Advanced Class Guide errata is up!

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4/5 ****

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Any things in particular I should be aware of for GenCon?

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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Slashing Grace allows light weapons, but can only be used if other hands are unoccupied.

Rod of Grasping Hexes is up to 11000 gp from 3000 gp.

Opportune Parry and Riposte is not available to Amateur Swashbucklers or Kata Masters.

Shamans get Summon Nature's Ally spells.

Battle Cry only provides a re-roll on saves vs. fear as opposed to any save.

Plume of Panache activates when its wearer performs a deed.

Anything on Bloodrager to DD? (Sorry cant view it till i get home)

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Page 16—At the end of the Spells ability, add “At 8th level
and every 3 levels thereafter, a bloodrager can choose to
learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. This
swap follows all the same rules as for a sorcerer.”
• Page 21—In the infernal bloodline’s Dark Wings
bloodline power, remove the final sentence.
• Page 22—In Bloodrager Spells, in 4th-Level Bloodrager
Spells, remove “slow”.

Those are the only Bloodrager changes, so no.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Sacred Fists now loose most of their monkness when wearing armor.

Scarab Sages 2/5

- Brawlers can use Shields (Except Tower Shields), and still get their AC Bonus with Shields (Medium armor and the other stuff still removes AC Bonus)
- Battle Cry reroll is for fear effects only.
- Verminous Hunters that chose the Worm Aspect lose Fast Healing on all steps of it.
- Hex Vulnerability can only be used with harmful hexes.
- Boots of the Battle Herald is "1/day - Greater Herosim for 11 Minutes."

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

- Arcanists now are limited in the number of times they can use Consume Spells.

- A lot of Shaman hexes got "Cannot be targeted again for 24 hours" added onto it.

- Ecclesitheurge got their referenced, but cut off ability, blessing of the faithful.

... It's late and I'm tired, so I'm stopping there.

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

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Start reading from here. ^_^


Trying to read on my phone, am I seeing that they fixed unsworn shaman archetype so you can take extra hex now?

Scarab Sages

The change I saw (and enjoy): Bolt Aces now are proficient with all crossbows instead of firearms, and start with a masterwork crossbow of their choice.

Not sure how that will be handled in PFS.

5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Gunslinger and swashbuckler levels stack for purposes of Signature Deed

Hex Channeler Witch is now limited to getting a channel die with normal even numbered hexes, not with Extra Hex feat. Maybe the new Capaign Coordinator will consider unbanning it.

4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Missouri—St. Louis

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Parry and Riposte also can't have their cost reduced, so no more infinite parry Swashbucklers.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Daring Champion Cavaliers (and it most others?) who got Parry/Riposte lost it too, it seems.

The Guide is pretty clear about how to handle a lot of these cases, though I'll have to figure out what this means for my Bolt Ace. I did have one of the rods that got a price hike, though. Any advice on how to handle that? The character's already level 12, and I usually forget I have it, so it's not a huge deal either way.

Scarab Sages 2/5

Dhenn wrote:
I did have one of the rods that got a price hike, though. Any advice on how to handle that? The character's already level 12, and I usually forget I have it, so it's not a huge deal either way.

Usually it would be a simple refund and then you can choose to do whatever afterwards.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Deeds taken through Arcane Deed are now limited to only work with Arcane Pool points, you are never considered to have 1 Panache in your pool for them, and your effective Swashbuckler level is 0 when using them. So, no Precise Strike for the Magus (it was a grey area with the previous wording anyway).

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pummeling Style has been changed drastically. It's now pretty much Clustered Shots for Unarmed Strikes. No more imitating Dead Shot at all. It also works properly for Brawler's now, since it's a normal full attack (or flurry) now. Pummeling Charge has been changed to allow it to function the same as it did before with the new Style.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Looks like a lot of changes here... have to take a good look. And, of course, download the new version when it is ready.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Bye bye to rallying cry


One last time.


1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Why was opportune parry and riposte taken away from so many archetypes and the Amateur Swashbuckler feat? It's the main reason why anyone would want panache deeds.

Shadow Lodge

Zauron13 wrote:

The change I saw (and enjoy): Bolt Aces now are proficient with all crossbows instead of firearms, and start with a masterwork crossbow of their choice.

Not sure how that will be handled in PFS.

On the other hand, they lost the ability to reduce the cost of Sharp Shoot, so no always-attacking-touch at eleventh level anymore...

Shadow Lodge

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DrParty06 wrote:
Slashing Grace allows light weapons, but can only be used if other hands are unoccupied.

This one has me kind of upset, because last time I played my swashbuckler (a couple of months ago) I spent 10 PP to retrain from Dervish Dance to Slashing Grace (Quick Draw to Weapon Focus to qualify) so that I could use a freaking buckler, and now even if I get a free retrain back, I don't automatically get that prestige back.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

James Wygle wrote:
DrParty06 wrote:
Slashing Grace allows light weapons, but can only be used if other hands are unoccupied.
This one has me kind of upset, because last time I played my swashbuckler (a couple of months ago) I spent 10 PP to retrain from Dervish Dance to Slashing Grace (Quick Draw to Weapon Focus to qualify) so that I could use a freaking buckler, and now even if I get a free retrain back, I don't automatically get that prestige back.

