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I also really enjoyed Adam Driver's performance. I thought his character was well-done, honestly.
** spoiler omitted **
That was actually my second-favorite scene in the movie. It was done so well, and as said before the cinematography made it a legendary one.
My favorite?

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reading the spoilers (because I'm honestly curious, and G_d knows when I'll see it). I'm curious
** spoiler omitted **

Spiral_Ninja |

Just got back from seeing it. I enjoyed it, in spite of the flaws, some of which have already been referenced.
Let's see; non-spoilery comments, but given objections, I'll go back & spoiler them:
The death - called it, expected it, made sense.
The constant homages to the Original Trilogy? - unnecessary, slowed down the film.
Still, I did have a favorite homage:

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drunken_nomad |
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I am hoping that all the actors (and ppl behind the camera) stay healthy and out of accidents to finish this trilogy. I remember reading about Hamill's car crash after Star Wars and being sad, thinking that he wouldn't be in Empire. Kylo was just ok to me. Rey killed it, though! 3D upcharge was worth it.

Chris Lambertz Community & Digital Content Director |
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Folks, please be aware that we have a lot of Star Wars fans on our site. Spoiler tags are polite and kind, so put your comments behind them. I'm currently trying to peek through my fingers to correct some spoiler posts myself.
If you do not know how to spoiler tag your posts, please see here.

Sborki |
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I know people are complaining about Carrie Fisher, but she's not this bad.
I loved her! It was great seeing her.

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This is really bugging me:
1. Han hands Him the blaster in the Falcon after they land near Maz's place.
2. Finn is seen walking into Maz's place wearing it on His back. Its on Him while He is walking around upstairs and talking to people.
3. He is still wearing it in the chamber down below. You see him with it when Maz hands Him the lightsaber.
4. The FO attack comes. The next time we see Finn is He and Maz are running out of the ruined castle. He no longer has His blaster and says "I need a weapon" Maz says "you got one" pointing to the lightsaber.
Where did the blaster go? It just disappeared for the plot it seems.

pres man |

This is really bugging me:
** spoiler omitted **
Actually it is worse.
Whether a blaster would have done any good (given an X-Wing was disabled at the beginning of the movie by one at least makes it possible) is another issue.

Spiral_Ninja |

reading the spoilers (because I'm honestly curious, and G_d knows when I'll see it). I'm curious
** spoiler omitted **
No, they don't really.
My question is more of a personality one:

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
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Spoiler:When Finn ran toward Ren carrying Rey to His ship, you can see him drop the blaster. So you see what happens to that one at least. Maybe seeing Ren freeze the blaster bolt mid air during opening raid Finn thought trying to shoot would be useless.

pres man |
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Hm, guess I missed that.
My thoughts based on a single viewing.
Good: The whole draining the star totally looked like a homage to the Star Forge from KotOR. I think a planet that went to a system and just sucked the star dry, using the energy to build endless supplies, would have been a much more interesting weapon.
Good: Much more diverse heroes. I am sick, as a white male, of people suggesting that I would not like to watch stories about non-white male heroes. That is ridiculous.
Bad: White males are all the big baddies. It is great to embrace diversity for the heroes, but you have to also do it on the other side of the coin. Often times in movies like this, the "coolest" characters are villains (e.g. Boba Fett), let's have some diversity in those characters as well.
Awesome: The blaster bolt scene was cool as frack.
Great: Quite a bit of Finn's lines. I realize he had a lot of comic relief, but I really enjoyed his parts. Also the scene with the two storm troopers that stop and go back the way they were coming when they see Kylo destroying a room.
Musings: I wonder if Finn is going to end up being related to Lando. I think Rey is most likely Luke's daughter. I've seen some folks wonder/complain about how Rey was able to tap into so much Force abilities without any training. I think there are at least 3 possible reasons. (1) She did receive some Force training before she was left behind (with Max Von Sydow I am guessing), (2) when she touch the light saber and had a vision some Force knowledge was given to her subconsciously, and (3) when she was Force locked with Kylo and saw into his mind she picked some Force knowledge up subconsciously as well.

