quibblemuch |
quibblemuch wrote:With a very long knife.About this long?
Longer. Much, much longer.
EvilPaladin |
Tools you will need:
Max ranks in profession (psychologist), along with maxed wisdom, skill focus, and any other bonus you can work in.
Maxed ranks in stealth, ring of invisibility, and a good dexterity. Mix in some greater shadow armor and other bonuses as well.
Reliable means of casting extended negate aroma.
Ring of sustenance
Ability to speak aklo
20 levels in any PC class that can accomplish this (iirc, druid can manage fairly well).
Lenient GM.
The Method
First, hide yourself near the tarrasque for a long period of time. Stay invisible, stay stealthed, keep yourself from being scented, and if you are a druid be a tiny-sized animal all the time. Use your profession (psychologist) to analyze the tarrasque's psychological weaknesses. Do this for days, months, even years (works best as elves, who could easily go decades).
Then, when you feel ready, target that weakness. Prove that its life is meaningless, that nobody will miss it when its gone, that it is only being forced into a life of pointless suffering so that its daddy can sleep all the time and still fulfill his goal. Make sure you stay well-hidden and constantly out of reach (possibly using spells to aid you).
At the same time, convince your GM to let you use your profession psychologist to sway the tarrasque.
The Results
Either the tarrasque sees the error of its ways, and you successfully manage to get it to get a passive, productive job (like baker or maybe demolitions expert), not actually vanquishing it but killing its.fighting spirit.
Or it becomes chronically depressed and seeing as it can't speak, can't get treatment for its depression. After a while it will see that suicide is a valid option and will continue to kill itself every 18 seconds until some merciful cleric casts suffocation on it and it willingly fails its save.
Or, it becomes incredibly angry with rovagug, and through careful negotiation with local clerics on your part and incredible diplomacy checks on their part, you plane shift it to rovagug's prison where he procedes to eat the tarrasque.
Lord Mhoram |
Lord Mhoram wrote:Thanks for the link ;)Serisan wrote:"Hey Asmodeus! 2-for-1 deal! I'll sell you my soul if you corrupt this divine critter. My only stipulation is that it cannot ever be on the Material plane."LRGG racial guide 4
Every other forum I go to the quote/reply button is the bottom of the post. Still gets me.:D
Scott Wilhelm |
A party I was in defeated the Tarrasque, but we didn't kill it. Another fighter and I kept spring attacking it while another party member kept sending summoned monsters at it while the rest of the party got past it, and the other fighter and I successfully withdrew and rejoined the party.
The Tarrasque doesn't fly. Lure it into a deep pit, and then fill the pit with alchemal death. The 3.5 Tarrasque did not have acid resistance. The Pathfinder Tarrasque doesn't have cold resistance.
Grapple it. Getting your Grapple Mod up to 66 is plausible. The party wizard then DimDors the Grappler with Greater Grapple and Expert Captor up to the Tarrasque. Dimension Door incapacitates the caster, not passengers, so the Grappler will have his or her full round. Initiate the Grapple as a Standard Action. Tie Up the Tarrasque as a Move Action. The only problem is finding rope that is strong enough...
GreyWolfLord |
Wheel of time reference.
As a Wizard, research the spell (9th level probably, GM dependant) than zap it with Balefire.
The great thing, it CEASES TO EXIST a moment (or more) before it dies...hence it doesn't really die because it ceased to exist period....
Of course, not all GM's will allow that.
Create Mr. Pitt |
Summon as many lantern archons as possible. Ideally be a conjurer with both augment and superior summoning. Then you can use a ton of higher level spell slots to summon at least 20 of these before the combat if you utilize enough higher level spell slots. They should last a good number of rounds with summoner's charm at this level. If you don't have to plan there are ways, like maze and ice crystal teleport, to get this done.
So now you have an army of lantern archons, where does that get you? Well pretty much everywhere. 2 +3 rays of light which ignore DR and are ranged touch attacks. The tarrasque has a touch AC of 5. Unless you roll a one of the attacks, you hit for 1d6 damage. Considering there are 40 attacks and you will roll, on average, a 1 every 20 times, but you will also roll a crit the number of times. So on average you'll do 40d6 damage that ignores spell resistance per round, and you can still case spells.
Cuuniyevo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Step 1: Get Mythic.
Step 2: Get Mythic Phantasmal Killer and Mythic Wish.