Petition Mike Brock (quick, he won't be here long) or John Compton. They have been very reasonable about those things.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Cao Phen wrote:
Dhenn wrote:
I did have one of the rods that got a price hike, though. Any advice on how to handle that? The character's already level 12, and I usually forget I have it, so it's not a huge deal either way.
Usually it would be a simple refund and then you can choose to do whatever afterwards.

Based on what happened with the APG staffs; you can keep the rod but as of today all purchases must use the new price.

In the APG case the math was straightforward and the staffs were clearly half-priced in the first printing. If people were allowed to keep those it's reasonable to let people who bought the ACG rods (without knowing the designers considered them mispriced) keep them.

So Sawtooth Sabres are still viable with effortless lace and agile on the weapon. Effortless lace make the weapon be considered a light weapon and can be used with weapon finesse and then agile can only be applied to weapons usable with weapon finesse.

I realize that's 17k gp for two weapons but still doable.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

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Alric Rahl wrote:

So Sawtooth Sabres are still viable with effortless lace and agile on the weapon. Effortless lace make the weapon be considered a light weapon and can be used with weapon finesse and then agile can only be applied to weapons usable with weapon finesse.

I realize that's 17k gp for two weapons but still doable.

Seems true, however effortless lace is not legal in PFS

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

swashbuckler sleuths only get to add their charisma once to determine the size of their luck / panache pool. But Mysterious Strangers / Sleuths get double their charisma to their luck / grit pools

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

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Shield Champion Brawlers are actually proficient with shields as weapons now.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

Joe Ducey wrote:
Shield Champion Brawlers are actually proficient with shields as weapons now.



Sacred Fists no longer receive increased BAB when flurrying.

Magi can no longer benefit from Precise Strike.

Slashing Grace now applies to light slashing weapons as well, but cannot be used with Flurry or any use of the off-hand (shields, TWF, wands, etc).


James Wygle wrote:
DrParty06 wrote:
Slashing Grace allows light weapons, but can only be used if other hands are unoccupied.
This one has me kind of upset, because last time I played my swashbuckler (a couple of months ago) I spent 10 PP to retrain from Dervish Dance to Slashing Grace (Quick Draw to Weapon Focus to qualify) so that I could use a freaking buckler, and now even if I get a free retrain back, I don't automatically get that prestige back.

The buckler is strapped to the forearm and your hand is still free/unoccupied so you should be fine.

PRD wrote:

Buckler: This small metal shield is worn strapped to your forearm. You can use a bow or crossbow without penalty while carrying it. You can also use your shield arm to wield a weapon (whether you are using an off-hand weapon or using your off hand to help wield a two-handed weapon), but you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. This penalty stacks with those that may apply for fighting with your off hand and for fighting with two weapons. In any case, if you use a weapon in your off hand, you lose the buckler's AC bonus until your next turn. You can cast a spell with somatic components using your shield arm, but you lose the buckler's AC bonus until your next turn. You can't make a shield bash with a buckler.

Shadow Lodge

Protoman wrote:
The buckler is strapped to the forearm and your hand is still free/unoccupied so you should be fine.

That's not something I'd be comfortable trying to get away with without official clarification.

Consider this: in order to utilize that hand, I have to give up the shield bonus, so one could easily make the argument that so long as I'm getting that bonus, that hand is "occupied", thus disqualifying me from the benefits of Slashing Grace.

I'm not the kind of guy that is willing to base large purchases and feat selections around something guaranteed to be Table Variation.


Andoran Sentinel wrote:
Joe Ducey wrote:
Shield Champion Brawlers are actually proficient with shields as weapons now.

While shield champions are proficient with shields as weapons and keep the AC bonus with using their shield, they still got an action economy issue where one still needs a move action to unstrap a shield if one wants to throw it.

A throwing shield modification (from Ultimate Combat or Adventurer's Armory) is still needed to unstrap the shield as a free action if one wants to throw it as a full-attack action with flurry.

A light quickdraw shield (APG) is still needed to strap the shield as a swift action (or free action if one has the Quick Draw feat).

At level 5 when a shield is thrown it only comes back at the end of one's turn. Even with a light quickdraw shield and the Quick Draw feat, one still can only strap on the shield as a free action at the earliest on his NEXT round. Because the shield came back at the END of the shield champion's turn, his turn is over and no free actions available.

I have found playing my shield champion character that I have a funner time and do more impressive performance when using mostly unarmed attacks (with brawling armor) for melee and occasionally throwing the shield.

Shadow Lodge

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Also, Drinking Horn of the Panacea has been changed to use lesser restoration instead of restoration. I know something my alchemist is going to be selling back.


Divine Grace is now once per day rather then constant.
Wonder if it will become PFS legal again.


James Wygle wrote:
Protoman wrote:
The buckler is strapped to the forearm and your hand is still free/unoccupied so you should be fine.

That's not something I'd be comfortable trying to get away with without official clarification.

