever was playing that character starting at that point. I will work on including ways for people who want to keep playing to do so. Some challenges will call for someone to play spoiler, and if someone drops out, the character they had been playing will be picked up by the first eliminated player to request it. In addition, all of the eliminated players will have a secret role in the finale.
However, there’s no doing this concept without some level of player elimination. It’s sad but true. Most of you will be eliminated at some point before the finale. I’ll try to come up with stuff for you to do, but I can only go so far with that.
Man, that was a lot. Please post if you have any questions. I am really excited to do this and look forward to reading your submissions.

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intriguing... do you have a set timeline for the game? Will each week od game time be limited to a RL timeframe?
Are the players doing the voting?
The challenges will basically go on as long as they go on. I don't really have a time-frame for that.
And yes. Each challenge will have slightly different rules for this, but it will always be some or all of the players who vote people out of the game. Two teams will form early on, and for a long period of time, it will be exactly like Total Drama in this respect. Whichever team loses the challenge will vote for one of their own members to be voted off.

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Oops, saw it was core rules only. That kills a lot of ideas.
Run it by me. I'll probably make an exception. That rule's mostly there because the kind of challenges here are kind of atypical and therefore easily broken gameplay.
In fact, as I think about that, I'm wondering if I should just replace that rule with the clause that I can veto spells for any given challenge. In fact, yeah. I think I'm going with that.
So then, Rules Change: Anything from the PRD is in, but I might not let in a seemingly broken build and will sometimes ban certain spells for a given challenge. If you're not a spontaneous caster, you'll know ahead of time which spells I've banned for a challenge when you've prepared them, so you'll know not to.
Also don't make a Tengu Ranger-Druid-Cleric-Witch with three animal companions and a familiar who can cast fifty fireballs a day and carry a greatsword.