Step 3: Cast Mythic Phantasmal Killer, Augmented so that it bypasses immunity to mind-effecting. After the Tarrasque fails its Will save, Cast Mythic Wish, Alter Fate as an immediate action and choose to make it roll a 1 on its Fortitude save.
Step 4: Congratulations! You've successfully caused the mighty Tarrasque to die of fright. It will now be too embarrassed to regenerate. Probably.
FLite |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Back in the original incarnation of the tarrasque (I believe that was back in 2nd ed AD&D), my plan was to find a green slime colony, collect as many vials as possible of the stuff, and then dive bomb the beast from flight. He didn't have any ability to resist what green slime did, and eventually he'd be a huge, massive pile of the stuff. Fireball the green slime mass, then finish with the wish that was required to permanently kill it.
That works unless you have a cruel and sadistic GM.
"Okay, the green slime, in converting the tarrasque to more green slime, has absorbed all of it's characteristics. You now have a Green slime the size of a Terrasque, with the Terrasques fire resistance and regeneration. It is still eating it's way through everything, only now it is leaving a living trail of green slime in it's path. The green slime it is leaving behind is taking on some worrying shapes."
MrCharisma |
Would a Witch's Grand Hex "Forced Reincarnation" work? The body might still regenerate, but it's now just a giant hunk of meat. If you can convince a Martial to lend you their magic sword, you now have a never-ending source of food.
I see 2 problems with this method however.
1: The Witch has to get within 30 feet of the Tarrasque.
2: The Tarrasque would be reincarnated into a new body, randomly determined by a d%. On the roll of 100, the GM gets to choose the new body ...
Failing that, a level 19 Evoker can keep the Tarrasque dead.
Once the Tarrasque is <0hp, Maximized, Elemental (Cold) Wall of Fire plus Quickened, Elemental (Cold) Wall of Fire.
(Mechanics etc as follows)
Spells: Wall of Fire, Permanency.
Spell slots used: 9th level (1), 8th level (1), 5th level (2).
Use whatever means to get the Tarrasque to <0hp, and then ...
Evoker casts Maximized, Elemental (Cold) Wall of Fire (8th) for:
12(2d6 Maximized) +19(Level) +9(+1/2 Level for Evoker) = 40 damage
40 -15(Damage Reduction) = 25 damage/round
Evoker casts Quickened, Elemental (Cold) Wall of Fire (9th) for:
2-12(2d6) +19(Level) +9(+1/2 Level for Evoker) = 30-40 damage
30-40 -15(Damage Reduction) = 15-25 damage/round.
That's 40-50 damage/round, which negates the Tarrasque's Regeneration.
Over the next 4 rounds, the Evoker casts Permanency on both walls of "fire".
Now it's just a matter of building a fortress around this place so no one can release it.
The Wall of fire(/cold) also does 2d4 damage to anyone within 10 feet, and 1d4 to anyone within 20 feet. The Tarrasque is more than big enough to take damage from all 3 sources. Depending on your interpretation of the rules (or more importantly, the GM's interpretation), these could add to the damage before the damage reduction is taken into account, and the Maximized spell feat & Evoker damage bonus could apply to these damage numbers as well, which would mean you don't need the quickened spell.
Scott Wilhelm |
Wheel of time reference.
As a Wizard, research the spell (9th level probably, GM dependant) than zap it with Balefire.
The great thing, it CEASES TO EXIST a moment (or more) before it dies...hence it doesn't really die because it ceased to exist period....
Of course, not all GM's will allow that.
A DM who is outrageous enough to throw the Tarrasque at the party might allow a tactic equally outrageous like yours.
Or perhaps allowing a Wizard to cast a Fabricate Spell while a party member were using a Decanter of Endless Water to turn the Geyser of Water (what is it: 20 gallons/round?) into a Geyser of Alchemal Ice: like a vial of acid, but doing Cold Damage. The area of effect of Fabricate cast by a level 9 Wizard is far in excess of 20 gallons. A single vial is 1 pint, so the Fabricate spell would turn the Decanter of Endless Water into a cryo-flame thrower that would do 160 d6 damage/round!
Avoron |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
There are lots of ways to defeat or incapacitate a tarrasque, many of them mentioned here. There are also lots of ways to trap one, or send one far away. However, the real difficulty is getting rid of the tarrasque permanently. Not for a lifetime, not for a thousand lifetimes, but permanently. Suffocation has been mentioned, but so has Hibernation, so that wouldn't work for sure.