Consider this: in order to utilize that hand, I have to give up the shield bonus, so one could easily make the argument that so long as I'm getting that bonus, that hand is "occupied", thus disqualifying me from the benefits of Slashing Grace.

I'm not the kind of guy that is willing to base large purchases and feat selections around something guaranteed to be Table Variation.

If you use the hand with the buckler-strapped arm to wield a melee weapon, that hand is occupied and you lose the shield bonus.

If you use the hand with the buckler-strapped arm to wield a bow or crossbow or gun, you keep the shield bonus, but the hand is occupied.

Your hand with the buckler-strapped arm had to have been unoccupied in order to even have the options of holding other things.

Shadow Lodge

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Again, I see your argument, Protoman, I'm saying I'm not going to base character building decisions around something guaranteed to be Table Variation.


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Ok I get what you're saying. I hope the situation gets clarified soon so you won't have wasted the prestige for your retrain.

Silver Crusade 3/5

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I don't think there is any salvaging of my Dex-based Red Mantis Assassin. :/

Drat. I liked that character.

Grand Lodge 1/5

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Considering how much of this is NOT Errata, but outright changes to feats and class features, what will be done in regards to re-training characters that are affected by it?

3/5 5/5

Ferious Thune wrote:
Deeds taken through Arcane Deed are now limited to only work with Arcane Pool points, you are never considered to have 1 Panache in your pool for them, and your effective Swashbuckler level is 0 when using them. So, no Precise Strike for the Magus (it was a grey area with the previous wording anyway).

I think there's ambiguity in that wording. They also could be saying that you can't use your panache pool from Amatuer Swashbuckler or levels in swashbuckler for the arcane deed. If you have 0 arcane points but 1 panache point from your swashbuckler dip, you're still SOL. This is something I intend to further investigate.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Well the Arcane Deed wording seems to be intended to prevent precise Strike, but it just happens to make it impossible to get a parry out of opportune parry, and most other deeds just don't work.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

Protoman wrote:
Andoran Sentinel wrote:
Joe Ducey wrote:
Shield Champion Brawlers are actually proficient with shields as weapons now.

Action-economy stuff

Making no comments on their actions (though I tend to agree) just simply mentioning that they actually have proficiency now.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

Joe Ducey wrote:
Protoman wrote:
Andoran Sentinel wrote:
Joe Ducey wrote:
Shield Champion Brawlers are actually proficient with shields as weapons now.

Action-economy stuff

Making no comments on their actions (though I tend to agree) just simply mentioning that they actually have proficiency now.

Watching the movies and reading the comics a certain hero who fights unarmed with a shield and throws the shield, doesn't throw the shield every time. He uses it as a melee weapon most of the time. Also, in the movies it takes him 6 - 10 seconds for him to reset the shield after he throws it.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 5/5 **

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
Well the Arcane Deed wording seems to be intended to prevent precise Strike, but it just happens to make it impossible to get a parry out of opportune parry, and most other deeds just don't work.

Unless I'm misreading it, you can still parry, you just can't riposte.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Andoran Sentinel wrote:
Joe Ducey wrote:
Protoman wrote:
Andoran Sentinel wrote:
Joe Ducey wrote:
Shield Champion Brawlers are actually proficient with shields as weapons now.

Action-economy stuff

Making no comments on their actions (though I tend to agree) just simply mentioning that they actually have proficiency now.
Watching the movies and reading the comics a certain hero who fights unarmed with a shield and throws the shield, doesn't throw the shield every time. He uses it as a melee weapon most of the time. Also, in the movies it takes him 6 - 10 seconds for him to reset the shield after he throws it.

My shield champion just carries a second shield. :)

It happens to be an intelligent shield. You should hear the complaining when it gets thrown instead of the regular shield.


Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Shisumo wrote:
Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
Well the Arcane Deed wording seems to be intended to prevent precise Strike, but it just happens to make it impossible to get a parry out of opportune parry, and most other deeds just don't work.
Unless I'm misreading it, you can still parry, you just can't riposte.

Yeah sorry I meant to say riposte. A real shame for one of my characters.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Woah, that's some swashbuckler nerf, particularly on the items.

Grand Lodge

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
Well the Arcane Deed wording seems to be intended to prevent precise Strike, but it just happens to make it impossible to get a parry out of opportune parry, and most other deeds just don't work.
Unless I'm misreading it, you can still parry, you just can't riposte.
Yeah sorry I meant to say riposte. A real shame for one of my characters.

Is this specifically Arcane Deed, or does this also apply to Flamboyant Arcana too? Because the way I read it, you can't get opportune parry and riposte via Arcane Deed anyway, (or at least, it'd be redundant to do so), as Flamboyant Arcana (which gives you parry and riposte) is a prerequisite of it.

Sovereign Court 2/5

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I am so not happy with the Slashing Grace changes. I /JUST/ bought it, after building a character around it for months on GM Credit. I played him literally 2 days ago for the first time now he is next to useless. I wish there had been some sort of heads up on what they were looking at and I would have held off on playing the character until Slashing Grace was finalized.



4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

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Canny Tumble is now a way for rogues to get Sneak Attack damage on an attack.

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