Goldmyr |
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That was a great premiere.
I'm personally thinking that

pres man |
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Yes the shiny one is a woman ...
"What's a Nubian?"
Huh? I don't get your question, what are referring to in terms to what I posted? Are you referring to Finn or something? Maybe you could explain better for me.
Weapon going through hyperspace means that people on other systems wouldn't be able to see it. i.e. Even if that was the case, then it still was dumb as heck. I get it, "plot more important than technical details", but it just seems so ridiculous it ruins that entire part of the movie for me. I am not asking for things to be as "realistic" as possible, but just not to be dumb to the extreme. Besides the point of JJ seeming to always think that way you make a more sinister danger is to make it bigger (see USS Vengeance in Into Darkness and now this).

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1. The movie is PG-13. For Episode III, that wasn't an issue for me. I didn't feel it was too violent. However, if Episode VII has the characters, for example, discuss sex, that may be an issue for letting my youngest child watch it. Should I worry about that?
2. I personally have felt a bit leery ever since I heard that title The Force Awakens. It made me think that this movie is going to "reveal" something about the nature of the Force. You know. Like Episode I revealed the midi-chlorians. Perhaps now you understand my concern.
Thanks in advance for your help!
If you thought Episode III The Revenge of the Sith, which included the murder of several Jedi and younglings, was not "too violent" then the level of violence in Episode VII The Force Awakens will be a cake walk. No talk of sex as far as I recall.
Nothing to fear about midi-chorians (shiver), Thank The Force!

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Our dearest Imperial Advisor:
What previews accompanied your viewing?
I have seen the movie four times now so it may be a mixed bag I forget which trailers came which viewing.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer saw 4x (March 25)
Warcraft trailer saw it 4x (June 10, 2016)
Zootopia trailer saw it 4x (March 4, 2016)
Captain America: Civil War saw it 4x (May 6)
The Jungle Book trailer sax it 4x (April 15)
Kung Fu Panda trailer saw it 3x
Independence Day: Resurgence trailer saw it 3x (June 24)
X-Men: Apocalypse saw it 1x (May 27)
The 5th Wave trailer saw it 1x (January 15)
Miracles from Heaven trailer saw it 1x
and I think I may have seen saw Star Trek Beyond 1x (July 22).

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That 97% Fresh rating with 125+ reviews in is pretty promising.
That's a little higher than I would have given it but pretty close.
If The Empire Strikes Back was a 12+ out of 10 and Star Wars A New Hope was a 10/10, I would put The Force Awakens a solid 8+ out of 10.
An 89 maybe.

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Imbicatus wrote:I'm a fan of the Machete Order myself, unfortunately I don't have time for a full rewatch before 7:00 pm tomorrow.When it comes to order, my children have - this very morning - pointed out my hypocrisy. I keep saying "Start with Episode 4. Don't even THINK about starting with Episode 1! That was the worst of the 6!"
Yet the last time I watched Star Wars I saw 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5, and finally 6.
this week, I started watching Star Wars again, starting with 1.
The only correct Imperial way to watch the films are Episode III, then Episode V, followed by another viewing of Episode V, then Episode V yet again.
In Imperial Security Bureau reeducation agent will be coming to advise you of this shortly.

Ensirio the Longstrider |
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Aaron Bitman wrote:Imbicatus wrote:I'm a fan of the Machete Order myself, unfortunately I don't have time for a full rewatch before 7:00 pm tomorrow.When it comes to order, my children have - this very morning - pointed out my hypocrisy. I keep saying "Start with Episode 4. Don't even THINK about starting with Episode 1! That was the worst of the 6!"
Yet the last time I watched Star Wars I saw 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5, and finally 6.
this week, I started watching Star Wars again, starting with 1.
The only correct Imperial way to watch the films are Episode III, then Episode V, followed by another viewing of Episode V, then Episode V yet again.
In Imperial Security Bureau reeducation agent will be coming to advise you of this shortly.
*jams Episode VI on loop*

pres man |
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My current order is (basically machete order with a prologue):
Phantom Menace (I)
A New Hope (IV)
Empire Strikes Back (V)
Attack of the Clones (II)
Revenge of the Sith (III)
Return of the Jedi (VI)
Force Awakens (VII)
Though I have been debating with:
Phantom Menace (I)
A New Hope (IV)
Attack of the Clones (II)
Empire Strikes Back (V)
Revenge of the Sith (III)
Return of the Jedi (VI)
Force Awakens (VII)