My strategy: Incapacitate the tarrasque using any method above, or a method of your own choosing. Afterwards, find a way to shrink it down (for example, spamming baleful polymorph until it works). Then, spam temporal stasis on the once mighty tarrasque, until it works as well. Insert the frozen tarrasque into a bag of holding. Stab the bag of holding with a 2 gp dagger.
"If a bag of holding is overloaded, or if sharp objects pierce it (from inside or outside), the bag immediately ruptures and is ruined, and all contents are lost forever."
Forever is forever. No known magic in the Pathfinder game can reverse it. That tarrasque will never come back.
Of course, it's unknown whether a deity could bring the tarrasque back if they wanted to. There's only one way to make sure that isn't an option, and it involves convincing the tarrasque to take 20 levels in Monk of the Healing Hand and sacrifice itself. Good luck.
Zodiac107 |
Wheel of time reference.
As a Wizard, research the spell (9th level probably, GM dependant) than zap it with Balefire.
The great thing, it CEASES TO EXIST a moment (or more) before it dies...hence it doesn't really die because it ceased to exist period....
Of course, not all GM's will allow that.
Id count balefire as a lvl 11 spell or so... Erasing the fabric of existence and time should be above "normal" spells
Cyrad RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |
Myrryr |
Honestly, the tarrasque should be the least of your worries. He's the son of the god of destruction that was sealed away inside of Golarion by the gods to stop him from eating the Material Plane. If the tarrasque wakes up, then daddy's soon to follow.
Eh, Azathoth, Yogg-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep are scarier than Rovagug. Rovagug is understandable, the Outer Gods specifically are incomprehensible.
On topic though, I managed to incap a tarrasque by filling its lungs and heart with liquid metal using the metal melt spell, which then turned into solid metal. Regeneration doesn't get things out of you. Plane shifting it to the negative energy plane keeps it down, as does the positive energy plane, both of which wouldn't make it hibernate either.
Alternatively you can also send it into the River Styx... watch the tarrasque constantly forget what it's doing. Actually it'd hibernate there too and be immune to divination... only Charon's lackey's would know it's there and they certainly wouldn't want it waking up.
Would love to plane shift it to Azathoth as it would definitely be able to permanently destroy it. Er, interplanetary teleport it as Azathoth is on the material plane.
Amusingly, it's not immune to Trap the Soul that I can tell, so with it's pitiful will save you could be walking around with a 'Pendant de Tarrasque'. Then turn yourself into a mythic lich with that same gem as your phylactery, it becomes an artifact and you get to decide what it's destruction method is... make it something damn near impossible to actually accomplish and then remove your own memory of it. Voila.
And I think that by using the Everdawn Pool, an artifact that Runelord Sorshen created, you could potentially turn it into a vampire that's controlled by the person with the Everdawn amulet. Vampire Tarrasque that can't be killed by sunlight? Yeah I can see that.
Alternatively, for more artifact shenanigans, have it read from the Codex of Planes until it gets the 'Formless' effect on it. That one would be quite obnoxious for it. Ultimate Imprisonment would probably trigger it's hibernation and so render it permanently gone as well as it'd be impossible to know where it was imprisoned to cast freedom due to it's divination immunity.
Or you roll Clone and hoo boy do you have problems now.
Laiho Vanallo |
I was wondering what you guys think is the easiest way to kill a tarrasque.
If you have actually killed a tarrasque in game play plz mention it.
Once I wish/plane shifted it into the plane of negative energy.
Back in 3.5 I managed to handle animal it into being my friend (I had something ridiculous like around +80 on that skill) I do not think you can wild empathy/handle animal it in pathfinder however because it has 3 intelligence.
Rerednaw |
There are lots of ways to defeat or incapacitate a tarrasque, many of them mentioned here. There are also lots of ways to trap one, or send one far away. However, the real difficulty is getting rid of the tarrasque permanently. Not for a lifetime, not for a thousand lifetimes, but permanently. ...
Well one of my methods involves ability drain...which it cannot regen from...and then turning into a wraith-spawn under your control....which he doesn't regen from either.
I suppose that technically he isn't dead...just an undead slave under your control...but I like the idea of a theater-sized wraith at your beck and call.
Cyrad RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |
Cyrad wrote:Honestly, the tarrasque should be the least of your worries. He's the son of the god of destruction that was sealed away inside of Golarion by the gods to stop him from eating the Material Plane. If the tarrasque wakes up, then daddy's soon to follow.Eh, Azathoth, Yogg-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep are scarier than Rovagug. Rovagug is understandable, the Outer Gods specifically are incomprehensible.
Yes, but Rovagug is focused. He wants to destroy everything. The Outer Gods and their minions simply don't care. Most of the Outer Gods are isolated within their own madness to do much harm. This makes Rovagug much more dangerous. Also, note that the most powerful and intelligent gods in the known multiverse couldn't kill him.
Myrryr |
Avoron wrote:There are lots of ways to defeat or incapacitate a tarrasque, many of them mentioned here. There are also lots of ways to trap one, or send one far away. However, the real difficulty is getting rid of the tarrasque permanently. Not for a lifetime, not for a thousand lifetimes, but permanently. ...Well one of my methods involves ability drain...which it cannot regen from...and then turning into a wraith-spawn under your control....which he doesn't regen from either.
I suppose that technically he isn't dead...just an undead slave under your control...but I like the idea of a theater-sized wraith at your beck and call.
...I wonder if by hollowing out it's brain case and putting in your own spell (custom 8th-9th lvl version of clone or simulacrum but just a brain) and alchemically crafted brain that it could regenerate that and give you control that way? Seems like it could be an interesting plot device at least.
Hogeyhead |
My method, and one that I feel is very legitimate and doesn't involve strange rules or anything. It does rely on GM fiat. However most GM's will jump at the chance to take you up on this offer.
Incapacitate the Tarrasque in some way, My favorite is to give it Negative levels if you can figure out how to do it. The best way I know is to be a magus that can cast enervation, not hard there is an arcana that will give it to you if you don't want to wait for greater spell access. Make sure you can cast it a huge number of times make sure that you are always using thanatopic spell, bypassing immunity to negative levels. Next use spellstrike to apply it, bypassing immunity to rays. Now try to make sure you empower and or maximize each one it's got a lot of levels to lose. Now also make sure that these are also extended so that in 24hours he has to save vs permanency. Give him his dice in negative levels, even if he comes back from death he still has the negative levels, that's the beauty of negative levels they apply to you even if you are dead. Okay so it's going to be in a negative level coma of sorts for the duration of your spells, or 24 hours depending on interpretation. You rest regain your spells, and you give him negative levels till they are all permanent, could take a while it's got good saves.
Eventually it is permanently dead at least you've destroyed it's life essence. Anyways You can't really bring it back I think, as true reserrection doesn't work on magical beasts, and restoration and greater restoration require you to be alive to work, so nope, it's down for the count as far as I can tell barring divine intervention, and in some groups this may be as dead as you need it to be.
However that is just my preferred method of incapacitation. Then if that is not enough have the mythic wizard of the party cast Mythic wish, phrase the wish as follows:
"I wish that the tarrasque were permanently dead and can never be brought back to life or unlife or made into a construct or any other kind of animate thing or creature, and I will accept any consequences to my person for the completion of this wish."
Most GM's will need to weigh letting the Tarrasque live or having carte blanche to mess with a wish, and GM's very rarely actually get to adjudicate wishes, much less one this significant. Your mileage may vary but chances are the tarrasque will be dead by the time you have finished discussing the wish.
SiuoL |
Tyrant of the Harrow Deck. If you have the Vision and Hidden Truth as well because you drew the Cricket of something similar, you can use Vision and Hidden Truth to seek the most powerful being that can erase the Tarrasque completely while you can control now with the Tyrant card. Pick the GM! Control to GM to erase it! Done!
Myrryr |
@Hogeyhead -- Not sure where you got True Res won't work on a Tarrasque... True Res works on anything short of a construct/undead. Hell, you could rez an ooze with it.
Also just using thanatopic rods on Energy Drain would be a lot more efficient than enervation. Plus it's a touch attack instead of a ray and doesn't need to be extended. Spell Perfection it if you wanna maximize it.
Avoron |
Hogeyhead, Wishes, even mythic Wishes, aren't all-powerful. If you Wish to stop a creature from being brought back to life, a reasonable GM might just have it duplicate Trap the Soul. Or Binding. Or Polymorph any Object. Or Temporal Stasis. After all, that is the level of power that Wish spells can normally perform.
And even if your GM grants your Wish to its full extent, it doesn't trump all countermeasures. It could, at GM discretion, be cancelled out by another Wish. Or eliminated by a Miracle. Or dispelled by Mage's Disjunction. Or blocked by Spellbane.
You get the idea. The point is, when your dealing with forces like tarrasques and high level mythic characters, Wish isn't a Get Out of Jail Free card. It's a tool, to be used in moderation.
Mctiddles |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The best one I've ever heard was +6-10 epic enchanted adamantine caltrops with Trap the Soul enchanted on them.
Rerednaw |
Myrryr wrote:Yes, but Rovagug is focused. He wants to destroy everything. The Outer Gods and their minions simply don't care. Most of the Outer Gods are isolated within their own madness to do much harm. This makes Rovagug much more dangerous. Also, note that the most powerful and intelligent gods in the known multiverse couldn't kill him.Cyrad wrote:Honestly, the tarrasque should be the least of your worries. He's the son of the god of destruction that was sealed away inside of Golarion by the gods to stop him from eating the Material Plane. If the tarrasque wakes up, then daddy's soon to follow.Eh, Azathoth, Yogg-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep are scarier than Rovagug. Rovagug is understandable, the Outer Gods specifically are incomprehensible.
The most powerful and intelligent gods apparently don't check the optimization boards :) Sorry couldn't resist.
Myrryr |
Myrryr wrote:Yes, but Rovagug is focused. He wants to destroy everything. The Outer Gods and their minions simply don't care. Most of the Outer Gods are isolated within their own madness to do much harm. This makes Rovagug much more dangerous. Also, note that the most powerful and intelligent gods in the known multiverse couldn't kill him.Cyrad wrote:Honestly, the tarrasque should be the least of your worries. He's the son of the god of destruction that was sealed away inside of Golarion by the gods to stop him from eating the Material Plane. If the tarrasque wakes up, then daddy's soon to follow.Eh, Azathoth, Yogg-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep are scarier than Rovagug. Rovagug is understandable, the Outer Gods specifically are incomprehensible.
No, only Azathoth is 'isolated'. Yogg-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep are very very intelligent and dangerous and not at all insane. I mean, Yogg's domains are Knowledge, Chaos, Void, Darkness and Travel. No madness there. Yogg is basically part of space and time, and his presence literally warps and twists them. Rovagug is as damaging as shattering planets... Yogg is basically a multi-existing black hole.
Nyarlathotep by contrast has the domains of chaos, darkness, magic, trickery and knowledge... again, no madness there. He is the god of many forms, most commonly known as the Black Pharoah or the Haunter of the Dark. He is the living gate to the Dark Tapestry and ties together the other Outer Gods and their worship. Also he's basically the personification of void magic.
Shub-Niggurath also does not have Madness as a domain, and is noted as being able to manifest anywhere on any planet in the material plane on a whim, often simultaneously... Though while that's a feat few other gods can claim, she isn't noted as being as ludicrously powerful as the others.
The Outer Gods in general are beings that transcend time and space and more ancient than the planes, with no known point, reference or even time of origin.
Azathoth alone is larger than a star... Rovagug has actual illustrations showing him to be a bit bigger than a kaiju and is imprisoned inside one tiny planet. We know gods can be killed by simple meteors, two Azlanti gods died trying to stop one from destroying Golarion. Azathoth would probably wouldn't even notice Rovagug rampaging across his surface.
Sahisysha Tree-Singer |
...I wonder if by hollowing out it's brain case and putting in your own spell (custom 8th-9th lvl version of clone or simulacrum but just a brain) and alchemically crafted brain that it could regenerate that and give you control that way? Seems like it could be an interesting plot device at least.
THIS. This is why the Tarrasque wakes up and devours a city. Because somebody had a brilliant idea on how to piss it off.
Hogeyhead |
@Hogeyhead -- Not sure where you got True Res won't work on a Tarrasque... True Res works on anything short of a construct/undead. Hell, you could rez an ooze with it.
Also just using thanatopic rods on Energy Drain would be a lot more efficient than enervation. Plus it's a touch attack instead of a ray and doesn't need to be extended. Spell Perfection it if you wanna maximize it.
You're right about true res, my mistake.
However energy drain is a ray, not a touch attack. You have at most 5 or 6 energy drains per day, which may not be enough to kill it, and you can't raise a spell's effective level above 9 with spell perfection so you couldn't maximize it without a rod, and obviously you can't do that as you need one of thanatopic spell. Anyways it's imune to rays and you aren't getting around that how you describe.
Hogeyhead |
Hogeyhead, Wishes, even mythic Wishes, aren't all-powerful. If you Wish to stop a creature from being brought back to life, a reasonable GM might just have it duplicate Trap the Soul. Or Binding. Or Polymorph any Object. Or Temporal Stasis. After all, that is the level of power that Wish spells can normally perform.
And even if your GM grants your Wish to its full extent, it doesn't trump all countermeasures. It could, at GM discretion, be cancelled out by another Wish. Or eliminated by a Miracle. Or dispelled by Mage's Disjunction. Or blocked by Spellbane.
You get the idea. The point is, when your dealing with forces like tarrasques and high level mythic characters, Wish isn't a Get Out of Jail Free card. It's a tool, to be used in moderation.
Wish when used normally will get you another spell in this case arcane 8th or below. However I am using the clause below that states you can ask for a more powerful wish, but the intent may be corrupted. At this point it is a plot level spell, and is equivalent to doing a god a favor and asking for one in return.
Yes a wish could be negated by another wish, but anything you could do to kill the tarasque could be undone by plot level effects. Remember this is a storytelling game not a skirmish game. If you use my method to kill the tarrasque it's not coming back unless the GM wants it to and it's really dramatic, but no matter how you kill it, if the GM wants it back, it's coming back.
It's a tool, yes, and in this case it is the tool I'm using to kill the tarrasque (if you recall not defeat it, just kill). Show me any method that kills the Tarasque that does not involve using a tool.
Raven's Shadow 2 |
Throw it into a black hole.
Kthulhu was Close
I manage to figure out how to kill a Tarrasque and just about every monster I one shot. Here is how I would do it for a Tarrasque. I would use a Halfling Paladin 8, Summoner 6,
Pick up Outrider
I would use no Archetypes
Skills in, Ride, Handel animals, Spellcraft, Profession Tinkerer.
Feats, Mounted Combat, Skill Focus Ride, Ride by attack, Spirted Charge, Master Craftsman, Craft Wondrous Items, Fearless Aura,
I would use my Eidolon as a Mount
Skill, Fly
Mount, Arms, Fly x 3
Feat Fleet
I would also give him boots of Haste
I would fly over the Tarrasque with the fearless aura me and my mount would be immune to frightful presence. I would fly above 130’ staying out of reach of his Spines, There I would use Summon monster II, twice to summon Eagles to create a buffer 10’ in front using a Helm of Telepathy, to block incoming Spins with Fearless Aura protecting. They would then dive on the Tarrasque as a team. When with 15’ of it The Paladin would Jump off using Fly from Celestial armor to cushions his fall. Given beforehand the Eidolon would within 10’ would inset aportable Hole into a Bag of Holding thus Sending the Eidolon home and Killing the Tarrasque.
(If aportable hole is placed within a bag of holding, it opens a
gate to the Astral Plane. The hole, the bag, and any creatures
within a 10-foot radius are drawn there, the portable hole
and bag of holding being destroyed in the process.)
Doki-Chan |
It may be immune to Fire, but it's not immune to anything with Hellfire...
Plus read what happens if it gets killed with Unholy Hellfire Damage...
Normal SR beating rolls apply...
Raven's Shadow 2 |
I don't see how sending the Tarrasque to the Astral Plane kills it. And isn't it immune to rays/cones/lines?
It wouldn't Kill it I misspoke, It would remove from the Material Plane. Unaided it would be stuck in basically limbo. As far as the Immune it a moot point because there is no save, attack, ray/ cone/ or line
I mini black hole with a 10' event horizon.
it opens a
gate to the Astral Plane. The hole, the bag, and any creatures
within a 10-foot radius are drawn there, the portable hole
and bag of holding being destroyed in the process
Doki-Chan |
As far as the Immune it a moot point because there is no save, attack, ray/ cone/ or line
I must admit, I didn't take the Carapace into account, but certain Asmodean things can sub in fire damage with Hellfire as well (Hellfire Blast), also Infernal Sorcerer power (10ft radius burst, ok a reflex save so have a ludicrous CHA for full damage)
Metamagic Unholy Spell can also change half that fire damage to make those fire-specialized Arcane casters feel a little less useless (for a price of course...)
EDIT: Hellfire Ray might work from the inside...(assuming you can survive that long to cast it) then the death blow will also still teleport it to the Pit?
Caverat: only as long as we are dealing with a Neutral Tarrasque...